"Let's define this murderer, "Magic Eater" now... this guy is committing a crime again... and the case has already happened... I hope you can help us, just now you fought Magnus below I have seen...you are indeed very powerful...so I hope you can help us!"

A solemn expression appeared on Felix's face, "Lisette Norton" "Crack..."

Walking in from the door, a girl with beautiful lavender long hair holding a notebook and a pen, she wears square transparent glasses, she is very meticulous, and she seems to even smile Won't.

But those eyes that always looked down on everything or hated everything made people really want to... torture her severely.

"This is my disciplinary committee's assistant... that is, an assistant."

Felix introduced, "Now there's another attack...I think we should go and see..."


Ye Shenyue stood up and pushed the arrogant young lady sitting beside him.

"doing what……"

Now Ciel is very upset, because she is a lover of automatons, and what she hates most is those who kill automatons.

how to say?

It can be regarded as hateful! Moreover, according to the tragic nature of the automatic dolls in the photo, the attack mode... seems to be somewhat similar to her Sigmund.


"I just estimated...that Lisette, she...her..."

Ye Shenyue lowered her voice.


Is there something wrong?

At this time, Lisette also turned around and glanced at Yagami.

"Her breasts are definitely not fake...much bigger than yours with breast pads..."


Lisette, who had already made a very serious action, froze on the spot, and immediately gave Ye Shenyue a vicious look, and then turned her body sideways, as if she had been peeped just now. The eyes are reflecting.


Her own black-haired loli suddenly puffed out her cheeks, but Ye Shenyue immediately covered her mouth.

Some words can't be said casually like this.

It's a little bit if you can pick up a little bit of integrity.

"That...Yishinyue-san really likes to joke...Let's go to the latest crime scene..."

Felix is ​​still smiling, but this smile is a little embarrassing. Did he really let such a person perform his script?

But...it seems like that's the kind of person who likes women's pornography...it's better to control...

Crime scene.

It is said to be the scene of the crime, because this small place has been cordoned off.

But there were students in school uniforms all around.

The victim puppet was lying on the ground, with severe injuries. Not only was his head missing, but his chest was also empty, as if it had been dug out abruptly.

Eve's heart...the magic circuit was taken.

The perpetrator is of course the "Magic Eater".

"This is……"

Charles suddenly lengthened his voice, she seemed to recognize the automaton.

"Well...it should be..."

Ye Shenyue nodded, but at this time Lisette interjected, "It's the Iron Ball Girl."

Attracted Ye Shenyue's attention.

"Yes... it's Iron Ball Girl, Ciel, one of those automatons that besieged you yesterday."

Then Ye Shenyue said jokingly, "Could it be that the person who likes you avenged you... to use such a cruel method... It seems that he must have loved you for a long time... I guess If it is such a person, then the automaton to be killed next must be the automaton of the person who besieged you yesterday..."


Ciel poked her nose at this, and she herself knew that, although she was good-looking, Sigismund was also very powerful, and she pursued many people, but there shouldn't be such a crazy pervert.

"But... I won't let anyone who does such a thing go!"

Ciel rolled his eyes, then showed a very serious expression, "At night... let's go on a date."

"Eh... huh?"

She proposed a date herself?

so active?

"Go every night too!"

At this time, the ingenious girl who had been neglected for a long time finally showed her existence. "Yeye is Xiaoye's wife, how can she allow other women to date her husband?"

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