"It's fine if you don't eat a bento or something."

Tokisaki Kurumi's right eye that was exposed outside was a little strange.

Seems to be... angry.


However, Origami also stood up and stared at Kurumi's red eyes without saying a word, as if to show that she would not back down.

"Yue, who do you say you want to promise!"

x2 Kurumi and Origami asked at the same time, all of them focusing on Yagami.

Is this a small Shura field?

Ye Shenyue, who was caught in the middle, smelled the breath of invisible gunpowder.

"what's going on?"

Tohka, who went to drink water, came back and looked at Origami Yagami and Kurumi, whose expressions seemed a little wrong. She tilted her head slightly and looked confused.

"Well...it's all right...Tohxiang, how about we go to the restaurant for lunch together? There's a lot of bread~~" Ye Shenyue really wanted to praise Tohxiang in public at this moment, and Tohka really came to save him, Rescue him in numerous Shura fields.

With the addition of Tohka, he has one more choice. Choosing Tohka, whether it's Origami or Kurumi, doesn't want to help, even if they get angry, they won't get mad at him.

"Bread? Mmmmmmm..."

Tohka is no longer resistant to the food group.After he died, he betrayed himself and nodded in agreement.


X2 Kurumi and Origami glared at each other dissatisfied, if it wasn't for the other party's spoiler, Yagami Yue would have decided to be with them at noon.

Lively noon.

lunch time.

"That nasty guy of Yato God!"

by Watching Tohka holding Ye Shenyue's hand and leaving, Origami alone.

"Go buy a coffee~~" By Kuang San, who can't cook, Kuang San doesn't know how to prepare things like bento, so he goes directly to the cafeteria.

This time is no exception.

"Look... the twin sisters eight dances are here! They actually passed our corridor!"

At this moment, the boys were boiling again. They were going to see the new class flower of Class 2, but the class flower took the initiative to come over.

"They seem to be looking for someone."

Seeing the eight dance sisters looking around, the boys immediately thought so.

"As long as it's not that big demon king of Roshan."

At this time, Sister Bawu looked at the house number of the class and walked in without any hesitation.The slightly popular boys are posing with attractive poss.Maybe the eight dance sisters came to find them.How can you not perform well?

The Eight Mai sisters were looking around the classroom.Ignore these guys.

The boys were a little relieved, because now a certain enviable and enviable great devil is not here.And the eight dance sisters also had a "found" expression, and they really didn't come to find Ye Shenyue.

The boys were relieved.

"Yo... Tobiichi Origami-kun, where is Tsuki-kun's seat?"

The eight dance sisters walked towards Tobiichi Origami, and then eight dance Yakuya asked bluntly.As someone with a strong personality, she doesn't care about the scorching gazes of boys and girls.

"Same question, Yuejun should be in the classroom at this time. Did we bring a lunch box?"

Yawu Yuxian also followed closely.And she really had a small bento box in her hand.

Ju... actually came to find that guy!

The boys are heartbroken again.Why is the world so unfair!Always envy and hate!

"Tohka, can I borrow classmate Yue first?"

On the other hand, Kurumi, who had already come to the cafeteria, found Yagami Yue and Tohka sitting on the chairs without any pressure, as if they had installed tracking equipment.

Tohka was taking out most of the food on the table.

"Huh? Woohoo?"

Tohka, who still had food in her mouth, could only raise her head slightly.

"In exchange, I can also invite you to a table~~ but it's not a main course, but a dessert~~" Tokisaki Kurumi smiled and brought a cream cake with a good appearance.

"Ten... ten!"

Tohka was almost drooling, this foodie was the least resistant to food.

"make a deal!"

Kurumi smiled softly.He quickly brought ten cakes and then pulled up Ye Shenyue with a slightly helpless look on his face and left.

Tohka is really easy to be bought, he is only worth ten cakes!

A powerlessness reverberated in Ye Shenyue's body all the time.

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