Although it will mess up the hair, these girls seem to like to be touched.

Ye Shenyue began to touch Tohka's head, and Tohka quickly calmed down.

It's just that there is a blue-haired loli in Ye Shenyue's arms at this moment.


The blue-haired loli who no longer needs to cry is still held by Ye Shenyue. Similarly, her cute little mouth is slightly open, it seems that the little loli also has something to say.

"That... Yoshino also... also wants a reward."

The blue-haired loli finally spoke out bravely.

"That's right, how can you only touch Tohka? Obviously Yoshina also wants, you said that Yoshina is your favorite..."

Not only did the blue-haired loli become bolder, but the puppet in her hand also regained her usual boldness. She stretched out two white rabbit hands and grabbed Ye Shenyue's arm directly.

"Then...touch it all..."...Go back to the dividing line of the room...

"We're back, everything went well, Jingzi interrogated Aaron? ... um..."

Just arrived in the yard, just opened the wooden paper door, and a terrifying and familiar picture appeared in Ye Shenyue's field of vision.

It is still a touch of blonde hair, and it is still pure white skin that belongs to Europeans and Americans.

Still tied up with ropes.

It's just that the rope that binds Alan is not the one he and Tohka tied together before. Instead, it is a hemp rope that has tripled in thickness and strength.

It was this hemp rope that tied Allen's body in a strange way and then hung it vertically.

...begging for flowers and there are suspicious whip marks on the ground.

"'s much more comfortable..."

Kyoko was wiping her long knife with a calm and gentle face.

"Look at it, this binding method is a masterpiece of our eight dances."

The Yamai sisters, who had already changed into bath towels, said together.

Knowing that it is your masterpiece, is there anyone in this world who is more proficient in sex than you?

No need to look at Ye Shenyue's heart is also continuing to complain.

"Just now we watched a terrible movie."

There was no more tea, the tea cups had been cleaned up, and the kimono version of Kurumi, who was hiding in the closet alone, pulled open the closet and walked out.

The complexion is a little complicated.Even the ambiguous smile was reduced.

Mad... Mad San actually hid in the closet!

What happened in this room during his absence!

To make Kurumi feel terrible, what terrible thing did Jingzi do to Ellen?

Seeing Jingzi-chan sitting on her knees with a ladylike smile on her face, Ye Shenyue suddenly had the feeling that "Kingzi's gentle expression is a complete vent".

"you you……"

At this moment, Aaron, who should have fainted with blonde hair, suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes were full of complexity and resentment. He was dyed and looked at the three of them, Ye Shenyue, who walked in slowly. I closed my eyes.Not only did he close his eyes, but his bound head drooped down, as if he had suddenly hung up.

hang up... hang up?

Ye Shenyue's eyes widened.

"Yoshino can't see... can't see..."

Yoshina took the initiative to cover Loli's eyes, as if there was a murder case of a wicked person.

"'s alright...she'll wake up after the water splashes over."

With a bright smile, Kyoko-san said terrifying words with a meaningless face.

Sure enough, interrogation is addicting!

ps: Ask for subscription, ask for flowers, all kinds of requests.Thanks for the gift of residual love.

Chapter 0089 Pillow Fight Big Dogfight

Inside the hotel room.

Because it is a shared dormitory, 7 people in the room are not too crowded.It's just that the scene is a little weird now.It is more ambiguous than strange, full of joy.

Like the pillows that are flying all over the room right now.

It is indeed a pillow, the rectangle is still very soft and soft.It doesn't hurt, it just itches.

It's just that even such a pillow, Yashenyue, must always remember not to be hit by these pillows.

Because now there are not one or two pillows, but hundreds of them!

"I'm really dying... I feel like my virginity is lost!"

Ye Shenyue avoided an attack and a pillow attack, but these pillows seemed to be inexhaustible, there were always so many!

Because the night was long, and there was no TV in the hotel for entertainment, Yagami suggested to play a game of throwing pillows.He really didn't want to watch everyone go in the process of throwing pillows ~ all kinds of good things.

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