Her dislocated hand has recovered.

Jing still wanted to connect it directly, but Ye Shenyue understood the kind of pain that would come on suddenly after being dislocated. He didn't like it. How could he let this girl try it?

And this girl was someone who put her trust in him almost, so Ye Shenyue used Guangdu, which she finally recovered.

Although the strength recovery is insufficient, only 1%, but it is still enough to deal with these small injuries.

The ability of Guangdu is not just as simple as a treatment. The principle of the treatment is to stimulate the regeneration of cells in the body and then quickly restore the wound. Jing itself has powerful blood flowing, so the stimulation of Ye Shenyue quickly recovered.

However, when they stood up, Ye Shenyue's body swayed as she looked at such a large and shattered school building.

"Are you OK?"

Seeing that Ye Shenyue was about to faint, Jing held him just right.

She frowned slightly and didn't like to express her quiet concern.Could it be that the other party just used that light crossing and then exhausted his power?

: "It's okay now... something will happen later..."

If Ye Shenyue really wanted to leave these teaching buildings alone, and it wasn't because he destroyed it, he didn't want to restore anything.He only recovered a little, if he really recovered, then he would definitely be lying on the bed.

But if it doesn't recover, how should all this be explained?

, Just like the human world has the theorem of the human world, this supernatural world also has the regulations of the supernatural world, you can't show your power to ordinary people, and you can't arbitrarily destroy the buildings in the human world, lest news of monsters spread.

If it spreads out, it may cause terrible things.Therefore, the monsters can only harm a small area and cannot be detected by too many people.And now, this terrifying teaching building doesn't look like it could be made by humans, it looks like a monster no matter how you look at it.

That being said, Ye Shenyue is really obliged to repair it.

It's just that after this repair, doesn't he have to lie down and can't straighten up?

However, the fact is that after the restoration, Ye Shenyue did not lie down or straighten up, but was comatose due to excessive use of strength and was carried back by someone.

"This is...where?"

The window was open, and the night breeze was blowing from the window, and Ye Shenyue gradually woke up.Then I saw an unfamiliar ceiling and a sakura tree shrouded in darkness outside the window.

It seems to be a yard here, and it has a quiet feeling.

"you're awake."

Neither salty nor bland voice, no surprise or surprise.

It's a voice that doesn't express feelings.

To Ye Shenyue, this voice was very familiar.

Touching her head and getting up, she saw a delicate but expressionless face for some reason, as if no one owed her money.


Ye Shenyue suddenly recognized this girl who was drinking tea silently.

"This is my home...the monastery left by my grandfather."

As if she already knew Ye Shenyue's next sentence, she said it calmly, and then introduced, "This is the room..."

Who didn't know this was a room!

Ye Shenyue didn't want to continue complaining, because he discovered something more important.


He looked down at his clothes, and then had a strange feeling.

"I...my clothes..."

Now this pale white long yukata is not his!

When was it stripped and then put on again?

"It was raining lightly when you came back, and your clothes were all wet, so I took a bath for you... and changed into a bathrobe."

There was no expression, not the slightest bit of shyness that a girl should have.Not only that, but he thought it was normal and calm.

Well, Ye Shenyue lowered her head. For Jing, the definition of an ordinary girl simply doesn't work.

Oh, and Miss Yuko is the same, if this really happened, maybe she would say something. "You changed your clothes while you were still wet, thank me... Well, of course I have to pay the price..."

As for Xiaokui... um, he should find someone to help him change his clothes.After all, she is still in that kind of physique and can't be in contact with others.

Ye Shenyue was silent for a while.

These girls... don't seem to be ordinary girls.

Where is the shyness of girls?

Now, the only thing Yagami is thinking about is that cute, innocent and shy Zashiki boy.

That...is the only normal girl.

Ye Shenyue thought so.

Chapter 0012 I will pinch you if you don't move

Although the process is not very satisfactory, but in any case, the matter has come to an end, and Xiaokui's friend's school has returned to normal, but what makes Yagami Yue puzzled is, what price did Miss Yuko take from Xiaokui?

In this regard, Miss Yuko kept her secret, but it wasn't really a mystery because she still had a price to pay. "If you want to know, pay an equal price." That's what she said.

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