
Jingzi smiled darkly, she jumped up, and the body of the sword she was holding was emitting a scorching flame, a flaming flame, as if it could completely vaporize a person.

From top to bottom, from top to bottom, he directly slashed at Kuang San's Keke Emperor!

First, the scorching flames scorched, and then a fierce full-strength blow, the golden mysterious and powerful Kekedi, Kuangsan's support, just like this, from the point where the blade touched the Kekedi, it cracked.

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

It only takes another blow to this golden Keke Emperor and it will shatter.


Jingzi swung a knife again, and countless cracks appeared on Emperor Keke's body, all of which shattered, as if the city wall had been destroyed, and shattered.

ps: The third update, please subscribe, please support!

Chapter 0072 Crazy Three (one more for collection)

"Bang bang bang!"

This is the sound of Emperor Keke's shattering, so loud that everyone can hear it.Whether it was Origami Tohka and Mana of the onlookers, or the main body and clones of the related people, they all heard it.

This is the broken voice of Kuang San's angel Kekedi.

Tohka's angel is Duke Slaying, and Sister Wuhe's angel is Burning and Destroying Ghosts. They never thought that their angels would be broken, but they saw Kurumi's angel break with their own eyes and heard the sound of breaking.

"so poor."

For elves, angels are the means by which their weapons protect them, giving them a strong support. Once this support is broken, it will become like this... Lost.

Kuang San was stunned, and all the Kuang San were stunned.

"How...how could..."

However, the cruel fact was not just as simple as making them stunned. What was even more cruel was the fact that the clones that were generated by the power of Emperor Keke began to disappear.

The first thing to disappear is their clothes.

Except for the main body, which was still wearing red and black spiritual outfits, the rest of Kurumi became completely naked at this moment.

"well done."

Jingzi Jiang, who destroyed Emperor Keke, returned to Yeshenyue, and Yeshenyue touched Jingzi's head.

Everything was as he expected. First of all, Kyoko was not afraid of death, and then Kyoko possessed Megalo's unique skills, releasing a powerless mist.

As long as Kurumi loses her strength, she won't be able to shoot, so she won't be able to defend or attack.

That's the key to winning.

As for the naked three around here... that's not what he did on purpose.

At the same moment when Emperor Keke was shattered, Ye Shenyue used Guangdu, so that the avatar Kuang San would not disappear in an instant, so it is still in its original state.It's just clothes, it's force majeure, and he can't explain it.

It's just that Kurumi's figure is indeed very good. It seems that the similarities between Jingzi and Kurumi have to be increased a little more, that is, they have a good figure.

"Actually...we won!"

Seeing Jingzi completely smash the terrifying Emperor Keke from the first time he saw it, Mana couldn't help crying out in surprise.Yes, she has killed Kurumi 721 times, but those Kurumi are completely different from the Kurumi who summoned the angels. The moment Kyoko-chan was frozen by Kurumi and hit by Kurumi, even she felt terrifying. , no matter how powerful she is, she can't move if she is locked in time, she doesn't have the ability to die, so if Kuang San uses this move, she may not be able to continue chasing Kuang San.

"That girl..."

Origami frowned.

"Yue...I want to touch my head too!"

by Tohka.

Tohka stared at Yeshenyue with a pair of purple, clear and lovely eyes, and looked pitifully at Kurumi who was the only one on the scene who was wearing clothes.

That is the mad three of the main body.

But this body does not have the terrible feeling she hates.Because Kurumi's frightening power was shattered.

Her angel was destroyed.

"My side won this battle."

Ye Shenyue squatted down and stretched out her palm to Kuang San who was slumped on the ground.

"It's true that you won... this time you lost a lot..."

Holding Ye Shenyue's palm, Kuang San struggled to stand up, only to be hugged by Ye Shenyue all at once.hug tightly.

"Then...you lost! According to the agreement, you have to promise me a condition."

Ye Shenyue hugged Kuang San and said with a little excitement. He has hugged Loli Kuang San, he has hugged Girl Kuang San, but this is the first time that he has hugged Kuang San. How can I say it?It was as if all the blood was throbbing.

"Hehe... Come on, I really don't know what value I can have without Emperor Keke, the only thing left... Only this body, Yuejun prefers one-to-one or one-to-many? Even if I don't have the power, we still have us! I will never lose to anyone here~~" Kurumi's gaze fell on the many Kurumi on the rooftop.

Although Emperor Keke is gone, she still has her resume, as well as them on different timelines.There is no reason to lose.

Really crazy three!

Just a word can make your heart skip a beat.

He hadn't even said the declaration of his victor, but Kurumi had already guessed it on his own initiative.

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