Ye Shenyue spoke quickly, and in the process of speaking, she moved both loli outside the door.

"Hey...then what are you doing..."

Xiao Ai looked at "Sleep...Sleep!"

x2 Miyano sisters look at each other the same.

"They should be very simple..."

Xiao Ai said in a very uncertain tone.

"I...I don't know...I...I haven't slept..."

Ami Lori's face turned red all of a sudden.

Let my sister really want to open the window with one hand, her sister must be bullied!

Ps: Ahem... There may be a push to the next chapter.Ahem, Ghost, your reminder vote is wrong, how come the time for the vote is the same?Maybe the internet speed is too slow.There is another chapter tonight.

Chapter 0051 Lolita Party (Part [-])

Ten centimeters, five centimeters, one centimeter!

After driving out Xiao Ai and Yami, Ye Shenyue quickly closed the door. This is not his zombie's home, so the door is not paper, but a solid wooden door. The sound insulation effect is still very good.

Therefore, those who speak inside and outside will not hear it.

So it doesn't matter if you want to do something else.

At the moment when the Necromancer continued to drink tea, different magic circles flashed under Ye Shenyue's feet. One second disappeared, and the next second, the quilt that had been holding him in Xiao Ai's room reappeared in front of Yuu. .

Very "diligently" spread the bedding, Ye Shenyue looked at it, and closed the window on the second floor. Although he and Xiaoyou are not ordinary people, their physiques cannot be bad, but Ye Shenyue I am more concerned about whether the sound will spread to the outside.

Because Xiaoyou can speak at this moment, and there is no magic fluctuation on his body, so once he rises up, he can still shout such a sharp voice.

Everything was ready, Ye Shenyue pretended to be sitting but touched his hand little by little towards Xiaoyou's slightly cold but easy to touch little hand.

Touching and touching, he still likes Loli the most.

It's just that when he was touching it, when it was one centimeter, Xiaoyou's hand suddenly retracted, which made him jump straight into the air.

Is it intentional or intentional?

Ye Shenyue raised her face and looked at You Luoli, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.


Ye Shenyue stretched her voice, and even this name has not been called for a long time.But this call is not unfamiliar.


The necromancer from another world slowly put down the teacup, and then turned towards Ye Shenyue.

"Yiye, you are becoming more and more lustful..."


Ye Shenyue was a little embarrassed, if it was Xiao Ai, he would definitely reply "because that's the true nature of a man", but now he is facing Xiaoyou, his favorite, so he can't be so talkative.

It's just that when he was a little embarrassed, Xiaoyou held his soft little hand down.

"but I like it……"

The soft body melted into his body little by little like a doll.

This faint and gentle liking seemed to have ignited all Ye Shenyue's enthusiasm.

His gift is really the most considerate, and the least one will refuse him!

He already felt like he was on fire.

"Bang~~" This is the sound of the armor being removed.

"Tear~" This is the sound made by rubbing the delicate skin when the clothes are taken off.

So, loli or something is the best.

Ye Shenyue is ready, even if he is still the body of Xiao Zhengtai, he is ready.


Only at this time, Xiaoyou called him.Don't let him continue.Let the light Yagami come to a halt.

How depressing!

Could it be that Xiaoyou also learned that, if you don't pay her or agree to her request, don't let people go to bed~!

Just when Yashenyue was about to hear what Xiaoyou from his family wanted to say, Xiaoyou's lovely white and tender face turned to one side.


The slender white and tender fingers pointed to the crack of the door or the ground in front of the wooden door.

Yagami's eyes suddenly widened when she saw the black and intricately round little thing on the ground.He is not a rude man. He still learned some things from Conan in Conan's world, such as some high-tech technologies.

For example, Conan's favorite reconnaissance bug!

I'm going!

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