The girl spider in a short skirt actually giggled, her calm eyes raised slightly, "That's how people like it..."

The spider girl smiled softly and looked at Ye Shenyue, "Then... I'm not difficult for you... How about we make a deal?"


"Well... I'll give you back your friend's left eye... I can also give you back the Zashiki virgin... But..."

The spider girl's eyes were slightly eager, "But you have to be my face!"

"Do... face first!"

Ye Shenyue called out directly.

What is the head of the face?


And one of many lovers!

The hat on the head goes from red to black and then back to green!Such a face...he doesn't want it!

"Yes... it's the face... er... how are you..."

The girl spider wanted to continue to nod, but she found out that Ye Shenyue had circled behind her at some point, and the spider silk wrapped around him was still there!

She had never heard of anyone moving freely in her web of spider silk without her feeling it.

Or...the other party's must be so fast that her network can't transmit the information to her at all!

Of course, this wasn't the most important thing, and the more important thing was that the other party had already grabbed her neck with one hand.

The neck is very slender, and it will break if you pinch it.

"Want to be faster than one of us?"

Ye Shenyue looked at her with a sneer, although this girl spider was really good, although this girl spider really exuded that kind of charming aura.

Ye Shenyue was referring to the speed at which he struck or the speed at which her sharp fingernails obliterated the seated virgin.

"I didn't expect your speed to be so fast... This is really a misstep..."

Although it was a misstep, this girl spider's self-restraint is really good. Except for the surprise of Ye Shenyue suddenly appearing behind her, now... she is extremely calm, and there is no expression of disappointment at all.

It seems...everything is still under her control.

"Okay...I let her go..."

The spider girl put away the sharp nails on the neck of the seated girl, and restored her hands to be no different from ordinary girls, and they were still very beautiful hands, slender and slender.

... Of course, Ye Shenyue was not looking at her hand at the moment, but at the seated virgin under her. The spider girl not only put away the murder weapon, but also controlled the spider silk to put the seated virgin on the ground.

In this way, he and the spider girl are left in this huge spider web.

"Say... what is your trap!"

Yagami never thought he was a gentleman (hentai), so he didn't let go and grab the girl's neck.continue to threaten her.


Didn't you see her and didn't remove the cobweb that was still tied to the Zashiki virgin?

She also kept her hand, and why did he let go of it stupidly?

Now that he threatened her, of course, he continued to threaten to pull out everything he wanted to know.

"Don't be so fierce... I'm not in a hurry, what's the hurry for you..."

The spider girl sighed, "It's really a mistake... Your power is too powerful..."

"Okay... Then I'll tell the truth, you'll know if you stay in this world for a while..."

"That's your physique!"

"It's like now... so close... The intoxicating power in your body is already boiling and pouring out... As long as we get your essence... then we will definitely be able to increase our power by at least 10 times!"


Ye Shenyue, who had been glaring at this monster for a second, didn't know what to say this second.

Essence? Ye Shenyue doesn't understand what is called essence.

Is his stuff really that precious?

Even this kind of thing is also missed by fairies?


It seems that in the catgirl world, Xiao Jingshuijiu, Feiju and the others like to bite him, and they are all the kind that are swallowed directly.

Could it be that...they also know?

No wonder he felt that the power of Feiju and the others increased very quickly, and thought it was the power of love?

Ye Shenyue was stunned.

It's just that the spider girl didn't stay stunned.

"Don't you think that I have no tricks?"

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