"It's nothing... I just don't want to go to class..."

Of course he wouldn't say that he was worried about this loli just now, otherwise he would provoke the other party to be unruly regardless of the occasion.

only.Ye Shenyue does have a kind of depression, why does she have to go to class no matter which world she travels to!Is he the kind of ten thousand year student?It's even scarier than Evangeline's school hell.

Just touching the little loli's head, Ye Shenyue finally felt a little more happy.

At least there is a loli to accompany him when he is most depressed, which is probably the best comfort for lolicon.

"Don't want to go to class? That's fine... That way, I can roll around in the room with Ye Ye... But Ye Ye, whether it's cooking, meeting people, or going to bed... woo woo... You're covering people again. The mouth is about to be deformed..."

Before the black-haired Lolita could finish her words, she was immediately stopped by Ye Shenyue. He really didn't know how much integrity this Lolita had. How could such things be said at the school gate? A group of onlookers came with a "perverted" sight.

He's not a pervert, okay?

Without further ado, Ye Shenyue hugged Ye Ye directly and ran towards it.And Lolita, who was leaning against Ye Shenyue's arms, giggled like she had succeeded in her trick.


This is where the transcript is collected.

When she got the transcript of the written test, Ye Shenyue was quite calm, which made Kimberly, a professor of ingenious physics and Ye Shenyue's current tutor, who was in good shape. The transcript in Ye Shenyue's hand says 12321, and the number of students here is 12320. Well, that's the second-to-last place. Shouldn't the second-to-last place be stunned or something? ?

How can it be like this now... to show calm?

It's just that she didn't know that Ye Shenyue was not the original protagonist Lei Zhen. This report card was from the previous protagonist Lei Zhen, and he was just a substitute, and it wasn't his achievements, so of course he calmed down.


If Ye Shenyue, who is all Xiaobai, is allowed to take the exam, then the results...

"Yeye...go away!"

Ye Shenyue came out of the office, and then saw the little loli squatting in the corner, and her heart suddenly became happy, what could be more important than having a little loli?

Although now his little loli has no lower limit and no integrity.

For example, now, this loli said again, "Well... let's hurry up and go to the dormitory where only the two of us are... well... it can be like this and then and then like this..."

So disrespectful.


Only at this time came the sound of boots touching the ground from behind Ye Shenyue. It should be a woman, and she was still very young.

Ye Shenyue turned around with his doll, and saw a girl with soft blonde hair to her chest wearing a blue hat with a dark red streamer.

This is an arrogant girl, and the first impression she gives is arrogance and luxury.

Should be an aristocrat.

In her hand, she was holding a small blue dragon.It looks so cute.

This is not a real dragon, they are similar to dolls like Ye Ye, but with the "heart of Eve", they can move, think and even exert powerful power.

This is the weapon that Ye Shenyue and the other students use to fight.

That is to say... his Ye Ye is also a weapon used for fighting.

Most people would think so.

But... Ye Shenyue, a lolicon, doesn't think so, but Ye Ye at his house can do a lot of things!Although he hasn't tried it yet.

"Give Way……"

The arrogant blond girl, Charlotte Billau, nicknamed Ciel, said disdainfully, if it was just talking, it would be fine, her eyes were full of contempt and disregard.

Needless to say, she must have heard Ye Ye Wu's words just now.

Masters who are related to dolls are not good masters, or are perverted.

In this world it is already a theorem.

So it's normal for Charles to think like that.

"Hey... You're actually being rude to my Xiao Ye... Be careful to beat you every night!"

Ye Shenyue hadn't spoken yet. Ye Ye, who consciously acted as a bodyguard, appeared in front of Ye Shenyue, and then spoke directly, but she was majestic, but her body was so cute.Not domineering, but added a bit of squeamishness for nothing.

What a cute loli.

Ye Shenyue lightly patted her doll on the shoulder, then looked at Ciel, "You are Ciel... It is my freedom to be interested in dolls, and it is my freedom not to give way, some people I can give way, but you... can't..."

Ye Shenyue looked at the other party's increasingly unhappy expression, and used the classic words of Echizen Ryoma, "You... you are still far from it!"

"Worse... how far?"

Ciel's brows wrinkled, and the blonde girl sneered, "You're far behind... I don't even think about who I am... Hmph... If that's the case, then I'll convince you, let's duel! And...don't call me Ciel...that's what only people I allow can call me!"

The blond girl is arrogant and arrogant, and immediately excited by a little stimulation, the little blue dragon in her hand is secretly sweating. "Charle... Calm down... This is the opponent's aggressive method..."

The owner of the house is too easy to be deceived!

"Humph! Of course I know, but I want this ignorant guy to understand what it means to be strong!"

Although his face turned red after being told by his own Xiao Qinglong, Xia Er glared at Ye Shenyue, and then Gu Zi said stubbornly.

She is really a arrogant girl in a textbook!

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