Ye Shenyue didn't know what to do with this kind of fake "drowning". If they didn't save them, they would take the initiative to float up, but it would be an inextricable situation.

"You go back first, there will be a show at night, if you stay here, then at night, let Yoshino accept one person as the heroine."

As for whether to save or not to save the two "drowning" girls, Yagami decides to throw a bait and let them save themselves.


Are you taking a bath together?

The effect was obvious. Tobiichi Origami, who was still deeply "drowning", surfaced first, and there was no sign of drowning. "I'll be waiting for you in the bathroom,"

She remembered what she said to Ye Shenyue just now, "I like to start with bathing together".


Tohka also surfaced immediately, "No, I'm going too!"

Tohka glared at Origami, God knows what kind of dangerous actions Tobiichi Origami, a classmate who likes to deceive, will do to her Tsuki-kun!

"You still don't go, the bathroom is the place where elves will die..."

Origami-kun's blue eyes moved as she swam around quickly while continuing to "deceive" "Is this true? ... Hmph, Tobiichi Origami, do you think I'm still so easy to deceive? Such deceitful words. I don't believe it!"

Tohka said proudly.She is not an absolute fool. She still understands the use of the bathroom every day. If it is true that the elf will die if you touch it, how can she still live so well?

"So who was deceived before?"

"Ugh... Tobiichi Origami, you bastard!"

Toka was in a hurry, and wanted to catch up with Tobiichi Origami, who was traveling so fast.

So in the eyes of Ye Shenyue, aren't they just two swimmers?

Such swimming skills say that you can't swim, who is lying!

"Yuejun is really popular, it's so lively every time."

After finally coaxing Tohka and Origami away, Ye Shenyue didn't have time to relax, but Xiao Kuang San turned around at the right moment and said loudly.

The small mouth, which seemed to be a fresh petal, was slightly raised, and a lovely smile bloomed.

Originally red eyes flickered, it seemed to be brighter than ever.

This is the eye that sees everything.

"So, it's very difficult to attack me just by relying on you alone! Obediently be attacked by me!"

Ye Shenyue didn't have the embarrassment of "being caught raped in chuang", but let go of Xiao Kuang San's white and tender feet.With outstretched hands, he directly grabbed Xiao Kuangsan's swimming ring and pulled her over.

"I was attacked by you? Then how do you want to attack? Like now... eh... what are you doing!"

Xiao Kuang San's composure could not be maintained at all, because Ye Shenyue had already hugged her two thighs in her scream, hugged Xiao Kuang San, and swam to the shore together.

Then put Xiao Kuangsan down, and the two of them sat on the shore together, but dipped their feet in the frosty water.

"Be quiet!"

Ye Shenyue touched Xiao Kuang San's head.

"What do you want to say?"

Xiao Kuang San did not object to Ye Shenyue touching her head, but felt a little more comfortable.Now Yagami's behavior is very different from the analysis of the main body, and the current scene is like a reclining meeting.

"I want to know more about you!"


"If you want to succeed in the strategy, of course you have to understand the other party, so that you can deploy it..."

Ye Shenyue remembered the words of a certain Raider God.

"You want to say..."

And Xiao Kuang San thought of a possibility, but this possibility is a bit unbelievable.

"That's right, we exchange it for equal value. I ask you questions and you can ask me questions. It's a good deal."

"The first question, what are your measurements at the age of eleven? How are you at the age of sixteen?"

Such an "equivalent exchange" question is more like playing a game if you want to increase understanding.

Xiao Kuang San pouted and immediately joined in.

It's quite interesting.

Before I knew it, the time had passed slowly, and the kitten, who was tired from playing in the water, also crawled back to the shore and lay beside Xiao Kuang San.

"I really don't want you to disappear~" Ye Shenyue took Xiao Kuang San's hand and pulled her small body into her arms, and kissed the other party's smooth pink forehead gently.

"Then let me attack it, the main body also thinks so..."

Xiao Kuangsan buried his entire body in Ye Shenyue's arms.

"Haha... Maybe I'll die for you... That's how you succeeded in attacking..."

It was as if she was saying it in a self-defeating manner, but at this moment, Ye Shenyue still had a smile on her face.

"The main body will not kill you."

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