
However, what made people angry was that Yu Douji didn't look at Ye Shenyue at all, but spoke softly to Zashiki Douji.

"He didn't bully you? Didn't he suddenly hide on the ground and look at your panties?"


Zashiki Douji's ears turned red all of a sudden, he hid on the ground and looked at his underwear~pants, this...this~ In Yagami's astonished look, Zashiki Douji actually made a move.

Can't help but put away the skirt that fell naturally!

It seems to be afraid that it will disappear at this time!As for how to get out, needless to say?

Of course, to prevent others from peeping on the ground!

Depend on!

Ye Shenyue cursed secretly, is he the kind of person who hides on the ground and peeks at girls' panties?Every time it was Yu virgin who showed it to him on purpose!It can only be said that she showed up at the wrong time at the wrong time! 5.4 Maiden Rain, how much resentment do you have? How can you smear people casually?


However, before Ye Shenyue could scold her, Yu virgin sighed deeply, then pointed at Ye Shenyue and said, "Then I know... eh... What is so good about such a person? There is nothing fascinating about the version of saving the little girl, you look at the way his little arms and legs look, no matter how you look at it, he doesn't look like a good person!"


Zashiki Douji said with a blushing face, but he didn't finish a word.

"Okay, okay...I know, although I don't support you, but...as a good sister, let me speak for you."

While speaking confusing words, Yu virgin walked towards Ye Shenyue.

"Hey... April [-]st, Zashiki Douji is your admirer, so you can figure it out."

Rain Girl made a terrifying expression, "No matter what, you can't bully her! If you dare to peek at her panties~ I will definitely hunt you down!"

Chapter 0065 Yuko's Warning


What is an admirer?

In other words, fans!

It's just that having fans is a star's patent, this... what does this have to do with him?

Ye Shenyue was a little confused, but the dofu virgin at this time was hiding behind Yu virgin and grabbing the skirt of Yu virgin's waist, as if she wanted to say something but was too embarrassed to say it.

But again, the rain virgin had to say.Not blushing.

"Okay...get it..."

Yu virgin sighed helplessly and continued to explain to Ye Shenyue, "Didn't I come to you to help me restore my hydrangea to health last time? You not only saved hydrangea, but also that little girl. In the end, she was brought back from a place like that, a place that even we dare not go easily! So, your world on our side is very hot. "

Speaking of which, Yu virgin sighed again and looked at the dofu virgin who shrank behind her, "And what this child likes most is to listen to those magical and heroic stories, and they are very simple, so...she Just... cough... say it again, if you dare to bully her, I won't spare you!"

Speaking of which, the Rain Girl made a move to eat people at Ye Shenyue.This is intentional intimidation.

The virgin girl who did the dressing showed a small head behind her, and her face was reddish.

It's just that the eyes in this reddish face are a little excited and shy that people can understand at a glance.

This is an unconfident and somewhat introverted girl.


Such a girl, who is a lady as long as she puts on a kimono, will actually be his admirer!

Ye Shenyue almost opened her mouth wide!

What is this?Inadvertently insert willows and willows!

He had known the plot for a long time and liked this very shy but ladylike girl, because she was the cutest person in the world on April [-]st.

He is also the only person he can bully casually.

Because Miss Yuko is the kind of queen, she has never been bullied only by her, and now Yagami and her live under the same roof, you can see when you look up or down.Ye Shenyue has no idea of ​​attacking her for the time being.And Xiaokui, he can't develop too much with her until he has enough strength to remove the power of disaster from Xiaokui. He doesn't want to hold hands and stab himself with his natural teeth.

As for Jing, it should be regarded as the best strategy, but it is still a little worse than being a virgin.Jing is very calm and can distinguish right from wrong, while being a virgin is not, she will be very confused, so she belongs to the kind of person who is easy to deceive.

"Please...please don't...look like this...I..."

It was a very soft voice, but it was undoubtedly a lady's voice.The blue-haired girl who was stared at by Yagami for about 10 seconds suddenly flushed red, and her hands tightly pulled Yu Maiden's skirt.

"Uh... I look really scary?"

If he thought that Dofu virgin did not know how to be scared away, but now, he seems to think that the reason why Dofu virgin escaped is his reason, is he really scary?

"Well...it's scary, there is a very evil heart hidden under the harmless appearance of humans and animals..."

The Rain Maiden nodded in approval.

In response, Ye Shenyue only gave her a "I'm not asking you" look.Then he looked at the girl who made the dressing.

The blue-haired girl's reaction was a little excited, "No...it's not like that...actually I'm..."

Some of the speechless dofu virgins spoke with excitement, but the more they spoke, the more excited they became, and then they couldn't speak.At this time, the girl was about to cry, and ripples appeared in the big eyes that had been stopped, and she would cry as long as she was given another 0.1 second.

"Look! You made her cry again!"

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