"Next time, you must call Sister Xiaolan. Do you hear me?"

Xiaolan deliberately made a very scary appearance, causing Ye Shenyue to take a small step back, but she was hugged by Xiaolan just after she stepped back.

It seems that Ye Shenyue was also aroused by the feelings of telling, let Ye Shenyue sit on her soft thigh, Ye Shenyue's hands grabbed her loose pajamas, and was picked up like a child.

"Our father... that's a very conscientious person."

Xiaolan begins with criticism.

"But he is also a very trustworthy person. As long as the agreement is made, it will be completed. I remember when I was in Paris, when I went to see Auntie Concubine, it was when I went with Xinyi, and we encountered danger. "

Xiaolan's voice was rarely gentle, "When Xinyi was chasing a prisoner, it took a while, and then we got separated from my mother and the others, and at that time, I was the only one by my side, and I couldn't watch Xinyi alone. I went after the terrible prisoner, so I followed. It was said that he was a very terrible prisoner. He was always picking on young women, I just wanted to remind Shinichi, but then I met this prisoner."

Xiaolan's expression was slightly nervous, as if she remembered what happened at the beginning, "That prisoner is very powerful, I can't beat him at all. Then I was forced to go to the corner."

If she hadn't known that Xiao Lan was healthy now, Ye Shenyue would have scolded the prisoner in secret, and actually scare his daughter!

"It was dangerous then. But it's all right."

As if seeing that Ye Shenyue was about to curse the prisoner with a snort, Xiao Lan patted his head to calm him down, "I didn't know until then that the father who had no conscience was actually guarding us all the time. beside me. I closed my eyes when I was pointed at me by the prisoner and was about to shoot, but at this time his shadow appeared in front of me."

Xiao Lan's tone increased slightly, "He stood in front of me, and was injured by the gangster in order to protect me, but he successfully subdued the gangster. I'm not stupid, that idiot could have avoided that A bullet, but since I was standing right behind him, if he ducked, the bullet would have hit me!"

"That idiot!"

Xiao Lan's voice was a little choked, and she kept saying stupid words.

But Ye Shenyue has grown her mouth.

Because he knew he was definitely cheating!

Ye Shenyue didn't believe that he would be so inferior, he couldn't even stop a bullet!Must have been hurt on purpose!

It must have been deliberately deceiving Xiaolan's innocence.

After thinking about it like this, he realized that he himself was quite that kind of thing.

In the future, this method should be used sparingly.But there is nothing wrong with it if it is quite useful.

Ye Shenyue thought sullenly.Heroes save beauty or something, but no matter when it will never be outdated.

Then Xiaolan talked about some other things, such as how his father was so unscrupulous, and he didn't even come back for his mother's birthday. If he was just busy, it would be fine, but that guy was accompanying other lovers at that time!


Where did the monogamy go?

And he didn't even want to marry his mother!

While talking about Xiaolan's originally gentle face, she became angry. It seems that at this moment, her father is not sorry but she is not Fei Miles!

Xiaolan showed her true colors, and when she said indignantly, she kicked a deep mark on the ground.

Ye Shenyue changed to a more comfortable position and was hugged and continued to listen.

Listen, listen, Ye Shenyue heard something was wrong.Although Sister Lan is only in a narrative-like tone, sometimes gentle and sometimes indignant.But there is emotion in this narrative!

It's like venting.

I'm going!

In an instant, Ye Shenyue seemed to be filled with the top of the hanging pot!

He seems to have found the truth.

The truth about the person Xiaolan likes!

First of all, Xiaolan's tone is very wrong. No matter how you listen to it, he is saying good things about him, and he still speaks with a tone that is hidden in the shadows.

How...how do you feel like a parent?

and many more.

Ye Shenyue remembered why Xiao Lan was so happy to let Police Officer Sato take him away. If she believed that he was her own younger brother, she also said that her father was very careless and unscrupulous. that is……

That is to say, she knew that the photo in the hands of Officer Sato was her father!

Now that all the facts are known, what is there to be surprised about?

Ye Shenyue still remembered the expression Xiaolan looked at Officer Sato at that time, it was sympathy.

According to Xiaolan, her father is a big radish who doesn't marry anyone, but he shows mercy and uses a lot of versions, so it's not surprising to hear the version of suspended animation told by Officer Sato.

That expression... It's like seeing too much!

Maybe it was out of female sympathy, so she let Yagami Tsukami live at Officer Sato's place for a while.

So at that time, it was Fei mile who should be anxious and dissatisfied, so Fei mile called in very unhappy.She still doesn't know that her lover has gone to care about Officer Sato again.

Thinking like this, then everything is explained.

After a long time, he seems to be struggling with himself!

Ye Shenyue was speechless.

"what happened?"

Xiaolan talked for a long time, as if these things had been pressing down in her heart, but this time she vented a bit of relief, "Uh...it's nothing...that...Xiaolan...Sister Xiaolan...it's not too early, let's go to bed Bar……"

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