It's just that Yukiko had already arrived at Dr. Akasa's house when he came back to his senses, and what he didn't expect was that so many women who had such an inexplicable relationship with him also gathered. here we are!

Now, his bowels of regret are turning green!

If everyone appeared in this way, how should he face these girls and women?

However, there is still some comfort. After all, the people who are related to him have not yet arrived, and Ye Shenyue, who has had several terrible experiences, still has half of her heart hanging.

"Boom boom boom!"

But at this time, the door that had been closed rang, hitting Ye Shenyue's heart one after another.

ps: This chapter has a lot of words, and it is the chapter that made up last night.There are two more chapters left in the world of Conan.The next chapter, cocooning yourself!The word count may be slightly higher.

Chapter 0056

"Boom boom boom!"

The knock on the door was ringing, but everyone's attention was focused on the voice of Hongzi, who was said to know "where Ye Shenyue is", frowning slightly, Yukiko stepped back and went to open the door.

But Ye Shenyue's heart was completely suspended.

He just thought that the girls hadn't gathered yet, so it wasn't the worst scene, but it seemed like it backfired, and at this moment the door rang.

Could it be another woman?

Such as concubine miles.

He just met him on the road just now.

Ye Shenyue is not a person who believes in evil, but the current scene makes him have to believe that Koizumi Hongzi said, "Today you have a terrible omen on your face" It seems that it can be worse now!

Yagami, who was hiding under the windbreaker of Yukiko's "eldest sister", was completely afraid to move.

At this time, the door was opened by Aunt Yukiko.

Ye Shenyue's heart has already reached its highest point!

"Express, Ms. Haibara Ai, we have your express!"

As soon as the door opened, Ye Shenyue's nervousness revealed the face of an ordinary man.

He was wearing the clothes of a courier, and he should be delivering the courier!

Seeing the door opened, the courier said with a smile. After all, the woman who opened the door was so beautiful, so the three words "Haihara Ai" written on the express package couldn't help but add the honorary title of "Ms." .

"Grey Yuan?"

Yukiko was slightly stunned, and then walked out the little mourning sauce from behind her.

"I'm Haibara Ai, it's Fusa's purse... um... I took it."

Xiao Ai took the beautifully packaged package calmly, and then spoke calmly.

"Uh... well..."

The courier was a little embarrassed. He seemed to have mistaken the person just now.Can not help but touch the nose to leave.

"Fursa's purse?"

At this moment, the closest person to Xiao Ai is Yukiko's "eldest sister". Even though she already has Conan...a child as big as Shinichi, she still has a young heart. For example, Fusha's purse is a luxury item. interested.

"Well...this one is the latest one released this year, and the price is about 200 million yen..."

Xiao Ai nodded and then tore open the package and started showing off.

The voices of the women seemed to suddenly become lively.


Even though she was wearing a windproof windbreaker, Ye Shenyue could still hear the sounds outside clearly, so she knew that the scene he was most worried about did not happen.

Really dangerous.

Ye Shenyue took a breath, everyone's eyes and attention seemed to be sucked by Xiao Ai, and no one seemed to pay attention to him.

Mourning sauce, you are really cute!

Ye Shenyue praised Xiao Ai of his family in her heart.

However, just when he was relieved, a slightly cold feeling of lack of water came over.

A small soft hand reached up, just touching his face.

I'm going!

Whose hand is this!

Just when Ye Shenyue thought it was going to be exposed, that little hand was retracted.

"She's a beautiful girl. I don't know where she got such long silver hair. Can you tell me? Well... I forgot. What's your name? Cute little princess?"

Then came Yukiko's voice.It seems very happy, "Since you have discovered it, then I will not hide it. In fact, I just..."

Then Ye Shenyue felt that a slender but very tender hand was placed on the zipper, and with a "click", the zipper would definitely be pulled open, and then he would be exposed in full view!

No matter how he explained this scene, he couldn't explain it clearly!

Yukiko's hand was already on the zipper, ready to pull it down.

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