Can't go back.

Since you can't go back, you can only accept the reality and be kissed?

"Well...unless you disagree..."

Ye Shenyue nodded, but didn't let go of her "god sister" "Also... it's not that I don't want to... it's just... why are there so many people watching here!"

The hands that Yagami was clasping changed from loose to clenched fists.Wuhe sister sauce was embarrassed and angry.

"Really... do you want to kiss?"

One small hand was free and the other was wearing a cute rabbit puppet. Yoshino covered her blue eyes, but the gap between the fingertips could still clearly see the scene in front of her.Little Loli is also watching.

"Hurry up... Yue-jun, what are you hesitating... I can't take pictures anymore!"

Rabbit is holding an ultra-compact camera in his hand, and wearing a hat on his head, which looks like a photographer.It seemed like he was shooting an art film, but this unprofessional act was more of creating chaos than taking the initiative to shoot.

"Come on, Qin Li!"

The happiest one is Tohka, the god of the sword. At this moment, Tohka found the flag of the celebration from nowhere, holding the flag high and waving the flag and shouting...

Obviously she has always cared about it.

He had been staring at Tobiichi Origami all the time.

"Because they're also participants... In order to save Kurumi, I've wronged you first. I can't control the power of the seal spirit, so I can only train through you. If Kotori doesn't agree, I'll go first." Ye Shenyue made a helpless expression, and the palms that held Sister Wuhe's hands were also ready to be released.

"and many more!"

"I really can't help you!"

Just when Ye Shenyue was about to let go of the "resisting" Wuhe sister sauce, Wuhe sister took the initiative. I don't know where she suddenly appeared boldly, and she directly stood on tiptoe and hugged her under the crowd. Ye Shenyue took the initiative to kiss her neck.

Direct lip-to-lip contact, close contact.

The godmother's face turned red.

"Okay... so bold!"

Yoshino, who was watching, also blushed, although she herself was quite active.

"You...don't think about it, I haven't always been so proactive..."

If there were only two people, the sense of shame that seemed to be eroding into the heart would not be so strong, but now that there are so many girls watching, the sense of shame has increased more than tenfold.

At this moment, Wuhe sister deeply felt fortunately that she was not a sister with a white ribbon tied at the moment, otherwise she would cry in shame in such a scene.It would be wise to wait at home in commander mode.

"I understand... Kotori is always arrogant... I understand..."

Ye Shenyue couldn't help laughing after listening to Sister Wuhe's words, "Now that you feel it, has the power in your body increased a little? I'm talking about the power of elves."

The last sentence Ye Shenyue said in a very low voice, almost touching her sister's ear.

"Elf...the power of the elf! Why...why do you remember..."

Sister Jiang showed a surprised expression, does the stinky brother still remember what happened back then?

Just now, he tried to give back a little bit of the power that belonged to his sister-chan's seal in his body, and he really returned a little bit.

It's just that the amount is not well controlled.

"You... what did you say!"

Commander Wuhe blushed, he deliberately turned his head away, "The strength you said did come back a little, but it won't be detected by the instrument if it's not too much."

"It seems that the weight control is not bad... It is said that practice makes perfect so I have to..."

"What do you mean?"

Although she was asking, Sister Wuhe seemed to have guessed what Ye Shenyue meant.

Sister Wuhe is a loli, and of course the next person to start with is also a loli.Loli is the most loving.

"Yeah... yes..."

The blue-haired little loli who was suddenly named blushed like a doll.

"Cut! I just played with my sister, but I went to play with other people. It really is a guy with no morals!"

Wuhe sister still blushed and deliberately asked Ye Shenyue to comfort her, how could she have thought that this guy would just turn his head and look for another person!

In a fit of anger, he immediately returned to Commander Wuhe's mode...

"Help me take pictures of what's going on later!"

"Why should I help you take pictures... No!"

Tohka didn't look too far, and she ignored Tobiichi Origami who always lied to her.Always take her for a fool.

"In exchange, I will also help you to shoot, you can watch the aftertaste alone in a room with no other people... how about it, do you want to help?"

Origami didn't mind, Tohka's IQ was not a threat at all, so Origami-kun started the technique of seduction.

"Alone... alone... reminiscing..."

Tohka seems to have thought of that scene, saying that Ye Shenyue seems to be a lot colder to her recently, and she doesn't spend much time with her. With so many girls around him, maybe he will ignore her even more. If... maybe Doing so comforts herself.

"Then... that's only once... Tobiichi Origami, don't get me wrong!"

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