So it can only be an accident, an accident.

It's all Ayumi's fault.

"Yoshida-san, you misunderstood. I just said that Yagami is a very bad guy, you have to be careful of him, don't let him peek at him when you take a shower..."

At this time, the petite Huiyuan-chan crawled out from under the bed without any hassle, and then seemed to be speaking softly, not at all unusual.

" clearly didn't say that just now..."

Ayumi retorted.

"That's why you heard it wrong... It's impossible for me to say that kind of thing. After all, it's really not something that ordinary people can say about being peeked at the bath..."

The girl with short brown hair was not affected at all by her attitude.Still the old god.


Ayumi was at a loss for words for a while, and Ye Shenyue quickly grabbed her, "Okay, okay... We're here to find clues... We're looking for clues... Don't fight in your own nest..."

Once there is only Ayumi's defeat in the fight, poor Ayumi-chan, you can't fight Haiyuan who has turned into a villain.

Ye Shenyue pointed under the bed and pretended to have just discovered it, then pulled out the oil painting hidden under the bed.

"Look... is this a clue? Your brother seems to like to copy Natsume Soseki..."

Ye Shenyue changed the topic and took the initiative to provoke clues, and the appearance of chatting and laughing made Conan sigh in frustration.

Ye Shenyue doesn't know, he is always leisurely, but that's what makes Conan even more uncomfortable, occupying Xiaolan who he likes at home, but in the case, he seems to be lazy and lazy It's too much, but sitting at a random point often finds the key to solving the case.

How can he live after searching all over the place and working so hard?

"Natsume Soseki? Is it more expensive than eel rice?"

Yuanta is still so cute, and everything is associated with eel rice.

"I remember Natsume Soseki... It seems like the portrait on one thousand yuan, but that's where it came from... um..."

Mitsuhiko-kun began to popularize.It's just that he doesn't seem to know enough.Halfway through, he got stuck, and he really hadn't studied it.

"Natsume Soseki..."

Just when Conan finally began to popularize and use his superhuman knowledge, one of them spoke first.

Short brown hair, beautiful calm eyes, and a slightly thin body.

This is Gray.

"Rinse the mouth on the stone and take the water as the pillow, this is a story, and it tells a strange meaning, but there is also a person named Natsume Soseki, a famous person in history... In order to commemorate him, his head was used to make coins. now..."

Excitingly, Xiao Ai didn't stop there, as if he had studied deeply.

"So that's how it is... Haiyuan-san, you know a lot..."

After admiring Conan, Mitsuhiko praised Haiyuan again. He thought he was already good, and it seemed that there was still a lot to learn...

"Is this what this age will understand?"

Conan frowned slightly, but at this time he was stunned by the news that Junya said.

Jun also said that his brother met a woman who was covered in black at an art exhibition a few days ago, and that woman gave his brother a bad feeling.

No matter how that woman feels to Junya's brother, the feeling she feels to Conan is great now.


"The people in the organization were wearing the same black as the crows, and everyone had a bottle of wine as a codename, like Walker and Gin."

This is what Hirota Masami told him during the 10 billion yuan robbery case.

Could it be that Jun Ye's brother was also kidnapped by the Black Organization?

There seemed to be blood surging in Conan's body, and he finally had the opportunity to touch the black-clothed organizations, those organizations that made his body smaller!

At this time, Conan can't wait to go to confrontation immediately.

And here.

Ayumi's originally puffed face suddenly became about to cry.

"Uuuu...Haiyuan is must like her...I'm so sorry, I don't know anything, I'll only bother you, it will only cause trouble...Uuuu..."

It would be fine if she cried, but Mei-chan didn't really cry, "You should like her! I quit!"

Ayumi actually turned 2.6 over.

A wounded look.

Hey...Ayumi, don't just admit defeat.

Xiao Ai hasn't said anything yet, you just failed like this.

Ye Shenyue covered her forehead.

This little girl's thinking, he really can't just guess.

Right now, I have to start comforting the starting beauty sauce in Xiao Ai's sarcastic eyes.

Although Xiao Ai, a loli who has a bad personality and likes to play tricks, is also very loving, but Ayumi-chan is a real loli. A purebred loli is a real loli in both heart and body. Such a loli can't be in vain. let go.

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