"Well, that's it……"

Koizumi Hongzi doesn't know what Yashinyue is thinking, she seems to have made up her mind, "It's such a happy decision, from today onwards, you are the person I booked with Koizumi Hongzi, and you have to follow me from today. Go home and inherit our magic!"

Hongzi pressed Ye Shenyue's small shoulder.

When it was mentioned that Magic Ye Shenyue suddenly woke up, she said why she met Miss Hongzi, the emotion is the fluctuation of magic power radiating from him!

In this world, Miss Hongzi knows magic by herself, so it's no wonder that she suddenly discovered the fluctuation of magic power and didn't rush over to take a look!

In this world where others are in awe of her, what kind of excitement and excitement it is to discover the same kind!

Yagami seems to understand.When he was still in the world of zombies, he possessed the physique of zombies because of his superiority. He was too timid to walk alone in the cemetery, and he felt familiar and comfortable.

bah bah bah!

Why did you suddenly think of this?

Ye Shenyue quickly cheered up, and a police officer Sato almost scared him. If he was captured by Koizumi Hongzi, wouldn't he really be a housewife?

Ye Shenyue had just been freed from the clutches of Miss Yuko for a while before she didn't want to go back to her old business.


Ye Shenyue's hand radiated a faint golden gentle brilliance, which attracted Hongzi's attention, and then jumped down from Hongzi's hand with all her strength, "Kacha..."

A piece of the clothes on the hanging back was torn, but he was using a small-scale Guangdu now. Under the golden brilliance, the clothes that had been removed had been automatically rested.

If it wasn't for the small piece of cloth in Hongzi's hand, I'm afraid she wouldn't believe in this magic.

Repairing broken things is not magic like Kuroba Kaito, but real magic.That guy Kuroba Kaito likes to buy two newspapers, so if one is broken, he can secretly take out the other, like magic, but now, what she sees is real magic.

...a magic far above and beyond magic.

Out of nothing!

"Want to escape?"

It was just a blink of an eye, but Ye Shenyue ran as fast as a rabbit, and suddenly rushed to the road.

And Koizumi Hongzi looked at Ye Shenyue's figure, but did not take the initiative to chase, but took out her mobile phone and took a picture of Ye Shenyue.

"Where else can you go as long as you have a photo?" Confirming that Ye Shenyue had disappeared, a smug smile appeared on Hongzi Hongyanyan's lips.

Then, he started to make a phone call, "Well...it's me, I have something for you to investigate, um...I can't help but investigate who the young man I sent this picture is, he lives near Mihua Town... Um... call me immediately after the investigation is clear... Um... that's it, please."

Want to escape like this?

Humph...I don't even want to run away!

Koizumi Koriko-san, the future witch had the same smile as Miss Yuko's.

If Ye Shenyue is here, she will definitely recognize it, because that smile is... black belly! "Crack..."

This is the sound of sudden braking.

"Hey... this is a big road, how can you run a red light!"

Ye Shenyue was afraid that Hongzi would catch up, so she ran very fast, but suddenly her back became cold, but a car drove directly in front of him and stopped, and then a young hand directly drove him to the Nth today. The next time it was hung up.

Ye Shenyue raised her head to meet police officer Sato's frightening eyes, "If I hadn't told Yumi to stop quickly, you would have been sent to the hospital!"

"Uh... I'm sorry..."

Officer Sato still looks like a policeman when he gets serious.

At this time, arguing with her would be an absolute disadvantage.

So Ye Shenyue had no choice but to continue pretending to be a child.

Just like an actor who acts too much and becomes an actor in his life, he pretends to be a child a lot.Unknowingly, Ye Shenyue felt that it was a habit of pretending that even a child could pretend.

This is not a good thing!

Ye Shenyue's heart is refreshing, why is he so unlucky? Could it be that he didn't read the almanac when he went out today? lps: please subscribe.There is one more in the morning.Three more tomorrow.

Chapter 0045 Get Sorrowful Lolita!

"Ding dong ding dong..."

Yagami was finally released from the hands of Police Officer Sato, who was constantly admonishing her, and then it took a lot of effort to get to Dr. Agasa's house.

Dr. Li's house is very big, but if you want to enter, you still have to ring the doorbell.


The door was opened, and then I saw him inside, and it was... closed again!

I'm going!

Conan, is there anyone who does this?

To actually lock your father out?

When she became angry, Ye Shenyue's sense of substitution suddenly filled up. When she was at Xiao Lan's house, she was still thinking that this time she was not only coming to find Xiao Ai, but also to find Conan.

If he usually doesn't have a cold for Conan, but now... After learning about the relationship with Conan-kun from Sister Bei, Yashenyue was thinking deeply about how to face him.

It's just that he was locked out of the door before he even went in, and Ye Shenyue yelled out loud.

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