
At the beginning, the young man who was faster than Ye Shenyue came to see if the young woman could be rescued, and the young man stood up. At this moment, Ye Shenyue also stood up, and Ye Shenyue found that this person was actually faster than him. It's still so... 5 centimeters higher?


And... Ye Shenyue's gaze fell on the other's face, and then on her chest.

A strange feeling rushed up.

This is a girl. Although her chest has no capital, it is not an airport like Aria, and it can be easily identified.

This is a girl, short hair, neat and clean.

His eyes were a little dull, as if he was arrogant, or he didn't want to take things he didn't care about in his heart.

He was wearing the same school uniform as him, a male school uniform!

It's a girl, but she's wearing a school uniform!

If Ye Shenyue was just more surprised than this, then he would have walked through so many worlds in vain, and now he is really surprised by the identity of this girl!

"Hundred-eyed ghost... Quiet?"

In addition to his name, Xiaokui's cry has another person's name, that is Hundred Eyes Ghost!

The original good friend who would rather stand in the rain for more than [-] hours without giving up the protagonist's hand - Hundred Eyes Guijing!

And now, the tall girl next to him nodded, not much angry, but it was extremely terrifying, Ye Shenyue actually had a certain kind of certainty in her heart that nothing could be changed, this girl was that hundred-eyed ghost!

Hundred-eyed ghost has become a woman!

What the hell is this?

Nianghua happens every year, especially this year, and Kana is no problem. Now the world is about to subvert his worldview.

Even Ye Shenyue was going to lie in a pool of blood.

"what happened?"

This is a lifeless voice, there is nothing to care about, but it is strange, Ye Shenyue actually thinks that the other party is caring about him.

Especially when the voice fell to the slender fingers that had already grabbed his arm, what was the expression that didn't matter?


Ignore these for now.

What Ye Shenyue cares about now is the scar that seems to have doubled on Xiaokui's smile.

Xiaokui's calamity is not fake, but now, although Yagami doesn't think he can read minds like Miss Yuko and Gaia Loli, he seems to be able to guess what Xiaokui is thinking about now. One or two.

Xiaokui is taking the cause of the car accident on her body, thinking that it is another misfortune that she has brought to people.

You must know that this is not her fault at all. Even if it is really because of her, it is not from her original intention. She is obviously such a lovely girl, why did she suffer such a tragedy? If there is a chance in the future, I must go Ask the goddess of disaster in this world, why did she choose Xiaokui?

Even though her heart is strong, it was made by her blood and tears bit by bit.

"Xiao Kui... what a coincidence..."

Yeshenyue winked at Baimugui, just as Baimugui also looked over, and then blocked in front of him, Ye Shenyue squatted down quietly, and took out a small piece of natural teeth from her pocket, taking advantage of the driver The moment she turned around, she slid a knife on the face of the young female whose heartbeat had stopped.

The Hundred-eyed Ghost covered his figure so that Xiaokui couldn't see what he was doing.

ten seconds later.

"Xiao Kui... You are really the goddess of luck..."

Ye Shenyue turned around and said with a smile, and at the same time quietly hid her natural teeth in her pocket. At this time, Baimu Guijing avoided it just right, as if nothing happened.

"Goddess of Luck?"

It was the first time to hear such a title, and Jiu Xuankui was obviously a little surprised, but her eyes widened in the next second, what did she see? , She saw the young woman who was still lying in a pool of blood, the woman whose heartbeat should have stopped, actually stood up like this.

It cannot be said that he stood up, he stood up while coughing up blood, and then lay down again.

"Move... move... actually... alive again... ambulance... ambulance!"

The driver was still thinking of calling the police, but seeing the scene in front of him, he immediately dialed the number of the ambulance.

It turns out that this person hasn't died yet... there is still help!


Xiaokui's heart didn't know what it was like. This was the first time, the first time that the injured person was so close to the injured person.

Could it be that...she is no longer doom?

For the first time, the mood of the girl with the brown bow was less hazy.

The Baimu Ghost beside Ye Shenyue stared at Ye Shenyue's profile for a while.

Almost slapped him.

Ps: For the sake of the plot, start the journey of motherhood.Baimugui and April [-]st are really in love. I'm sorry for the rotten girls.In addition, cast a vote, the number of votes in the world of random access is somewhat close.

Chapter 0008 The First Mission

School, football field.

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