However, seeing Mei Jiuyi mentioning that the producer is still a little unhappy, Ye Shenyue did not pursue it. After all, there is nothing to regret about such a producer.

"Let's not talk about these things, let's talk about yours... Now there are only two ways in front of you, either kiss me and hand over your excess strength, or you will live the life of being caught by the DEM agency and imprisoned for autopsy. Life. This DEM society stands on the opposite side of our organization to solve the problem by peaceful means. They advocate killing, capturing and dissecting spirits. Our organization has people like me who are not afraid of your ability, and of course there are people in the DEM society who are not afraid of your voice. , so even if I let you go, you will be caught by them, and they may cut your throat to study your voice and see how your vocal cords look like... tsk tsk tsk... then you can be caught If you speak, I'm afraid you can't even make a sound!"

"I'm not intimidating. Don't forget your current elf status. The fluctuation of your power has been noticed by everyone, so now you go out as a turtle in a urn, and anyone can kill you!"

"How? Which one to choose? Lose your voice completely or... kiss me!"

Ye Shenyue suddenly held down Meijiu's face, so that she couldn't avoid her eyes and could only stare at him.


Miku was excited, but she gritted her teeth and said nothing.

Ye Shenyue continued to look at her.Miku had no choice but to look back.

"Don't...don' choice!"

Miku closed her eyes and made trouble like a child, as if she thought she could get rid of everything just like this.

"Do you disagree?"

However, Ye Shenyue decided that Mei Jiu was not agreeing, and raised her brows, but Mi Jiu-sama's heart jumped wildly.

"Then continue to close the door and let Jingzi. This time Jingzi-chan is not trying to scare you with a knife. What she is best at is carving in the air... Such a beautiful face is really... It's a pity..."

Ye Shenyue touched Meijiu's face involuntarily. Meijiu's face was not only white but also very tender, almost catching up with Little Loli's.

What do celebrities really like to maintain?


A terrible scene suddenly appeared in Miku's mind.She was still tied by the eight dance sisters and hung beautifully in the air.Then a certain blood-red flying girl with a pig-killing knife in her hand walked over with a frantic smile while licking the blade.

pop, pop, pop...

It was the sound of the crazy blackened girl swinging the knife and landing on her.

The girl slashed towards her, the flesh and blood stuck together, and fell to the ground little by little, and then her remaining consciousness was silently watching the blood on the ground.

This...this is even scarier than taking away her voice!

Miku-sama collapsed.

"I... my dear!"

A strong fear struck, Miku-sama finally bowed his head.It was a shame, an absolute shame, but it was a decision that had to be made.

ps: There are 2 more chapters to end the date.ask for subscription

Chapter 0097 Looking back thirty years ago (one more subscription)

"Okay... my dear!"

After making a helpless decision, Miku-sama was still bound by the superb binding method of the eight dance sisters, but at this moment her body was tightly hugged by Ye Shenyue, and then Ye Shenyue's The face sticks up.

After giving in, Miku looked at Ye Shenyue and really let her kiss her, but she hesitated.

Now it's a man who is holding her, and the one who wants to kiss her is also a man's lips!

She hates men the most!

This... is this going to make a fuss!

Miku thought that she could close her eyes and kiss her blindly, but she opened her eyes to look at this man.

The first man to hug her, the first to kiss her.

The man who seems to have taken away a lot of her first time.

Miku's heart is strange.This is the first time I have felt this complex and contradictory feeling.

The posture that Ye Shenyue held her was a bit strange, because the current Miku was hanging, so the height of the girl falling in his arms, the height of the little face against the chest was not the chest nor the face.

The current Miku was so close to him that Miku had to look up to see him, looking at his lips.

Looking at it from a distance, it doesn't seem so annoying?

Watching Miku's mind shift with ups and downs.

"What the hell am I thinking!"

Miku shook her head vigorously, showing a struggle.She suddenly felt that she was broken now.

However, approaching Ye Shenyue's face again, Meijiu's heart tightened.

Obviously it's just a kiss, how could it be... so difficult!

At this moment, Miku-sama was really powerless.

If you kiss, you will be free, you will not be hunted down, and you can live the life you want. If you don't kiss, you will be divided by the human body, your throat will be cut off by the DEM club, and your voice will be lost.

On the huge golden scale in the heart, the result is obvious, the weight of the kiss is lighter, and the weight of being killed by various kinds of torture can't be heavier.

In comparison, kissing is more cost-effective.She couldn't afford the overweight price of being tortured and killed.

"Yo Xi!"

Meijiu secretly made up her mind, regardless of whether she closed her eyes or opened her eyes now, there is only one ever-changing number in Meijiu's eyes and heart.

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