Moreover, Xiao Yeye's body is soft and well-behaved, but he can perform such and such actions.

Ye Shenyue admitted that his integrity had also fallen to the ground.

bathroom time.

One more sigh, this male dormitory is really luxurious, the bathroom is big and the equipment is good, but...why is the place so big...the bathtub is so small!

Can only accommodate about one person.

Of course, if you want Ye Ye to come in, it will be a bit crowded.

But keeping Ye Ye outside seems to be fine.


Is this possible?

"Xiao Ye, hurry in... Ye Ye will definitely serve you well..."

Ye Ye has already started stripping Ye Shenyue's clothes.

Yes, it's stripping him!

If she was just taking off his clothes then that's fine, she just let go of his clothes and hurriedly stripped his pants!

Those who don't know now think she's a womanizer~wolf!

" a lady...a little should learn from your sister Iloli...if it was her, she wouldn't be like you...hey...the pants will be torn apart. …”

Ye Shenyue regretted it, he shouldn't have said about Iluli at this time, Ye Ye seemed to have become rude.

"Hmph... Xiao Ye was definitely deceived by her elder sister. My elder sister is not the kind of person who looks so natural... She eats people without spitting bones..."

Ye Ye made a very vicious look, as if criticizing her sister.

Miss whistle, who is good at making ingenious girl dolls, has made a lot of dolls, but the most famous one is "Xueyuehua", also known as the three sisters at night.

In the unscrupulous nights, Iluli looks very quiet and simple, and of course there is a very cute little purple who belongs to the little sister.

Because he had just crossed over, Ye Shenyue also familiarized himself with how to manipulate dolls from Miss Whistle. After all, he was forced by Miss Yuko to eat that manipulative talent, but to Ye Shenyue's surprise, he passed by three times. The room where Miss Whistle made dolls actually wanted to go into it three times. It seemed that something was calling him, and he seemed...he also wanted to make dolls in his heart.

Very strange feeling.

All of a sudden, it was too far away. At this moment, the ingenious girl dedicated to Yashenyue ripped open Yashenyue's pants fiercely, and then quickly took off all her clothes that were very mobile and easy to take off. , jumped into the bathtub at once, and sank his little head into the warm water.

A clever girl is a clever girl after all, and it's okay to not breathe or anything in the water.

And Ye Shenyue, the master, also began to enjoy the warm and comfortable service of her own girl with her eyes closed.

(The process of pushing it was harmonious.) Yashenyue couldn't bear it any longer, the burning Lolicon flame was about to scorch him.

Jumped directly.

Really did it!

Looking at the black-haired Loli who had already slept sweetly, or was sleeping peacefully, Ye Shenyue couldn't help but covered her forehead, as if... the people in this world who have had a relationship with her ingenious doll also Just him.

However, Ye Ye is really the same as humans.

It is said that Ye Ye was made by Miss Whistle of Hua Liuzhai, and the ingenious girl had to be made from a part of the body of a living person, that is to say... Maybe it was Miss Whistle's body.

In other words... Maybe the one who was with him last night was also Miss Whistle?

That royal sister who is always holding a cigarette stick and is very calm, as if everything is in the palm of her hand, just like Miss Yuko?

Chapter 0112 The first fight with Magnus


"Sigmund...why do I think the two of them seem closer than they were yesterday?"

Sitting at the dining table, Miss Charlotte Billau, who was full of aristocratic aura, frowned slightly as she looked at Ye Shenyue walking in front of her and Ye Ye, who was completely clinging to him.

"It seems like this..."

Sigmund, who became the size of a kitten, said in a low voice, "Although the automatic doll needs the master's magic power to maintain its normal form, the intimacy seems to be a bit extraordinary... It's like... just... like..."

"Like a husband and wife! Ye Ye is Xiao Ye's wife!"

Ye Ye, who had already walked in front of Ciel, spoke excitedly, and looked down at Ciel, as if... looking at her with the eyes of a victor.

This made the arrogant, textbook-like eldest lady immediately uncomfortable.

"Why... do you want to fight?"

"You can accompany you at any time... They also want you to see the power of Ye Ye, who received the essence of Xiao Ye last night!"

The petite brunette loli has already stretched out her fist.quite confident.

"Charle... she seems... she really seems to be getting stronger..."

Little Sigismund's dragon face became a little more serious, and said to the already angry owner of the 07 family.

"Hmph...the stronger it becomes, the stronger it becomes,"

The Countess said with disdain on her face.

But is it really that easy to get stronger?

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