This is a war of shyness and blackness.

Commander Wuhe also said the same, let him date the elves, then let the elves be charming and shy, and finally seal them.

Elves are girls, too, and darken, but this rule applies universally.

Therefore, using the trick of Jiao·shy might be able to drive away the blackening of Wuhe sister.

"Okay, just kill it like that!"

Sister-chan who can say such terrible words is really terrible.

Ye Shenyue hugged Kotori, and then, in the stunned eyes of everyone, shouted out, "Mana, Yoshino, Kusan, come and help me take off all of Kotori's clothes~~ Light!"

"Take off... take off~ light? Huh..."

This is the stunned Mana and the main body Kuangsan have two clones.

"Could it be that Yuejun suddenly awakened his nature and prepared to be wild? You decided to start with your sister first?"

Unwilling to be unwilling in surprise and excitement~ Lonely hand puppet Yoshina.

"Cough cough..."

"Just do it first..."

At this moment, Ye Shenyue can't wait to kill this rabbit immediately, he is pure, okay, everything is just to make Qin Li Jiao · ashamed!

"Use Jiao·Shy to deal with Qin Li's blackening!"

Ye Shenyue declared her innocence.

In order to prove his innocence, Ye Shenyue took the initiative to put Sister Wuhe on the bed, and then personally unbuttoned her first button.

Then both hands pressed on Kotori's constantly struggling hands.

"My eldest brother... Really want to take all... all off?"

The simple Chong Gongzhen was surprised and said while opening her eyes.

She was still surprised, Ye Shenyue really wanted to slap, slap, slap in front of everyone now?

What a beast!

The mad three collectively thought to themselves that it was just that these mad three did not reflect on their own, and it was even more beastly when they stripped naked and climbed onto Yashenyue's bed.

If Ye Shenyue really stepped into the path of beasts and animals, it was also their prompting.

After all, there are a lot of mad three who can play whatever tricks they want.

"Forget it... It's up to you to hold her down, or I'll take it off. The current state of Qin Li is too terrifying, so you have to calm her down first. Didn't you realize that she had turned black?"

Seeing the distrustful eyes of all the girls in the room, Ye Shenyue's face was still as thick as the city wall.

"And the best way to deal with blackening is to be charming and shy. As long as Qinli is charming and ashamed, she will be freed from blackening."

To the questioning eyes of the girls, Ye Shenyue secretly made an expression of righteousness and awe, I am absolutely right, absolutely righteous.

Then got started.

(Here, the plot of Yashenyue undoing Kotori's clothes is harmonized) Kotori has a reaction.

It was just this recovery that made me excited immediately, and my hands somehow opened up Mana's pressure, grabbed the sheet and covered her body desperately.

"Does it really work?"

The girls stared blankly at Sister Wuhe, who quickly covered up the sheets on her body. Could it be true that there is such a thing as being coquettish and shy against blackening?

"You bird and beast! Bird and beast!"

Sister Wuhe's attitude was particularly excited, especially when Ye Shenyue tried to pull her sheets away, and even kicked her little feet.

Is this being coquettish?

Obviously really arrogant!

If they were alone, my sister-chan would take the initiative to take it off after twitching for a while, but now, in front of so many eyes, Commander Wuhe's face was always red, and he couldn't hear anything.

"Yue... I have something to say about Wuhe Qinli!"

It's just at this moment that Origami, who was tightly pressed by the three mad three, suddenly said this, gnashing his teeth and staring at Sister Wuhe, as if he had a huge resentment.

not good!

Seeing Origami's abnormal performance, Yagami's heart groaned, and he almost forgot the resentment between Origami's classmate and the Fire Spirit.

In the original book, Origami's parents were killed when Kotori first gained the power of the fire spirit.

That's why Origami has hated the fire spirit ever since.

On the rooftop, Kotori displayed the elf of fire, which gave Origami a panoramic view.She has been suppressing until now and has only now erupted.

Chapter 0076 A duel with no morals (on)


With a wooden knife in hand, there were two girls facing each other on the wide flat ground.

The girl standing on the left has beautiful shoulder-length silver hair, like a white porcelain doll.Holding a wooden knife in his hand, he was full of fighting spirit, staring angrily at the girl standing in front of her.

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