"Is it 10 minutes?"


Even with Conan-kun by his side, he knows that Conan has the title of "Death Primary School", but it's impossible for a case to appear within 10 minutes, right?Xiao Ai thought about it and agreed, but she really wanted to see Ye Shenyue's depressed expression.

It is best to use the camera to take a few more pictures of the other party wearing women's clothes.

There will be something to coerce the other side in the future.

Xiao Ai suddenly thought of it very far.

"Okay! If there is no case, you will wear women's clothes! And you will wear them all day...well, when you go to school!"

Conan was so depressed by the name "Death Primary School" that Ye Shenyue took, he didn't have a murder case wherever he went, it was just that his luck was so bad.

And only in 10 minutes?

Regardless, he still has a good chance of winning.

Conan-kun still wants to take revenge on Yashenyue, so he can't wait to look at his watch, and he also keeps time.

But it was only ten minutes, and it passed in an instant.

How is this possible when a case emerges in ten minutes?

"Okay... Then let's start! Xiao Ai timed!"

Ye Shenyue just said that, and then the corners of her mouth turned up all of a sudden, "Conan...you lost...the case has come to 030!"

Ye Shenyue pointed to the stage.A flat football was lying under the table.

It was still bulging just now.

"how is this possible!"

It's not even a minute before the case appeared?This is a lie!

Conan also ran off the stage. This speed... was unbelievable. The small body leaned forward and jumped down, directly under the fence.

Football is unnaturally flat.

Yagami brought the soccer ball over, and then showed Conan the hole in the soccer ball.

The hole was still a little hot.The small hole seemed to be pierced by something quickly.

"If you look for it, you should be able to find something..."

Seeing the uncle who was maintaining order on the football field come over, Yagami abandoned Conan and jumped back to the stage.

Leaving Conan alone found the bullet shooting the football and was hanged by the uncle.

"Did you know something?"

Xiao Ai poked Ye Shenyue, ignoring the thing she lost to kiss before.

"How can..."

Ye Shenyue waved her hands again and again.Even if he knows, he can't tell Xiao Ai, otherwise, wouldn't he be in vain if he knew about the plot in advance?

So how does Xiao Ai still soak it?

Ps: Officer Muto appears in the next chapter.It means that Muto seems to have become the face of the public, and it seems that Mr. Kobayashi and her have the same face.

Chapter 0032 Arena Indiscriminate Intimidation Incident (Part [-])

"I think you don't want to see the scene where the crowd is panicking? Fifty million, prepare fifty million, or I will shoot casually in the arena!"

The real intimidation begins after Conan discovers the soccer ball being shot.

The prisoner called Nisei TV directly, and then began to blackmail and threaten.

The prisoner himself admitted that he was still in the arena with a pistol in his hand, and if the TV station did not cooperate with the blackmail, he would shoot the audience immediately.

In other words, these audiences have become hostages, and they are still huge hostages.

A full fifty-six thousand people.

The police can't protect it no matter what.

"This is a case that happened because of you, so it's up to you to solve it by yourself, we won't participate..."

Ye Shenyue and Xiao Ai stood in front of Conan, and Conan had already met Officer Mumu.

Although the prisoner said that he was not allowed to notify the police, how could he be extorted if he was extorted?Rimai TV still called the police.Everyone who came here is familiar with the police officer Mumu who searched the first class.

"And, don't forget to put on women's clothes obediently after the case is over!"

Ye Shenyue added, "It doesn't matter if you don't have women's clothes, I'll help you borrow a little from Xiao Ai, don't worry, it's all skirts, you can choose slowly..."

"Of course, as a reward for borrowing, I'll take a few pictures of you wearing women's clothes..."

Xiao Ai spared no effort in hitting Conan.After all, her sister is still cultivating in a porcelain vase.

"Why...you two...devils!"

Conan stared at Ye Shenyue and Xiao Ai with a light smile.

"It was a happy decision, Xiao Ai and I went to play first..."

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