However, Ye Shenyue let go of her at this time.At the same time, he pressed his hand to the ground, and the two girls that he had sealed with the barrier were also released.You can move freely.

"Fire claw, jade worm, sickle cut, dragonfly... Ji spider... bee, you come back."

Magnus couldn't see his expression because he was wearing a mask. Magnus's voice was very flat, and it was still that high-pitched voice isolated from strangers.

"Bring your name, I'm very interested in you."

The battle was over before it even started.But there was no strange expression on Magnus' face.

Because at this moment, Yagami Yue is replacing Leizhen... that is, the younger brother of Magnus, the older brother of the original protagonist.

His younger brother is so powerful, there is really nothing to be jealous of.

Although the younger brother doesn't understand him, he thinks that he killed their sister and made the most advanced forbidden doll among the automatic dolls with her body.But he was for that wish, for the burden he was carrying, and he could only do that.

He couldn't tell the truth to his brother.

I can only wait for my brother to kill him!

This is the elder brother of a cup, just like Itachi, who has turned himself into a villain, but he is in Cao Ying and his heart is in Han.


However, at this time, Ye Shenyue stopped him.

"whats the matter?"

"I'm also waiting for the moment when my sister comes back to life."

Ye Shenyue smiled at Magnus, showing her little white teeth, while Magnus' expression changed in an instant.

A look that sees through everything.

Of course, the onlookers didn't understand these things, they were just stunned by the fighting power of Ye Shenyue and Ye Ye.

"This is……"

A man and a woman in the crowd widened their eyes, and then the blond short-haired boy wearing a hat curved into the corners of his mouth, beckoning at the girl with beautiful purple hair who looked meticulous with eyes, and the two slowly moved. Withdrew slowly.

Chapter 0113 is to seek help or frame the blame?

"Hey... what did you mean when you said that you hope your sister will be resurrected?"

Still in the restaurant.only.The eldest lady's expression seemed to have changed a little, because she had been severely shocked just now.

I was shocked by the strength of these two masters and servants, so Miss Bi Lao still took back a little arrogance.

"That's the secret,"

Ye Shenyue tapped the table with her fingers, "Of course... unless you become my girlfriend and then you can find out... how? This condition is very tempting..."

Ye Shenyue smiled.This is the smile that controls everything.

He was in a good mood just after intimidating Magnus.Anyway, what that Ray really wanted was to kill Magnus, but he didn't say what to do with the remaining clever girls.

And Ye Shenyue, who has known the plot for a long time, of course knows that the six clever girls under Magnus are all made from the body of Lei Zhen's deceased sister, so each of them is the same as his sister's height. Almost fat and thin.

And today the one he hugged indecently looks exactly the same as his younger sister.

Fire hangs.

As long as you gather six clever girls, you actually gather your sister.

Ye Shenyue guessed that the reason why Magnus, the original protagonist Lei Zhen's brother Tianquan, killed his sister and made her a clever girl should be to use his talent to see the true divine ingenuity, that is, Turn clever girls into real people.

Bring your sister back to life again.

The ingenious girls have always violated the forbidden art of God's creation, and what this brother wants to do is to make all this a reality.

Those who achieve great things will lose a lot.

This is a poor brother.

But... it seems that he prepared all the clever girls for him... this fake younger brother... well... forget it.

Although if I came earlier, I could revive my sister with just a single blow with a natural tooth, but...

Perhaps the natural teeth at that time were also ineffective, because... my sister's soul and body were incomplete.

The younger sister's body, eyeballs, lungs, and skin should be on the body of the other five ingenious girls, and the last soul is on the body of Fire Hammer.

Perhaps, what he was going to chop with his natural teeth was not the body of his former sister, but the current... those six clever girls.

Cut them to restore the sister.And this is also Lei Zhen's real wish. The reason why he wanted to kill his brother was to avenge his sister, and if he were to resurrect her... then his wish would come true.


Want one?Or six?

It's a really hard choice.


On the other hand, the ingenious girl who said last night that she was not jealous suddenly puffed out her cheeks and looked at Ciel with the eyes of the enemy.

Ye Ye is still struggling with the "girlfriend" that Ye Shenyue invited.


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