
"Well...that's it...the mission has been completed, so...your reward...should be given..."

Miss Yuko leisurely smoked a cigarette of unknown brand that still smelled very fragrant, while speaking calmly... She really had an expression that even her own brother had to settle the bill.

"Well... we are also old friends,"

At this time, the rain girl, who has always been domineering, is a little embarrassed.It seems to be shirking, "I didn't expect the task to be completed so quickly... So..."

"So... I didn't bring the reward? Tsk tsk tsk... I know that the Rain Maiden who is in charge of the rain is rumored to be very rich... How could it be that you can't even pay such a small price? "Miss Yuko is obviously squeezing Rain Maiden.

The last "too rich and oily" made Yutong Girl's teeth itch with hatred. How could she be rich and oily? Compared with Miss Yuko, she was obviously poor and sour.

However, she is Rain Maiden, not a monster but an elf with a higher level than the monster. If it is true that there is something about breaking an appointment or a bad debt, I am afraid that all the monsters will laugh at her.

"The reward will be sent in a few days. Equivalent exchange."

Yutong Girl's dissatisfied expression, Miss Yuko is really bad, she must have fallen into Qian's eyes!

Rain Girl thought angrily.

"Oh? Qianyan..."

It's just surprising that Miss Yuko, who was still smoking a long cigarette, suddenly said a word, and her half-open eyes suddenly opened, and the sudden degree of scare was no less than squinting all the time. Mokona's eyes suddenly opened low, not to mention, this frightened the Yutong girl so much that she quickly stepped down from the tatami and was about to run away.

Rain Girl VS Yuko-san.

Rain Maiden is a complete defeat.

Ye Shenyue shook her head, how could someone with such a bad personality as Miss Yuko surrender her?Therefore, the rain girl can only run away when she touches the reverse scale.

This is the sadness of a girl meeting a royal sister.

"I'm going back today...but..."

The rain girl didn't say that she was scared away by Miss Yuko's stare, and continued to pretend to be calm, "However, Yashenyue, remember it for me, I want the story of you being a lecher to not exist in that world. Propaganda on the reservation!"

As she said this, the Rain Girl didn't give Ye Shenyue a chance to react at all, and immediately started from her feet and disappeared little by little, turning into droplets of clear rainwater.

"Hey...how can you just frame... um... I really didn't mean to..."

When Ye Shenyue heard that Yu virgin was still thinking of trying to smear his reputation, he immediately became popular and rushed over at his fastest speed. He swears to God that at first he just wanted to catch him. The Rain Virgin wouldn't let her escape like that.

Who would have thought that because the speed was too fast, this rush and this grab really grabbed her upper body before it had time to disappear.

soft parts.

Looking at the two hemispheres that he had grabbed and changed shape, Ye Shenyue jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't wash it.

"Oh...I didn't expect April [-]st to be such a person..."

Yuko-san's eyes were half-open, and her tone seemed to be a little low.

"Sex demon!"

"April [-]st is a sex demon... a sex demon..."

x2 Xiao Duo Xiaoquan and a Mocona were also joking around.

The whole scene was embarrassing.

|"|You... a lecher!"

Indignant and indignant, Yutong Nu shouted but couldn't stop, and could only disappear like this.

This is a spell similar to the teleportation array, which can make people disappear instantly and then appear to the places that have been explored before.

It is also a trick that Yagami Yue is familiar with, Ariel and the others like to use, but when this trick is used, it cannot be stopped while it is in progress.

Therefore, in the indignant cry of Rain Girl, her upper body also disappeared into the air bit by bit.

And then never found again.

three seconds.

The rain maiden disappeared for 3 seconds...


Ye Shenyue's face was not very good, or it was Miss Yuko with a flirtatious tone, "I have already bullied others... Why don't you catch up and take responsibility for others? The fairies living in Lingshan are very simple. My dear boy, you suddenly did that kind of thing to Yu virgins, have you already thought about when to ask for marriage?"

Miss Yuko stood up from her seat, then walked step by step in front of Yagami, and said with a slender finger poking his chin.

"Begging for a kiss! And also a gift... and a gift..."

Makona is definitely Miss Yuko's most loyal subordinate, and immediately took over the conversation and continued to join in the fun.

And it's still fanning the flames.

"Uh... any of these can be..."

Now Ye Shenyue has completely confessed, no matter what he says, everyone will understand him as a lecher.

But that's fine, Ye Shenyue calmed down.

They've shown him the worst option.What could he not bear?

Ye Shenyue looked at the little girl Hirota Masami who seemed to be more than three meters away from him because of what happened just now, and said helplessly.

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