She hugged her Lolita first, but Ye Shenyue wasn't ready to let her fight, so she sighed, "Miss Shire, your usual popularity seems to be very bad..."

"Humph! What do you mean...I don't want to fight or what...not good...this is!"

The blond girl was just talking, and then she found that a mist appeared all over her body, and then a huge hammer flew out from the left, and the hammer hit her directly, "Roar..."

Sigmund, the behemoth on her left, helped her block the blow with his wings, but another attack appeared from right in front of her, and it was an attack!

And it's still a hit!

"You bastards!"

At this moment, Ms. Choroh didn't know where she was. She was being besieged. At this moment, she finally understood why Ye Shenyue said that her popularity was not good.

Because of being besieged, how can the popularity get better?

Of course, the eldest lady at this time is not thinking about Ye Shenyue, and now she should defeat these people first!


But at this moment, her little green dragon Sigmund roared, and then his wings were injured.

Because these guys have at least a dozen people to attack her!

Xiao Qinglong was injured in order to protect her!


Miss Shire scolded, and she was also angry, and the little blue dragon who directly controlled her started to shoot, spewing something similar to laser bullets from the dragon's mouth, and instantly inserted into the group of attacks that appeared after the fog dissipated. puppets.

"Bang bang bang!"

As expected of Sigmund, as expected of a giant dragon like a mountain, with a single blow, these besiegers were knocked to the ground and unable to move.

"Yeye... Did you see it?"

Ye Shenyue held Xiao Yeye, who was unwilling to help no matter what, and pointed to a group of defeated puppets of various forms on the ground.


Although she was very dissatisfied, Xiao Yeye nodded, "This guy is just average strong... much worse than me... um... don't pinch... it's going to be deformed again... a girl's face can't be pinch..."

The black-haired Loli was about to show off herself, and then Ye Shenyue pinched her cheek immediately, and Loli struggled.

"Little idiot, I want you to see the injuries of those puppets. Look, Sigmund's move just now should be considered a big move. You can attack any way you want, but you can see that these puppets are only injured. The legs and hands are temporarily out of combat. It was obvious that she could just shoot them directly and kill them all, but she didn't. It is much more difficult to control not to kill the puppets than to control casual shooting. But she still Don't kill them..."

Ye Shenyue didn't say more, but everyone knew it.

This is the lady's mercy.


Ye Shenyue's voice was not loud, but everyone present heard it. The blond lady turned her head and snorted, but she didn't deny it, and those besieging people lowered their faces in shame. Their puppets did not Completely dead, just injured, just fix it and it will be fine.

... ...because the other party ... this is showing mercy, and showing mercy after the siege, it seems that they are very, very disgraceful.

Perhaps...their siege this time was really inappropriate.

", let's fight!"

Miss Shire couldn't stand everyone's attention falling on her, and was a little embarrassed. In order to hide this, she continued to mention the duel.

"No need... next time..."

Ye Shenyue patted the black-haired Loli who was still hanging on him, and walked towards the little Qinglong who had shrunk to the size of a palm while Loli muttered unhappy.

A warm glow emanated from his hands.

"What do you want to do!"

Both of the other's hands were stretched out, warm, but this one held down the hand she was holding Xiao Qinglong, and the other was placed on Xiao Qinglong's body.

how to say?

When she was held down by the other party, she actually felt her body warm, as if she was back in her mother's arms, making people want to fall asleep at once.

But she soon woke up, what the hell is she doing, don't be like a nympho!

He just raised his head too much, and then saw that his little blue dragon Sigmund's originally injured wings actually recovered as before, and the little blue dragon in his hand actually closed his eyes!

Not stunned but content to fall asleep!

You must know that this is her automatic doll, actually in front of her, in front of her master, and actually fell asleep.

It takes so much peace of mind to fall asleep.

Miss Xia Er touched Xiao Qinglong's head and determined that the other party was really sleeping.Fall asleep contentedly.

I don't know what it feels like.

It turned out... it was to help her little Qinglong heal.

"Humph! Even so I won't thank you!"

Even so, the arrogant girl nodded slightly towards Ye Shenyue.

Although the dolls have the ability to heal themselves, it takes time to recover. She, who has offended so many people, has many enemies.So Xiao Qinglong is her guarantee.Can't get hurt.


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