
This time there seems to be a sense of having to touch the package.Because there is a pink and pink little white cat in the package that is being tied by an iron chain.The little cat barked helplessly. Seeing Ye Shenyue coming over, she was obviously happy. She barked laboriously, as if she wanted someone to save it.

The little white cat showed cute big eyes.There was a very moving brilliance in the big eyes.How can it make people feel as if their hearts are burning when it is obviously a cat?

Ye Shenyue looked at this little white cat and thought of his cute cat girl.

Well, when Feiju was very young, maybe she was so small and cute.Maybe it can also develop into a Feiju.

Ye Shenyue, who had a heart of compassion or a bad heart, took the little white cat out of the package and touched its head, "Be sure to repay me after you cultivate into a human form... "I'll be a little more cute when I transform."


The little big white cat looked at Ye Shenyue with wide eyes, as if acquiescing?


Well, Ye Shenyue just has a different mind.But thanks to this thought, instead of ignoring these packages, he saw one unfasten the other and take out the contents.

just. it over?

Ye Shenyue's feet are about to soften, how many packages are there on the way!

Cat, dog, bear, fox, wolf.

Who the hell put these animals in!イ but.

After a series of packages, Ye Shenyue walked to the front of the penultimate package. These packages were abnormal no matter how they looked, and there might be some conspiracy.However, he deliberately stopped before the penultimate package.

According to convention, if this is a conspiracy, then the last package must contain some terrible killing move.But this is the second to last... hehe, it's safe.

The second-to-last package is larger than the previous package containing the little fox.

However, when he looked into the package that was doubled in size, his heart jumped suddenly.This... This is simply to make people have to move!

Because this package is bigger than other packages, the cover of the package is opened like other packages, and then a little loli made of pink and jade is revealed. The little loli has tears, lovely face, and lovely eyes. Eyes, and blue hair.Very moving.

This is... a captive loli?

Who is so enviable... um... who should be so uncivilized!Actually imprisoned the little loli in the lid!And she tied her hands and feet with chains!

How can it be repaired!

Envy, jealousy and hatred in her heart... Oh no, in fact, Ye Shenyue, who was furious in her heart, quickly stepped forward and walked to the front of the package. She stretched out her hand and wanted to take off the collar around Loli's neck.

To actually tie up Loli like a puppy, it's really hateful!He has never done so!How can Ye Shenyue, who is a lolicon, be so embarrassed!

But just when his hand reached inside the package, before he touched the little girl, a surprising scene appeared.

Suddenly a big fist appeared on the front of the package and hit him hard.

Ye Shenyue flew out all of a sudden, it was smashed and flew out.

"Damn! It sure is a scam!"

Ye Shenyue was furious in her heart, but she was still thinking that when he was only beaten up and had enough strength to fight back, an oversized hammer had already smashed at him from top to bottom.

The hammer is huge, four or five times the size of his body. Such a big hammer is going to die!

Ye Shenyue was furious, but she could only be smashed helplessly.

Because he suddenly found that the soles of his feet were stuck by something, and he couldn't move at all!


The hammer fell in response, and Ye Shenyue fell to the ground.

"Yo Xi... The heartbreaker has been captured!"

Just when Ye Shenyue was hit with a black stick, she heard a voice full of vitality in her ears.

The voice was very familiar, and it seemed to belong to Haruna-chan.

It's just that at this time, his eyes were darkened and he fainted.

He didn't see that the petite girl walked to the front of the package when she took the oversized hammer away, but found a red button at the bottom of the package.


The cute girl with chestnut-colored short hair pressed the button, and surprisingly, the captive little loli who was still showing cute looks disappeared!It vaporized directly into the air, and then a pure white appeared on the back of the package.That's a projector cloth!

In other words, this little loli is just a projection!

Which means it's still a scam!

Big scam!

I don't know if Ye Shenyue's tears will fall if she knows the truth?

ps: Next, all the zombies are asking for nothing.

Chapter 0067 The girl's counterattack (in)


It's a pitch-black world.The surroundings are dark and the eyelids are still heavy.

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