And he can't kill it by himself, but Yu is so kind, he can't cruelly say "disappear" to his former comrade.

Sure enough... own strength is still too small!

Ye Shenyue was a little depressed.

Just then, on their way home together, a violent feeling appeared.It was the feeling of being targeted and attacked.

" careful!"

Ye Shenyue disappeared in place, and when she reappeared, she was already holding a girl in her arms, a mature and charming girl with dark green eyes and a beautiful ponytail, it was Sera.

And where Sera stood just now, there was a deep scratch.

In front of him stood a woman in a cloak with a cold face and a long knife in hand.

Cold eyes, proud expression.

Missing a hit, he threw the long knife in his hand.


At this time, Sera, who was in Yuuki and Ye Shenyue's arms, cried out.

Ps: This is the first update.

Chapter 0053 Knife Practice

"Silas? How could it be you?"

Sera in Ye Shenyue's arms looked in surprise at Sylas, who seemed to have regrets on her face, who missed a single hit.

"Shut up! Traitor, you have no right to call me that!"

Silas said coldly, with a tone of indifference and coldness. In her eyes, Silas who violated the mission was already a real traitor, betraying their vampire ninja's mission-oriented regulations.

"Silas Buddy... I give up on that mission..."

Sera couldn't refute. As a member of the vampire ninja, she knew that the ninja always valued the task.And she gave up on that task, which was against the rules.


Silas snorted coldly and opened his mouth slightly, as if he was about to say something even more unpleasant.

"I said Silas...Even if you want to hold Serra responsible, that's the fault of you who issued the mission... How can you hunt down Yuu? It doesn't help, right? You have already worked hard to live, and have always avoided your pursuit. If you have the ability to pursue and kill You, it is better to reconcile with the underworld and cut off the source of Megalo. For example, provoking the three to fight The Night King!"

Ye Shenyue paused, put down Sera, and touched Yu's head. "And, if you want to hurt Yu, walk over my corpse!"

"Abu suddenly became so handsome!"

"I finally said something meaningful!"

Yeah, yeah, you can't appreciate it so much, Haruna, haven't I always been handsome?And Sera, what is always, is it all nonsense that I've said all this time?

Yagami didn't know whether to be happy or worried when she heard Haruna and Sera's "compliments".

"Huh? No, the real source of the melee isn't Bu? So it should be Abu!"

Chunnai was very curious, really curious, because Abu said he was Ye Shenyue, and Ye Shenyue was the real source of provoking Bi Liye, the underworld and the blood-sucking ninja. It was because of him that he let the King of the Night Came in.

"Cough cough cough... Haruna... Could you please not speak."

Because of Haruna's words, Silas's eyes were focused on him. That kind of scrutiny was more uncomfortable than a needle stick!

"Ye Shenyue?"

Silas shook her head. According to her authority, she could not know the real reason for the melee between the three major forces.Silas put away the long knife pointed at Yagami, or more precisely, Sera, who was beside Yagami. "Serafim, because of the invasion of the Night King, let you go for the time being, I don't want to see you again!"

After saying that, he seemed to be leaving.

When Ye Shenyue saw Sera's knife, she suddenly had an idea.Under the astonished eyes of everyone, he quickly reached out his hand, passed through the black cloak, and pulled Silas's arm inside.

"I want to learn swordsmanship, and you're the best at it... So please, Silas!"

Yagami bowed very earnestly to Silas.

This is what Ye Shenyue thought of, one of the tricks to deal with the Night King, but Ye Shenyue remembers that Silas cut off the Night King's arm in the original book, that is the power of swordsmanship!

And he is different from Silas, or more advantageous is his speed, the speed of swinging the knife can be faster, and the power he can use at the same time!

Ye Shenyue knew that it was still difficult to beat the identity of zombies with the ability of zombies alone, and she knew more about how to use the physical abilities of the Night King.

Therefore, he has to learn swordsmanship and be able to kill the night king's swordsmanship!And this teacher, Silas, is very powerful in the original book, even more powerful than Sera, Silas who cut off the arm of the Night King!

"This...this is..."

Silas wanted to refute it, but when her arrogant gaze fell on Yagami Yue... er, when Yagami Yue showed... exposed... buttocks because of her sincere bow.

He couldn't even look away, and even the tone of his rebuttal softened a lot.

"Idiot step... How could Silas, the enemy, agree?"

This is Chunna, the little Chunna waved his hand and said directly, "Abu... If it's swordsmanship, I'm actually very good at it... Bu, let me teach you,"

This is Sierra.Because she knew that the arrogant Silas would not agree to others so easily.

"Okay, I agree!"

Silas nodded suddenly.

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