Hello your sister! x2 If the mother (wife) is not in front of her, then the father and daughter will definitely be swearing immediately. They have been worrying outside for a long time, and she is a mother... She actually eats ice cream here?

Isn't childbirth accompanied by severe pain and all kinds of terrible and shrill cries?

How could it be possible to be so enjoyable?

What about the bloody scene?What about a horrific scene?

This... is totally wrong!

Of course, one thing is right, and that is Miss Zizi's belly. This belly is indeed something only pregnant women have.Definitely not fat or anything.

Even though Nagi didn't quite understand it, she felt that the contents of her mother's belly and her... had a constant connection no matter what.

137 Because...that's her!

Watch yourself born?

Strange things like this are real.And she's a party!

"Miss... Since the uncle and the young lady are here... It should be time for the young lady to be born."

The female doctor with transparent eyes pushed her glasses, and then with a wave of her hand, she took away the ice cream that the eldest lady was enjoying.


The eldest lady's expression finally became serious, and she finally became a little bit like a woman who was about to give birth, "Please come to me!"

The young lady's face is serious, as if something serious is going to happen next.

It is indeed very serious, after all, this is production.

Ye Shenyue and Sanqianyuan Nagi didn't dare to be negligent and stepped forward, holding their wife's (mother's) hand.

The young mother had her husband on the left and her daughter on the right, and she was about to come out of the womb.

With the efforts of the family, a small life finally came to this world.

It's just that while Ye Shenyue and the others were holding a new life inside, outside... the head of the white-bearded Sanqianyuan family, who was completely excluded from the family, was about to cry.

He is also a direct blood relative, how can he be worse than a son-in-law who is not blood relative?

Obviously his daughter is from Sanqianyuan, and his granddaughter is also from Sanqianyuan!He is not an outsider, okay?

Chapter 0089 Leave

It is also the mansion of Sanqianyuan.

In the courtyard outside the luxurious villa, the family is having a picnic, or is looking at a stunning picture.

I saw a loli who was only 138cm holding a little girl. This is just a girl who was born soon, but the girl is different from other children. She looks very smart and can talk in two days. Although Still a bit slurred but it's amazing enough.

"Nagi and Nagi look like..."

The mother was still eating ice cream. Of course, she didn't forget to praise her daughter, but this made Sanqianyuan's movement of holding the child stagnate. She was actually the little girl in the swaddling clothes, okay?Could this... be similar?

But I hold my own feelings...

Sanqinin Nagi is a little strange, and I can only say that this feeling is... I have never experienced it before.

This should be a very warm picture, just.

Ye Shenyue took out the genuine Wang Yu obtained from Emperor Sanqianyuan from her bosom.

Wang Yu faintly exudes a powerful light. The Emperor Sanqianyuan, who relied on the original Wang Yu's power to defeat Yeshenyue, is very clear about this. Wang Yu's power is too great, and he is about to bear it Unable to hold strength, it exploded!

The Emperor Sanqianyuan glanced at Yeshenyue, shook his head, turned and left. Of course, he left alone, because... there are some things that he should not listen to, or it will be very uncomfortable.


This time, the old man was so well-behaved that Ye Shenyue finally gave him a serious look, then took a deep breath and turned to Miss Zizi who had put on a beautiful purple-blue dress.


The lady raised her face.

"What is your wish?"

Ye Shenyue tried her best not to make her voice tremble. Yes, although Miss Zizi is natural, she is very clear and sensitive in some areas. For example, when it comes to educating Xiao Nagi, she must give two Xiao Nagi at night. They all told stories and then watched them all fall asleep before falling asleep.

Of course, Ye Shenyue didn't want this young lady, who was always smiling, to have such a sad expression.Because he is leaving.

He finally understood the reason why he couldn't go back when he got Wang Yu early in the morning.

that is because.

Cause and effect, he brought the little three thousand here. If he went back directly, what would he do with the three thousand?This world is the world where Xiao Sanqian was born, so...they have to wait until Xiao Sanqian is born.

There is a cause and effect. If the little three thousand at this time were not born, then there would be no future little Nagi who came to Miss Yuko's shop.

But now, after Xiao Sanqian was born, Wang Yu's power suddenly soared, which was urging him and Xiao Sanqian to go back.

But after it was time to go back, Ye Shenyue felt more and more reluctant to leave.


Listening to Ye Shenyue's question, Miss Zizi's eyes suddenly lit up, "So...is it okay to be an alien?"

Is it okay to be an alien?

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