The other girls slowly backed away as if they had agreed, leaving Haruna alone to approach him.

"Idiot step, don't get me wrong...I just...hs...I can't stand it...just a gift for you!"

Blushing but stubbornly speaking, she really has the demeanor of Chunna-chan, but the little loli turned towards Ye Shenyue, slowly bent down, and gently opened the little girl His lips, but he didn't kiss him on the face, but... chose a rope tied to his stomach. The reason why Ye Shenyue said that Hui Luoluo tied him in a pose made people very uncomfortable. I'm sorry, that's because a rope was tied into ten sections by her!From outsiders, he looked like a mother, and then a dozen knots were born from his body!Not to mention looking awkward.

If you want to be strong enough to break the rope, you have to untie the dozen or so knots of the rope on his body one by one!At that time, he thought it was Hui Luoluo who was deliberately tying him up like this to prevent him from escaping, but he didn't expect... it was like this!Let the girls untie him one by one!

Well, Haruna-chan, Chris, Yu, Silas, Nini, Yuuki, Taeko and Mihara.

And Serra, who was still in the kitchen with that dreadful "feast", really counted ten.

"Huh...the bite is over..."

Haruna-chan is indeed a genius, but the knot of a small rope certainly won't stymie her. It only took 10 seconds to untie it. The red face was a little excited.

I don't know who came up with this idea... But, it's not bad, the girls are the cutest when they blush.

Although they were just helping him to untie the rope, what should I say... With such an expression, no matter how I looked at it, it seemed like they were helping him!

No wonder Koharuna-chan blushed like that.Xiaochunna-chan should have noticed it too.

No, all the girls here noticed it, Taeko was the most obvious, blushing, and some curled up behind Mihara, while Mizuo deliberately looked away, pretending to not know anything.

Chris and Nini were quite calm, apparently they had been shameless for a long time.On the other hand, Yuuki continued to blushed and blushed, as if... this request was too much... too much... H!

"Did you feel happy?"

The second one to come out after Chunna was the black-bellied big teacher. Ariel-chan did not directly bite the remaining rope on Yashinyue's body, but approached his profile and said softly, as if As if he had penetrated all his thoughts, his voice was so soft that no one else could hear it, as if two people were talking about something private. "Thank me. It's my idea~~ Of course, if you really promise me to go on a date... well... throw Chrissy away or... leave her alone for a while, not just a bite now The rope...even if it really comes...that's okay~~" As she said that, Ariel gently licked her cute rosy tongue where everyone couldn't see because she was very close to Yagami.

... ·This black-bellied goblin!

In Ye Shenyue's heart, Teacher Ariel has been upgraded again.As expected, it was the person who was always tempting him in the long [-]-year memory.

"Next is me..."

Although Ariel was deliberately trying to tempt Yashenyue, there were many girls here, and she was too embarrassed to do it too much, so she just bit off a knot that was close to Yashenyue's hand.

Next was Yuuki, who was blushing and was about to bleed. The blond girl clenched her hands tightly, as if she had finally made up her mind, but she still felt blushing, so she closed her eyes and bit at the first bite. What arrived was not the knot, but Ye Shenyue's hand. In this regard, Ye Shenyue was helpless, and Yuji-chan was still too nervous.No, the closest contact between him and Yuuki was the last time in the zombie world, and now... this kind of contact is already the limit of Yuuki.

But after the timid but strong Yuuki, there are the arrogant girl and the childhood sweetheart Taeko-chan.

One, two, three... As the girls blushed and lowered their heads, the knots on Ye Shenyue's body also disappeared one by one.

It was also thanks to the girls' blushing "biting" that after the girls finished their turn, there was only one knot left on Ye Shenyue's body, and that was Sera, who belonged to the belated future.

Well, Sera, who is doing a "killing feast", a blood-sucking ninja, who Haruna-chan calls a leaf girl.Finally, she came, of course, she didn't come out alone, but with a whole pot... Well, she really came with a whole pot!

The heat in the pot continued to churn.

Everyone's eyes were sharp, and when they saw Sera come out, they all moved away.Because the pot was taking the breath that no one dared to touch it.Even Ariel quietly took such a big step to the side. It seems that everyone has recognized that Sierra's food is definitely not to be touched by strangers!

"Can you...don't count Sera?"

At this moment, only Yashenyue, whose hands were tied, wanted to ask PS: The editor said that the cover should be changed. From tomorrow onwards, it will be replaced by a gentleman every day. Of course, it will be Kuangsan in the end.Three masters live forever.

Chapter 0074 The Queen who was ignored again

"Why are you all looking at me? Is there something on my face?" Because it was in the house, Sera didn't dress very grandly. She didn't put on one, two or three pieces of clothes. She just wore dark green suspenders, but With her figure that even ten Haruna generals can't match, she really doesn't need to hide it, just show it directly and generously.

Ye Shenyue looked at Sera, Sera put a whole pot on the table, and then the table seemed to tremble a little, maybe... the bottom of the pot couldn't withstand the "feast" carefully "concocted" by Sera Look, the bottom of the pot and the table... I'm afraid it's going to rot!

Yagami could only deliberately look away from it, ignoring the greeting card written by Sera and inserted on the tall cake made of half-cream, half-cream Haruna's proud omelette.

The one above hoping that he could eat that "feast" completely was horrible.

" looks delicious..."

Haruna snorted, and then glanced at Ye Shenyue, "Yi Zi, I think you should quickly untie the rope on the fool's body... um... let him eat all the soup by himself."

Chunnai really is still Chunnai-chan, a dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.He actually let him deal with those terrifying "feasts" alone, Yashenyue glared at Haruna, and Haruna turned her head with a guilty conscience.

It's just unexpected that Yuuki, who calls herself a "campus wife" after Haruna finished speaking, is hard to hear. Well, it is said that Yuuki Yoshida, who is said to share weal and woe, and Mel, one of Silas's men, has already begun. "Betrayal" "Well... I agree too."

Yuuki glanced at Ye Shenyue, put his hands together on his chest and said in a low voice, "Aikawa, I'm sorry... Seraphim's dishes are really terrible."

After that, it was more like a rehearsal, and the girls actually stood on Serra's side one by one.

The most depressing thing is Silas. As Silas's chief, she actually condoned her subordinates instead of blocking her!

These are her original words.

"Well...Since Seraphim can't be stopped, let her do it thoroughly!"

As for how to do it completely, let Ye Shenyue completely drink the huge pot of "feast" made by Seraphim!

Really resolute ruthless man!

But she is not the only one who is so cruel, other girls are the same. The arrogant girl Mihara nodded in agreement. She didn't want to touch that terrible thing. Although she had never tasted it herself, she was also a very smart person. Everyone is so repulsive, and the pot that Sera brought out is exuding a strange aura, which makes people… um… they dare not touch it at all!


Yu Xin's childhood sweetheart, Miaozi, wanted to speak for Ye Shenyue, but Mihara glared at him, "That's not something we can drink for him. If you drink it, you will definitely die."

Mihara spoke with her own intuition, and then pulled Taeko-chan, who wanted to say something, directly away.

The childhood sweethearts are helpless.

"Night, accept your fate."

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