
Sera nodded, playing harder and harder.Even if he can't do it alone, she still has so many companions.On the other side of Abu, he also has many companions supporting him.

Haruna and Lucius-sama.

In the end, they will surely win.

Ps: This chapter is a bit late...sorry.The author continues to code words, and strive to break out tomorrow.Maybe three shifts, maybe...Three shifts or more, asking for collections, asking for flowers, asking for comments, asking for rewards, asking for comments, no comments, no motivation for codewords.

Chapter 0056 Little Battle

As Serra expected, the current Ye Shenyue is indeed going through a tough battle.It is impossible to know the power of the Night King without true insight.

The Night King not only has the body of an undead zombie like him, but at the same time, he can make things stained with his black mist, whether it be people or things, unable to move, even a little bit, like being driven by nails. Same there.That is to say, once caught by his black mist, it is a fate to be slaughtered by him.

In this regard, Ye Shenyue has only...

Chi Guoguo's jealousy.

Obviously they are all zombies, why does the King of the Night have more abilities than him!unfair!You sauce, you are so unfair!

"That's his own ability."

As if seeing through Ye Shenyue's envy and jealousy, You held up a small book to appease Ye Shenyue.

"Abu... don't look around, focus, be careful, if you get caught in his black mist, you'll be finished! Just like... I'm like this now!"

Poor Haruna was by Yu's side, and her feet were surrounded by black mist, so she couldn't move her legs at all, she couldn't even move, and she was kicked out of the game as soon as she came out.

These days, she managed to recover some magic power. She originally thought that she could finally transform once and give this Night King a good look. However, as soon as she appeared, she was stopped by the Night King.Instantly lost his fighting power.

Let the dream of meeting the enemy with Ye Shenyue, handsome and cute, was completely shattered. In the end, I had to cheer for the steps with the necromancer.

"In this case... Night King, let you see the results of my shameful study of swordsmanship these days! Let me break that black mist of yours!"

The black mist attack of the Night King flashed again at a speed of %, and Ye Shenyue picked up the "Mister Ting" that had been inserted in the center of the field from the beginning. .

"Haha...Very good, Aikawa Ayumi, you really are someone who can fight me!"

The indifferent King of the Night smiled lightly, but his eyes swept slightly towards You.Yokoliwood, when this battle is over, you will, regardless of the outcome, you will also achieve my wish.

"Although I am handsome and handsome, I will invite death!"

A short spell, a brief transformation, the powerful Ye Shenyue stepped on the ground, and a deep footprint cracked on the ground immediately.

At the same time, while sinking a footprint on the ground, Yagami's body flew out like a cannonball, holding Mistertin with both hands, and turned ten somersaults in the air. , slashed hard at the King of the Night.

"Abu...Abu's posture...he's holding Mistertin...it seems like he's holding a tachi!"

Haruna-chan, who couldn't move, saw Ye Shenyue's posture at this time, and screamed.

It's just... her Mistertin is a saw, right? Using a saw as a sword can really cut through the black mist of the Night King?


Looking at Ye Shenyue who was doing her best to use the saw as a sword and slashing downwards with the King of the Night, the blue eyes of the little Yu-chan slowly filled with worry.

"Guo... It's really good... But, if you want to beat me like this... there are still some shortcomings, my zombie system is not used yet, % liberate!"

The black fog that was summoned to block Yagami became even more terrifying in the words of the Night King, and JiaYig became even more terrifying, rushing directly to Yagami above.

"Haha... You are a zombie, and Lao Tzu is also a zombie. Liberate with all your strength! King of the Night, see who is more powerful!"

Ye Shenyue did hit the king of the night with her fastest speed before, but the black mist of the opponent was so annoying, even if she couldn't catch up with herself at her fastest speed, she knew that she had stopped attacking When the night king, the black mist will come out again.

So... this time, Yagami gave up the speed advantage and gave up the attack of passing the speed to cut the Night King in half with Mistertin. Anyway, the Night King is a zombie, even if it is cut in half, it will be the same. Recoverable.

However, if the black fog he was proud of was destroyed, Yagami didn't believe that the black fog could return to its original state like a zombie body.

Therefore, this time, Ye Shenyue had to cut off the black mist with all her strength!

"%...the current step...so dazzling!"

Haruna stared blankly at the dark black robe on Ye Shenyue's body turning into a bright brown, full of a handsome and free atmosphere!


Advantages nod.

"How... how is it possible!"

At the center of the battle, the Night King, who was protected by the black mist, watched in astonishment at the sharp chainsaw that kept turning and slashed towards him from top to bottom by Ye Shenyue.

The chainsaw, in a little, and then quickly nibbled away at his mist.


Huge sound.Even the ground sank.

A huge thick dust flew up, blocking people's sight.

"Yes... is it a step win?"

It is the most powerful move to decide the victory or defeat.This time Ye Shenyue made such a loud noise, it should be his trump card.

And now with so much dust, the frozen Haruna can't see the scene inside at all. In the current situation, who wins?

Haruna was nervous.

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