"I'm here to tell you... hum... they're actually stupid... idiots..."

Tohka, who seemed to want to regain some face, announced loudly, but someone said it faster than her...

"It's a lover."

"I'm still wearing a cape, I must have nothing underneath, I should be stealing~love!"

"Yue-kun is really cool~ You're pretty~" Tobiichi Origami sang together with Kurumi Sanyi, forcibly making Tohka unable to say anything.

"It's scary... Although I don't understand your thinking very well, it makes people think that you are very dangerous."

"Agreed. Your thinking makes people very worried about whether you can really be regarded as the referee of Eight Dances."

The eight dance sisters, who were ignored for 0.2 seconds, witnessed the scene in front of them with their own eyes.And then sent out the emotion that ordinary people have.These people must be broken.

"But... but if this man can tell us the outcome, then it's okay to be his lover. So, man, hurry up and choose Yakuya as the real Yamori."

Yaguya, who has a distinct personality and is more competitive, suddenly grabbed Yagami Yue's arm and whispered in Yagami Yue's ear.

"No. How can Yakuya seduce men with an ordinary or even poor body in front of Yuzuru? Let's choose Yuzuru. Yuzuru's body is definitely not comparable to Yakuya's washboard. If you choose Yuzuru to become the real Hachiman, Yuzuru will definitely let you enjoy an unusual service."

"What's the matter!"

All the three girls who were left on the cool side looked at them, and they suddenly felt like they were being left aside.

"Now this man is our referee!" said the x2 Eight Dance sisters together. "In order to complete the real Eight Dances, we are competing."

"Competition? Is it a temptation competition?"

"By the way, why are you wearing such a thick cloak in this weather... eh... this... this is..."

Kurumi and Kyoko sang together while talking and lifted the capes of the eight dance sisters.

"It turns out that Yue-kun's interest is like this... It seems that people like it too~" After a minute of silence, Kyoko and Kurumi took turns talking. As for Origami, he took out the leather whip he didn't know where to find it. Come over, a pair of actions that can be launched immediately.

"What is **?"

There was another Tohka looking confused.

"you do not need to know!"

xn "Hey...uh...you're all bad guys!"

Tohka, who was excluded again and treated like a fool again, finally broke out.

Then started kicking the floor.

Taking her as the center, a downwardly concave circle with a diameter of three meters appeared instantly.

And the gap between this circle and the rest of the surrounding land is also a full three meters.

Tohka's "kick" appeared again.

The sudden shaking of the ground seemed to be a sign of an earthquake, which made Eren, who had merged with the newly developed remote-controlled dolls of the AST team, which was no less than the strength of the AST members, and frowned slightly.

Sure enough, you still have to check the situation first and then attack?

ps: Second, please subscribe.Ask for comments.Ask for a monthly pass.

Chapter 0085 Was attacked? (Three more flowers)


Tohka in the corner was crying.

Ye Shenyue had no choice but to continue comforting her, and at the same time once again confirming that the power belonging to the elf in Tohka's body at this moment is still normal.If she restores the power of the elf, I am afraid it will not be as simple as creating this circle that is three meters deep and two meters wide. I am afraid that this small island will sink!

After restoring the floor of the room with "Guangdu", Yagami began to explain the matter of the Eight Mai sisters to everyone.

As a member of AST, Origami should have killed the elves immediately when she heard it, but now she is surrounded by elves, and it is impossible to destroy them.

"That being the case, then we, as the referee, let them play again, and then decide the winner. It's always been a tie or something, which is impossible."

Crazy three can often make the right advice.

So everyone started a fair competition to watch the eight dance sisters.

"The game begins. There are ten seconds left, please keep quiet."


"Yixian can win as long as he takes one step forward! Huh... how do you move another pawn?"

"Xi Xian's brain twitched, and Ye Kuya took the opportunity to shake the dice. It's a 3, and one piece can enter the city... Hey... Why did you move another piece?"

It is said that the emperor is not in a hurry for the eunuch.The people watching the game of the Eight Mai sisters, the flying chess, are really anxious.

What happened to these two sisters?

How can they win so easily? They missed it, or they took the initiative to miss it.

Do you still want to win?

Yes, now the eight dance sisters' game is to play flying chess, whoever wins the game can become the real eight dance, and the corresponding other eight dances will disappear.

However, the fact is that the Eight Dances could win, but they threw away the hope of winning.The chess pieces that could have entered the city didn't go in and just let the opponent eat them!

Where are they trying to win?Obviously want to let the opponent win!

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