Tohka tilted her head in confusion and asked Origami.

"The so-called Heshu is a term used to destroy unsuspecting elves in one fell swoop under the guise of Heshu. This is... a top secret! Short for elves, you must die!"

Turning his head, he answered with a serious face and a serious face.

Tobiichi Origami-san didn't have any expressions of deceit and uneasy heart.

"What... so scary... Moon..."

Tohka's face turned green all of a sudden, and a terrifying expression appeared on her face.

"So it's better for you to give up and go to the dormitory. If you want to continue living with Yue, please take good care of your own life!"

Origami stretched out a hand, which was a helping hand.

"That's right...Yatoshen-kun, it's better for you to stay at home, just to accompany the lonely Yoshino and the others."

Kyoko also stretched out a hand just like Origami, and it was also a helping hand.There was a tone of thought for Tohka in his tone.

"Is that really the only way?"

"Well...then I'll stay..."

Tohka gratefully held Origami and Kurumi's little hands one by one.


At this moment, Ye Shenyue really didn't know how to complain. Tohka went to Origami to ask, it was a big mistake, and now Kyoko has joined the scam, and Tohka has been tricked.

At this moment, Ye Shenyue really didn't know whether she should save Tohka.


Kurumi, who was diagonally behind, smiled and said, "Yatoshen-san is really good at deceiving~~ Really cute~~" That's right, Kurumi used the words cute instead of idiots or idiots.

It seems that Kurumi is also very fond of Tohka, and such a natural stay will not cause harm at all.

Because it's so deceiving!

"So cheating?"

"Origami Tobiichi! You lied to me again, didn't you!"

"You must think I'm an idiot, right?"

Tohka's expression of gratitude changed immediately.Become puffed up, puffed up.


Origami turned her head away in dissatisfaction.

Jingzi was still smiling, and there was no embarrassment to deceive anyone.

"Ah ... I look forward to it ... You can get a night strike at the night ... but people want to step the classmates to attack others at night ~~" It seems that except Shi Xiang is relatively simple, these girls are all A terrible blackened family with many masks.

Ye Shenyue held on with one hand and continued to watch the farce in front of her.

And his mind is drifting into the distance, and he is really looking forward to the next school trip... He has already let Mana-chan release the news, and the DEM company should also take action.

ps: The plot is connecting from animation to novel.

Chapter 0080 The upcoming school trip

"Today, in addition to announcing the beautiful island of the school trip that we are going to, we also have to complete groupings and plane seats."

The head teacher, Zhuhui Okamine, with cute little glasses, smiled and said to the students below who were heartbroken because of Kyoko and excited because of the school trip. "The group stipulates a group of five people, men and women must be separated... You can choose the same sex who can get along with each other~~" "Groups..."

"Five people..."

"Then it's decided." X4 "We're a team!"

Almost at the same time, Kyoko, Origami, Tohka and Kurumi raised their hands together, "Teacher, we want to be with Yue-kun!"

The four girls stood up at the same time, imposingly, with a determined look.

Obviously they are very seductive girls, but the boys' hearts are even more resentful and heartbroken.

There are five people in total, one of Yashenyue, one of Yatoshen Tohka, one of Tobiichi Origami, one of Kyoko, and three of Tokisaki Kurumi. Isn't this a complete team of the emperor and his harem? ?

Even though it's true, just putting it naked in front of everyone still stimulates the boys.

"That... didn't the teacher say that men and women can't live in the same room? What if something happens!"

"That's it... it should be a boy and a boy... Wuhe classmate, we will accept you..."

The boys resisted fiercely.

"This is..."

Teacher Xiaozhu was a little hesitant and seemed to be moved by the boys, "But it doesn't matter... Yashenyue classmates and they are already married after graduation, and Yuejun won't be such a beast..."

"Get married after graduation?"

by the whole class.

"These are four girls!"

by Surprised Boys.

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