Looking at the other small porcelain bottle that Youchan took out of her arms, Ye Shenyue seemed to understand why Xiaoyou was here.

Because the porcelain bottle in Xiaoyou's hand is familiar to him and can no longer be familiar, that is the bottle he has seen many times in Miss Yuko's warehouse in the world on April [-]!

In other words, that bottle came from Yuko-san's storefront!

Xiaoyou's sudden appearance here may have been sent by Yuko's queen.

How can it be repaired!According to Yuko's character, didn't his Xiaoyu lose something of equal value?

However, when Yagami Yue ran over to ask Yukuriwood, to outsiders, it was just an ordinary but very high-end and charming dark green bottle that suddenly shone.

It was a gentle and soft radiance, a silver radiance, as pure as the water Xiaoyou poured in just now.

"Wuuu...it feels so comfortable..."

While rubbing her smooth and delicate face like a newborn, the black-haired Loli who suddenly appeared said so.

Now Yami Loli has become accustomed to her height, so the action of stretching is also done in one go.

Only when her eyes touched the foreign object, Xiao Yami Loli frowned slightly with her cute little brows, "Who are you? Could it be that Ye Shenyue sold me to someone else? But she is a very cute girl, Prettier than my Shiho..."


Ye Shenyue stared at this dazed loli, almost wondering if she did it on purpose. "Resale" said it seemed like he was bad. He could use loli himself, why resell it? ?

I wanted to remind her of something, but now Ye Shenyue closed her mouth.

"elder sister!"

However, at this very moment, before the shock on Ayumi's face disappeared, Ai Luoli, who had been motionless beside her, cried out in a heart-wrenching manner.

While shouting, she ran towards the somewhat confused black-haired Yami, and while she ran, crystal clear tears fell on the ground.

She didn't cry, because it was useless to cry, but now she couldn't hold it anymore.

Weeping with joy.

Yami Loli, who heard this familiar voice, did not continue to look at Xiao Ai, but turned around quickly, and then called out in surprise!


Not to mention that she followed Ye Shenyue and already knew that Xiao Ai had become smaller, just because she was her elder sister, she could also hear who made this pronunciation!

That's her... the cutest little sister!

"elder sister!"

Although there are thousands of words in his heart, Shiho at this moment can only say a simple word that cannot be simpler.

That is sister.


Even though the two sisters were in their teens or even [-]s, they still hugged and cried...

But fortunately, they were all loli-shaped, so Ayumi and the only stranger present, the old hunter, were dumbfounded.

Trembling, not knowing what to say.

How did they see a figure emerge from the bottle?

Is this magic?

Must be magic!

Just no matter what they think.At this moment, Yagami Yue doesn't have enough thoughts to care, because at this moment his Yuchan has appeared, and it may be that Yuko's stingy guy asked her to pay for it.

It's really not easy!

"Ye Shenyue...Ayumi...Where are you..."

At this moment, Conan's voice came from not far away.

Then came the voices of Mitsuhiko and Genta, "I see... they are there!"

"Hey...Why are there two more people? Who is Huiyuan hugging?"

This is Yuan Tai's voice.

"The girl who hugged Haibara-san is very cute... um... and the silver-haired lady is also very beautiful and looks very temperamental..."

Needless to say, it was Mitsuhiko's voice.

Then came Yuan Tai's loud voice that made Ye Shenyue feel ashamed, "They seem to know each other... well... I get it, Conan, Ye Shenyue is the kind of lolicon you said that only likes 3.9 children. Well! One or two, three... um... that handsome older sister with white hair too..."

"Hey... Lolicon Yagami Moon... Lolicon!"

First it was a self-sufficient chat, and then it was the struggling shouting of the three boys of the juvenile detective team.

Because this is a forest, the lolicon sound is enduring for a long time, and not only the people who were present at Yashenyue also heard it.

Ye Shenyue hurriedly covered her ears, he had made a sincere decision to quit the Youth Detective Corps!

Conan-kun, is that the rumor about lolicon that you are spreading?

Like an eagle, Yagami stared at Conan who pushed his glasses.

Ps: Conan volume will be temporarily over soon, there are still two chapters, please support, please subscribe.

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