An angel belonging to Tohka.

"Actually... it's really a slaughter of the Duke!"

Tohka's face was full of surprise.

It's really easy to deceive... um, it should be very comforting.

Ye Shenyue secretly changed the words, the battle was fought, and Tohka was appeased, so it was time to collect the spoils.

"Very good, successfully captured an Allen!"

Ye Shenyue pulled the robot doll out of the pit where Allen fell into, while Tohka jumped down and grabbed Allen, who had already withdrawn her equipment, and tied her with five flowers before Ye Shenyue said with satisfaction. .

Allen is very powerful, which even Yashenyue does not deny. Although there is equipment in IS that is more advanced than AST, Yashenyue has no absolute certainty that he can defeat Alan.That's why he asked Tohka to fight Allen, because Tohka couldn't beat Allen at all.

Of course, if it is a blackened version of Tohka, maybe it can.

But why is Ye Shenyue willing to let Tohka go black?

The blackened Tohka didn't know him at all, and even if he took the initiative to get up, he would end up being dismembered.

He let the current "very weak" Tohka and Alan fight just to make Alan take the idea of ​​"because the opponent is too weak, the expansion of the random field is also in vain", so Allen at that time did not expand the random field. Alan on defense.

That's why the puppet he threw can hit her and hurt her. If you expand the random field, no matter what it is, it can bounce back and be completely useless.

In the end, when she was about to open the random field or wanted to leave, Tohka slammed the ground and the place where Ellen was standing sank and caught her off guard, and then it was like this, humiliatingly stunned by the puppet .

So far, the Allen capture plan has been successful.

ps: Tohka + Yoshino = Shipwreck for the next chapter. Please subscribe.

Chapter 0087 Toxiang + Yoshino = Shipwreck (two more flowers)



At an altitude of [-] meters on the island. The signal on the DEM's airship that was originally remotely controlling the doll was suddenly cut off.

"Captain, maybe the dolls have been annihilated so the signal can no longer be transmitted."

Excuses such as too much wind and bad signals were all denied by the team members, and in the end, they could only humiliately pass this last message to the captain with a mustache.

They were also helpless, because at the beginning, when the puppets were sent out, they still had contact with Allen, and the signal at that time was also good, but now, Chief Allen's instructions are suddenly interrupted.

And it was interrupted together with the doll's signal, that is, they were all wiped out.

Ellen, known as the world's number one magician, was also annihilated.

This... This is simply a fantasy, as a member of DEM, they have all heard of Alan's power, is this a false name?

The players were in a mess.

"It's not good to be a teacher!"

The captain stroked his mustache with a serious look.At the same time, Allen was defined.

"Prepare to continue sending puppets to rescue Ellen."

The captain made a decisive decision, but he was secretly happy. Originally, Allen stood on his head and issued orders at a young age. Ellen's complicated face.

It seems that this captain also likes to wear small shoes.

"Captain! An unidentified airship was found ahead!"

At this moment, the team members screamed again, more surprised than saying that Allen had failed in the battle.


The middle-aged captain with a moustache and a small belly raised his brows.

"Yes, according to the analysis, it should be the spacecraft of the Ratatosk organization, and the specifications are more advanced than ours."

As a DEM agency that also has the world's advanced equipment, the term Ratatosk is certainly not unfamiliar.It also has high technology, and the other party's technology is more advanced and smarter than his own. This is something that DEM President Ike Westcott cannot bear.

"Ratatosk is the enemy! It must be annihilated!"

The players remember President Ike Westcott saying so sullenly.


The captain exclaimed in surprise. "Requisition the dolls that are going to be sent to rescue Chief Allen, and let's attack Ratatosk's spaceship!"

"Captain, but if something happens to Chief Allen, the president will blame it... Then we will be to blame..."

"What are you afraid of, now it's important to sink Ratatosk's airship. As long as Ratatosk's airship is sunk, it's too late for the president to reward us. How can we punish? And we didn't say that we couldn't rescue Alan. Sir, it's just a delay!"

"That's it, the whole ship is ready! Attack!"

With a slap in the face, the captain stood up and ordered immediately.

In just an instant, the dolls were sent out, armed with heavy weapons.Prepare to annihilate the opponent in one fell swoop.

And the acting commander of Ratatosk's airship, who had actively exposed his stature, Reine Murasame was not in the process of communicating with the approaching puppet army and artillery sent by the defender.A calm look.

"Yue, have you dealt with it on your side? Our side has taken the initiative to reveal our figure."

The team members quickly arrived and looked nervous, but Acting Commander Murasame was still in a shaky state due to lack of sleep.

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