Ye Shenyue was not very sure in her heart.

He seems to be hiding a lot from those who like him, just like that woman.

For example, he never talked about the girls in another world in one world, and the girls in these worlds... seem to really think that he is only their sisters.

Once they find out about each other... um.

Ye Shenyue held her head angrily.

He seemed to have foreseen the horrific scene when the girls all came together.


Miss Yuko patted his head, "The troubles are too far away now..."

"So, pack up your mood and go get some snacks first!"

Miss Yuko immediately showed a cute look.

Sister Yu will also sell cute.

"Miss devil!"

With a whimper, Ye Shenyue bit her lip and could only step back.

However, in order to prevent that day from coming, he seems to be able to make some preparations first.

For example, if you become a god immediately, so you don’t have to be afraid of being dismembered in the future?

Chapter 0063 The Zashiki Virgin Who Will Get Lost

"'s delicious...April [-]st, you are really a beautiful man~" With her cheeks puffed up with both hands, Miss Yuko sat at the dining table like a child, taking one bite of the prepared purple-red Hagi The cake was eaten and praised.

But Ye Shenyue stared at her and sat aside.

Although Yagami is not a person who likes to celebrate festivals, but this is Japan after all, and she is still oppressed by Yuko, who is almost the most terrible person in this world, so she can only do as the locals do.

What Yuko-san is eating now, and the black, bulging mokona that he is eating, is the Hagi-mochi he made when he woke up this morning. The preparation method is very complicated, but he is exhausted.

Ye Shenyue has some doubts that if he is under the oppression of Miss Yuko, he will really become a qualified husband and wife!

But his goal is not to become a good family man!It's not that he is praised as a handsome man!

Moreover, there is a very disturbing fact standing in the way. This time, the festival is the Mid-Yuan Festival. The Mid-Yuan Festival is extended to be a festival where you can give back to those who take care of you on weekdays and who are close to you.

It's just that, from the moment he stepped into this shop to the time he lived here, when did he get taken care of by Miss Yuko? , in his memory only those who were oppressed by her!

While eating, Miss Yuko complimented Yagami, and then, from behind Yagami, she pointed her slender fingers to his cheek, as if he was some fluffy hug. Like a bear.

He whispered softly in his ear.

"Do you want me to feed you? Come your's it..."

Yuko's pinky fingernails, dyed dark red, first touched Yagami's face, then she picked up a purple-red Hagi cake that looked very appetizing, and brought it to Yagami's mouth.

Seems to be feeding him.

Ye Shenyue opened her mouth.Yuko-san's hand moved a little here.

"good to eat!"

The red-colored lips bit Hagibi.And swallowed the cookie!

Miss Yuko ate the cake herself!

What the hell!

Yashenyue understood, he was tricked by Miss Yuko again!

And Miss Yuko finally resumed her original posture and continued to squeeze his face.

"I'm going out first."

Although the tip of his nose was filled with Miss Yuko's charming aura, this monster actually appeared in a vacuum again. As long as his eyes were a little bit more biased, he could go down from the neckline of the loose kimono down her sternum, and then he could faintly disappear. Take a peek at that beautiful arc.She was very close, and only 2 cm away would make his left shoulder touch her beautiful breasts, which are not too big but definitely of moderate size.

While leaning against him in such an ambiguous posture, and then pinching his face intimately, can Yagami understand that this is Miss Yuko's intention?

Must be intentional!

After all, Ye Shenyue has gained some insight. Of course, it is impossible to turn into a wolf like this. Under such circumstances, he can't beat her with only 4% of his strength.

To avoid being harassed by Miss Yuko, Yashin Yue chose to retreat.

Ignore Miss Yuko for now, he made a lot of Hagi Mochi today, so he can give it to others.

As for the person who sent it... Well, Xiaokui can have it, so does the guy Jing.

Ye Shenyue is a person who does what he says. If you are deceived once, you cannot be deceived again!

"Yuko, he actually escaped..."

Watching Ye Shenyue leave with two small bags, Mo Ke Na touched her bulging belly and said.

It is not so much that Makona was created by Yuko as a subordinate in a subordinate relationship, but now it seems that Makona is more like a friend of Miss Yuko, so she calls her by her name rudely.


Miss Yuko nodded, but there was no sad expression, "But don't you think it's more cute to lose a little temper like this? He really looks like a child..."

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