"Ten soldier guards!"

Ye Shenyue shouted at the bear and pointed to the grass on the left that seemed to be trembling slightly. "You still have a child, it's there... your bear child is there..."


The brown bear ran over as if he understood it, but when he was halfway through, he suddenly became angry, and actually made an action of eating people toward Ye Shenyue!

"Uh... how?"

Ye Shenyue is not afraid of bears. His current strength is enough to fight ten bears. He is just depressed now. Why doesn't the brown bear even want children?

"Bear boy, your whole family is a bear boy!"

However, just as Ye Shenyue's gaze turned to the place where the bear on the left should be, a familiar and nostalgic voice entered his ears along the wind.It was a very ladylike and gentle voice.There was excitement and joy in this voice.

At the same time, it was accompanied by the sound of the armor from walking around.

Chapter 0048 Necromancer from another world

"You are the bear child, and the whole family is bear child."

This is what the girl who came out of the loose, layered bushes said.

She is not tall, she is one or two and a half heads shorter than the average young girl Xiaolan, but she has a unique temperament.

This is an innate temperament.

Her skin is very white and very cute, her azure blue eyes that seem to cover the sea, and her beautiful ankle-length silver hair.

This is a very educated and beautiful girl.

What's more interesting is her outfit.Purple and white striped shirt and skirt, but the outer arms, waist and shoulders look like a Western female knight.

But those slender hands made people feel that this heroic title was not suitable for her, she was only suitable for hugging in her arms.

What a lovely little loli with a ladylike temperament!

Ye Shenyue was stunned.

Ayumi, who was beside him, looked at her left while the big bear was terrified.

"Xiao Ye, the bear child you're talking about should be this one..."

The big brown bear, who thought he was tricked into eating people, suddenly stopped moving, and then Ayumi saw a furry brown bear suddenly appeared beside them, with big round eyes and short hair. Short hands and feet.

Xiao Ai touched the little bear's head, but the little bear jumped out and rushed towards the big bear named Jubei!

The big bear bent down and licked the little bear, and the little bear was very cute and slapped on the big thick feet of the mother bear.

Really loving scene.

But after the girl who suddenly appeared from the bushes that Yagamiyue was pointing at appeared, the people at the scene suddenly turned their attention to the girl in armor.

"You sauce!"

Ye Shenyue didn't care about that big bear or something, she jumped over with a clone, hugged it and ran over quickly, the girl Loli who ran over and made a sound of armor.

With eyes like the color of the azure sea and beautiful long silver hair, isn't this Yuchan who has been thinking about for a long time, or who?

"Night God Moon!"

Xiaoyou also opened her slender hands, but in ordinary meetings, she threw herself directly into Ye Shenyue's arms, but now... she actually sat down and hugged Ye Shenyue. !

"Uh...this is..."

Too tangled, how did he become the appearance of Zhengtai?

The current Yujiang is much taller than him.So this hug wasn't him hugging her, but he was being hugged.

It's like the girl who wanted to molest others was molested by the girl.


"Night God Moon..."

Ayumi and Haibara said at the same time, frowning slightly, her face was not very good, they first glanced at each other, and then looked at Ye Shenyue at the same time, "Who is she?"

Although I don't know who they are, the two loli can be completely sure that Ye Shenyue has a close relationship with this loli, otherwise they wouldn't have run over as soon as they saw it, and they didn't even have a look of anxiety and surprise. seen it.


At this moment, the big brown bear that was originally a beautiful picture of the reunion of the mother and son of the brown bear, the brown bear called Jubei by the old hunter, ran over with a howl, and pulled out one of them from one side. A little fluffy bear that doesn't move.

The direction it was heading towards was Ye Shenyue.

Or Xiaoyou.

Put the bear that was killed by another hunter in front of Xiaoyou.


The big bear seemed to be saying something, but it was howling, and others couldn't understand it, but Ye Shenyue understood it.Because this bear is not high-level, but has some spirituality, he can probably understand what it means.

It is to let Ye Shenyue and the others save this little bear.

Dead bear.

"Every night..."

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