Seeing Tiaozi's reluctance to cast her eyes on Ye Shenyue again, as if she didn't want him to be too embarrassed, Ye Shenyue suddenly felt a sense of collapse.

"Hey hey hey! You see it clearly, it's definitely not underwear! Absolutely not!"

In order to prove her innocence, Ye Shenyue unbuttoned all the buttons of her clothes, revealing the dark blue tights inside.This is just a tights, definitely not the underwear in Mihara's dirty mind!He is not the idiot of Orito, how could he say that he wears underwear on his body, and if he helps people to untie underwear... that's not bad.

However, what Ye Shenyue undressed and waited for was not the sudden realization of the second daughter, but the departure of the second daughter.

They had to leave. A big boy suddenly wore tights in his school uniform... It's actually very strange.Although it's a little better than underwear...but...the two girls decided to stay away from Yagami for the time being.

"Miaozi... let's go, there's nothing to see here."

"Well, Kanami-chan... I'm going to score ten three-pointers in a row today!"

"Hey... the request for ten is too big..."

"If it's Kanami-chan, it'll be fine..."


Looking at the backs of them leaving, Ye Shenyue suddenly felt a sense of loss, he always felt as if he had lost something.

Like being misunderstood...

"so slow!"

Wearing a light orange school uniform that fitted well, Silas folded his arms proudly on his chest.The toe of his right foot was shaking, a little impatient.

"Who? Get out of here if you want to die!"

His ears moved, and Silas looked towards the place where the sound came from. With a move of his hand, a sharp sword appeared directly in his hand. The sharp point pointed at the figure who suddenly rushed into the woods.

"'s me!"

Ye Shenyue appeared in front of Silas and waved her hand. Sure enough, this Silas not only has a hobby of love, but also has such a strange personality. His current tone is so fierce.

"It's so late!"

Silas put away his weapon, walked straight to Ye Shenyue, and then frowned, "Why are you still wearing a school uniform... Huh... Now that you're wearing it, take off your jacket!"


Ye Shenyue looked speechlessly dissatisfied, and even questioned his Silas.Looking at the increasingly unhappy expression of the other party, in order to defeat the King of the Night in one fell swoop, it is also possible to sell some hues now.

Ye Shenyue comforted herself silently.At the same time, the buttons were unbuttoned and the coat was thrown onto the branch.

"Even the school uniform pants are taken off!"

Seeing that Ye Shenyue was moving too slowly, Silas took a slight step forward, as if he wanted to take off Ye Shenyue's pants.

"Then...that, I'll do it myself..."

With Silas's strength, let her take off his pants, and the pants will definitely end in countless movies. If there are no pants, does he have to wear tights and go home like this?

The passersby looked strangely like they were looking at a pervert...

Ye Shenyue thought that his face was not that thick.So, he took the initiative and quickly, took off his pants, revealing a tights.

And Silas's eyes fell on Ye Shenyue's buttocks, which was not covered much, and it took a while to retract it. In the small mouth, it seemed that Yagami Yue was very sensitive, "As expected, it is like this. Arc... However, it doesn't seem to be fully confirmed..."...

In any case, after the sight of Yagami's torment was over, Silas also began to teach Yagami's swordsmanship.

Silas is also a very good teacher when he is serious.

"The posture is wrong! Be more domineering!"


Silas slapped Yagami's... buttocks with a slap, and when he picked it up, he did not forget to squeeze it lightly.

"Continue to stand in this position, don't move! Stand for half an hour! Let your body remember this position!"


Silas slapped the buttocks of Yagami again, and then stood directly behind Yagami.

Eyes glowing... staring intently at Ye Shenyue's... butt...

After half an hour.

"Okay, pay full attention when the knife is fired!"

Silas took out her katana, stood beside Yagami, who was asked to remain motionless by her, and swung it violently. Because of the powerful force, a small whirlwind was actually rolled up.

"This...this is..."

Why do I suddenly feel so cold ass!

After the whirlwind passed, Ye Shenyue suddenly felt that the body behind him suddenly became very cold.

And Silas, who was standing beside her, was already standing directly behind him at some point, eager... almost able to sweep the burning gaze over and land on his buttocks.

And his buttocks seemed to be completely exposed to the air without the slightest cloth covering.


Ye Shenyue blankly touched her back with her hand.

very smooth...

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