In Tsubasa Chronicle, there is a white Mocona, and in Miss Yuko's place is this black Mocona, who loves to sell cute, drink, play tricks, and act like a spoiled child.

What does this Colloid have to do with him?

As far as the connection with the Wing Chronicle is concerned, his identity on April [-]st seems to be... a stand-in for Little Wolf.

And Crowley is an ancestry-like relationship.So it looks like something... Of course it is possible.

He already knew this kind of relationship, so he didn't need to use this Moco to tell it.Holding Mo Ke Na's head, he grabbed it and threw it in the vegetable basket. Although the place he picked was a place with little traffic, no matter how much Mo Ke Na was playing, he would still be discovered.

"Chinese cabbage!"

Mokona, who was thrown in the basket, wanted to continue to feel unhappy... just looked at the next cabbage thrown in, and immediately hugged it.

The foodie was satisfied, but Mo Ke took the cabbage happily holding it but raised his head thoughtfully.Then look at Ye Shenyue.

His mouth moved but he didn't speak.

If Ye Shenyue looked at it at this time, it would have told him the slightest bit of news, but Ye Shenyue was looking elsewhere at the moment, Miss Yuko said she was going to drink... It seems that there is not enough wine in the house.

Mocona shook his head, this was something he didn't grasp, so he couldn't blame it.

And Ye Shenyue also overlooked one point, his current appearance is his own appearance, and it has nothing to do with the appearance of the original book.

In other words...he must have some kind of mysterious relationship with Crollido...

"It's really unfortunate... If I had known, I would have bought an extra umbrella when I was in the supermarket."

Just halfway through the journey back from the supermarket, a piece of rain fell, almost soaking Ye Shenyue's clothes, and hurriedly ran to the side of the private house to hide from the rain.

"It's okay, it's's okay, it's okay..."

And Mocona, who kept rubbing its Chinese cabbage in the vegetable basket, seemed to have nothing to do with it.

It is indeed none of my business, because it stayed in the 850 vegetable basket and was not drenched at all.


Mokona suddenly called out.

Ye Shenyue directly picked up the black bulging thing and let it rain.

Makona struggled, puffed up.

And Ye Shenyue originally wanted to play with it, but at this time, she stopped involuntarily.

In this misty rain, a figure gracefully floated down from the sky.

He seemed to be holding a thick and rich-colored umbrella, wearing a solemn black dress representing nobility, and wearing small black leather shoes on his feet.

This is……

Ye Shenyue couldn't help but look up, and it happened to meet the... dark red... panties!

It's actually panties!


The girl who was about to fall to the ground with her hair tied up in a fluffy double ponytail, her eyes shining like black gems... just got stuck in mid-air.

Silence arises.

Makona's mouth was slightly deflated and did not move.

Ye Shenyue raised her head.

The girl floating in the air lowered her head and stared at him.


The girl who had been floating in the air for a second had already closed the umbrella, and then called Ye Shenyue.

"You pervert!"

The girl was very indignant, and Ye Shenyue was very indignant too. He didn't mean to watch it, it was obviously the other party who showed it to him on purpose.

But no, the other party is floating in the air, or directly above him, and he can see something with a slight lift of his head. This is not intentional to show it to others.

He is wronged.

ps; Thanks for the monthly pass from the East.

Chapter 0014 Wisteria

Bang bang bang!The Rain Maiden tapped the tatami on the ground with a luxurious black umbrella.This is not an ordinary tatami but a hard, small tatami made of wood.

It separates her from the tatami on the ground.

Hey...why do you give me hurts...the average lady has to keep the whole seat posture, almost all the weight is placed on the knees, if the feet are soft pads now That's nothing, but it's wood, hard wood.

"There's nothing you can do about it... Who called you a virgin rain, if you leave it alone, then this place will be wet..."

Miss Yuko shrugged and said, she didn't mind asking Xiaoduo Xiaoquan to bring her a long cigarette stick, lit it, took a deep breath, and then glanced at Ye Shenyue, who was sitting on the left, with a wicked line on the corner of her mouth. Laughing, "But this is still my family's idea on April [-]st..."

"April [-]st?"

The Rain Girl immediately aimed at Ye Shenyue, who was sitting upright.

It can be said that Miss Yuko's move to change the topic is not bad.After all, the current Rain Girl still regards him as a lecher, why did he deliberately hide under her skirt and peek at the bottom of her skirt!

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