Conan's face suddenly changed, and then he glared at Ye Shenyue.

What is this scene now?This is the scene where the criminals come to get the ransom!The prisoner might still have a gun on his body, what should he do if he is accidentally wounded?He is not responsible!

"Shh... the prisoner is here..."

Seeing Conan's depressing gaze, Ye Shenyue laughed in her heart, thinking that she had finally cheated Conan, but before the smile came out, she focused her gaze on the man who appeared from the corner.

Wearing a suspicious coat and wearing a hat low, it seems that he doesn't want to show his appearance.Very suspicious dress.


Ye Shenyue heard the voice of the code.

Then, several people rushed out from behind the pillar and headed directly towards the prisoner who picked up the black leather bag placed in the center of the aisle.


The young male criminal policeman attacked him with an elbow, but was avoided by the alert prisoner, and then a heroic female criminal policeman with a knitted hat sprang from behind the prisoner, grabbed the prisoner's arm directly, and then An over-the-shoulder fall knocked the prisoner down.

When the prisoner was dizzy from the fall, a handful of pistols were already pointed at him, and other ambush policemen had already been dispatched to bring the prisoner under control.

"Good... so handsome!"

If the male detective's attack just now didn't work, then the clean and sassy action of the female detective has captured the hearts of the juvenile detective team.

Even Conan, who has been using Dr. A Li's feet to enhance his shoes, opened his eyes wide. After all, he used his own strength, alone, to force a big man to the ground with his daughter's body!


That's the only compliment that can be said.

"I really want Officer Sato to fall over the shoulder..."

And Ye Shenyue sighed a little.

"Fall over the shoulder? You are really obsessed, you even have a tendency to be abused..."

Xiao Ai folded her arms and said softly, her tone full of blows.

"'s just that she's absolutely amazing..."

Ye Shenyue hurriedly denied that he had no habit of being abused.

I just think... how should I put it, Officer Sato is very cool.This serious move is really handsome, this is the policewoman!

"You are... how come you are here... this is a very dangerous place!"

At this time, the police officer Mumu, who heard the voice, suddenly showed a terrifying and frightening face, and shouted loudly.

"I'm sorry..."

I have to say that Officer Mumu is still very scary, especially when he is angry, this angry look is enough to frighten children.

Wonta started to apologize.

And then the entire boy detective team also showed their faces.

walked out obediently.

It's probably quenching the anger of Officer Mumu.

"You are……"

At this moment, Police Officer Sato, who had already restrained the prisoner and let the other police officers control the opponent, rushed over.

He rushed directly to the front of the juvenile detective team.

"I'm sorry..."

Conan and the others thought that this sassy policewoman sister was going to get angry.

"Matsuda Jinping?"

However, at this time, Officer Sato suddenly stretched out his hand, and then picked up Yagami Yue in the surprised expressions of Xiao Ai and the others.The pretended Sven eyes that had brought him on the bridge of his nose were taken off.Lips with light lipstick moved slightly, and then a name that seemed to be familiar was pronounced.


Ye Shenyue's eyes suddenly widened, what's going on?

At this time, a low male voice came from the cell phone of the prisoner who was being searched, "Hurry up and let go of my companions, Nippon TV, your burden is really big enough, don't you care about the lives of the audience? As long as I Shoot, and there will be casualties immediately!"

this is……


Threats from prisoners!

There are more than one prisoner, this prisoner is just a small fish!

Ps: There are not many plot chapters. Next, there will be only one chapter of the castle incident, the story chapter of Xiao Ai becoming bigger, and the chapter of Xiao Xiong.Coming back to April World soon.The world of Conan is a world of digging holes.Next chapter, you can call me mom.Ask for support, ask for subscription.

Chapter 0033 You Can Call My Mom

Matsuda Jinping.

It's an amazing name that everyone in the entire search class knows, especially the male police officer, but also the young unmarried male police officer.

This name only appeared for seven days, but it was imprinted in everyone's mind.

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