Kurumi on the right continued.

"So Yuejun, don't refuse..."

This is the simultaneous cry of the remaining three Kurumi.

"You... do you mean that these are all mad three... are all instigated by the main body mad three?"

As soon as the Kuang San's words fell, six small hands were sliding on his body, itching and numb, Ye Shenyue forcefully resisted the urge in her heart and reluctantly spoke.


The six nodded in unison, especially the little Kuangsan. She was originally only summoned by Kuangsan. If Kuangsan didn't agree with her, how could she appear again?

"Just why did Kurumi stop her then? Instead, she wanted to kill herself?"

There was still a doubt in Ye Shenyue's heart. If this doubt was not resolved, it would definitely create an insurmountable ditch between him and Kuang San.

Yes, it was clear that Kuang San had already held his hand at that time, so why did Kuang San still resist?

Although there is still a slight difference between the clone and the main body, these mad three are also genuine mad three, maybe they know the answer.

"Because of that ideal... In order to complete the ideal, we continue to work hard, even if we are killed, we can bear it. It is not that we have not looked back in time, but we have never done it for such a long time, and what will happen then? No one can tell. Maybe then we'll get our lunch together. Maybe then you'll die too..."

Petite and petite Kurumi said with a bit of sadness, their ideals are full of cups, and they might get a lunch in the cups.

"So at that time... the main body chose to give up this opportunity. All we need is your power and the time of an elves."

Once he really promises, he will be involved, and he will definitely go back to the past, and if he goes back to the past, he may never come back.

They can't take this risk.

"Kurumi, how about we kiss?"

Truly a sweet boy.

Ye Shenyue sighed for Kuang San. For the sake of choosing to kill someone, Kuang San still chose to commit suicide.

It's really... Yan Ji is wide.

"Huh? Okay..."

Ye Shenyue doesn't play cards according to common sense at all.Xiao Kuangsan thought that Ye Shenyue would have to be silent when she heard the reason, but she thought that the other party immediately turned to the ambiguous side.

Xiao Kuang San was stunned and then nodded.

"But which one do you want to kiss first?"

The six mad three faced him in unison, with the same lovely and beautiful cheeks facing him.

The six mad three seem to be giving Ye Shenyue a choice problem.

"Of course whoever catches it is whoever it is!"

Ye Shenyue jumped up and stretched out her hands to grab these naughty Kuang San.

If it were Tohka Origami and the others, it would be really difficult for Ye Shenyue to choose who to kiss. After all, no matter who she chose among them, she would be stared at by the rest of the girls.

And then a little injustice could lead to a terrible Niceboat ending.

But now that the target is the mad three, there is no need to choose, because... they are all the same person, how can they be jealous of themselves?

If he was really jealous, Kuang San wouldn't let so many Kuang San come out and lie in ambush on his bed.

"Kiss whoever you catch? Then I'll join in too... Classmate Bu is as bold as ever~~" A familiar and unfamiliar voice came from Ye Shenyue's embrace.


Looking at this lovely blonde girl, Ye Shenyue couldn't help but call out her name.

"Congratulations~~ You got it right~~" Jingzi directly hugged Ye Shenyue's neck and kissed Ye Shenyue's side face, but avoided Ye Shenyue's mouth "The reward is a kiss."

Jingzi Jiang closed her eyes, and her pink-tender lips fell into Ye Shenyue's eyes.

"When did this woman appear?"

by the mad three on the left.

"Do not

Chapter 0075 Qin Li blackened

As a loving sister, seeing such a beautiful girlfriend on her brother's bed, she can't get angry immediately, she should count it a few hundred times in her heart to get angry again.

As a younger sister, you should have a broad mind and be ready to tolerate your erring older brother at any time.

As a god-sister, Wuhe Qinli can sell her cuteness to her brother from time to time and act like a spoiled child.

But now, right now, she saw the behavior of her brother's beasts.

It’s okay to play np, or play with the same person with heavy taste, forget about heavy taste, but also like to let Loli cosplay, it’s getting more and more excessive!Obviously she is also a loli who wants to play, but she can't find the most suitable one!

"this and that……"

Now it's not only the backyard fire, but also the end of the hatchet, Niceboat!

Let's not talk about Tohka, Origami and Mana who can be settled. Now the biggest threat is Wuhe Kotori.

Fucking sister.

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