A touch of pink makes Silas, who already exudes a queen's breath, even more seductive.

Silas blushed?

Ye Shenyue was a little stunned, but the current Silas was too tempting. His red lips were a little bit, and he was exuding a magnificent light.Is that seduction?


With a soft sound, Ye Shenyue finally kissed another girl's lips.At this time, Silas was so powerless that even the aura of a queen disappeared.

I don't know when, I don't know how long this kiss lasted, and when they were both out of breath, they separated.

At the same time, the movements of the two have changed. Originally, Ye Shenyue was riding on Silas's body, but now, it became Silas lying in Ye Shenyue's arms, turning his head towards Ye Shenyue. On the heart of the moon.

Ye Shenyue turned her face to the side, just in time to see Silas' expression now, and then... Ye Shenyue was surprised to find that Silas had changed, and he had become a different person.

That person, lying comfortably, still seemed very shy.It seems that as long as it is his order, she will complete it one by one.


Yagami took a sip of water and tried to issue an order, "Silas...I'll go to your concert, but...don't dress too revealing during the concert! You can't be with other men either. There is physical contact!"

This order is simply announcing that the other party is his property and cannot be looked at by others no matter what.


Silas raised his small head and opened his eyes at the same time, with beautiful eyes that made Ye Shenyue a little dazzling.

Silas half sat up, kissed Yagami's iog lightly, and continued, "But... if this is My Darling's wish, then I will do it truthfully."

Itchy, warm.

Silas' soft lips swept across iog's chest, and Ye Shenyue's heart was also itchy.

"Drip drip..."

The voice of the phone again.

Silas looked at the number and smiled a little mischievously, "It seems that the time to meet Darling is over so soon... I have to go back to rehearsal later."

Yes, ten minutes on stage and ten years off stage.

Now Silas is still a star who has just debuted. There is still a lot to hone. Although it is only a small concert, there is still a lot to prepare, such as songs and costumes to be sung. what techniques to use.

"this is for you!"

Silas was patting the bits of dirt that Yagami and Yagami were rolling on the grass when Yagami suddenly took out a small box from his trousers pocket and handed it to Silas.

"Is it a gift?"

Silas took it in a bit of surprise, and regardless of the dust he just slapped, he sat down again ladylike, holding the small box in his small hands.

"Well... open it and take a look. Although the relationship is set, I have never fulfilled my boyfriend's responsibilities, and I haven't given you a gift. This time I will treat it as compensation."

Ye Shenyue smiled, watching the slightly blushing Silas open the box with trembling, and then staring blankly at the clips in the box that shone with dazzling brilliance under the brilliant sunset.

This clip is beautiful, with a golden cross on the crimson ribbon, and there is an indescribable charm.

"Because your identity is a vampire ninja, you have nothing to do with vampires, so I think it would be very beautiful if you decorated it with a cross...hey..."

Ye Shenyue scratched her head, and before she could finish speaking, Silas' soft body threw herself into Ye Shenyue's arms again, knocking Ye Shenyue down.

"Bastard Darling, he always likes to move people..."

Silas was leaning against the iog of the night god, and a trembling voice came from the iog, "How do you know that I like the ornament of the cross the most?"

"Of course I have a good heart... Haha... If you like it, just like it..."

Ye Shenyue snorted haha, I can't say it's because I've watched the animation, and when I was shopping with You and the others, I found the exact same clip as you wore, right?

It's just that Ye Shenyue suddenly couldn't speak anymore, because the charming Silas touched her lips again, blocking Ye Shenyue's continued words...

Silas had been away for a long time, and after recalling the kiss and kiss just now, Yagami, who was holding the swimming ticket, let go of her excitement.Just looking at the tickets Silas took out was a little speechless.Isn't the ticket for this concert the swimming ticket that Haruna had drawn in the original book?

That's because Haruna's character is super bad, so she has been drawn several times in a row, but this ticket... as long as anyone can win it.

The tickets are very ordinary, but Ye Shenyue is still very satisfied. After all, this is what Silas brought by himself, and the weight is different from the lottery.

Moreover, the harvest now seems to be more than this ticket!The first is Sera's ninja status. Now Sera is a ninja again. Although she doesn't know why she is so persistent, Yagami knows that she still cares about being called a traitor in her heart.So, now finally back to this big organization of vampire ninjas, Sera is happy.

Second, he has changed his mind on Silas. She is not just a butt fetishist. Although Silas is sometimes fierce, sometimes shy and cute, she... seems to be someone who can be pushed at any time. , is also the target Ye Shenyue wants to push.

Because the most suitable ones are Serra and Sylas, the intimacy with Taeko has not yet reached the point of pushing, let alone Mihara, and Xiaochunna is so arrogant, it seems a little difficult to push her. , even Yuuki has difficulty. I'm afraid he decided to push her, but she ran away because of shyness. As for the cutest Yu-chan... Such a cute Yu, if you push her, Ye Shenyue would be guilty of a heinous crime. Feel.There is also Chris, who is almost the key player in winning this game. Although she can drink alcohol to restore Lolita's appearance, the curse of the other party has not been lifted. For example, she pushed her that night, such a cute little Lolita, When I woke up the next day, there was an ordinary middle-aged man lying beside him...

Ye Shenyue felt chills just thinking about it.So just find someone else.Like Silas.

Silas seems to be the most suitable object... I just tried it, and Silas' figure is not much worse than that of Sierra.

Think about...

Ye Shenyue was a little excited, there was nothing he could do, now he is still a pure and innocent little virgin, and suddenly there is a girl who looks good and has a good figure who can be pushed in the right place, Ye Shenyue is true excited.

Chapter 0059

"Dangdang...Abu...Look, what is this?"

"Why do you have a familiar smell on your body?"

"I went out to steal ~ love!"

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