What Ye Shenyue took out was the machine that Ariel sauce used to absorb Xiaoyou's magic power and then transfer it to him.It's just that she didn't take out the huge body of the machine, she just took out two absorption meters.

It seems that the effect is very good. As expected of Ariel-chan who is about to enter the realm of gods, the things she creates are really terrible, so it seems that they are not the enemy of the automatic dolls in this world?

No, because these automatic dolls need the magic power provided by the master to move freely, and once their magic power is sucked away, then these automatic dolls really become dolls, but they cannot function. Dolls who can't fight when they talk.

And on this side.

Just absorbed your magic.

Just absorbed your magic.

Ye Shenyue smiled and looked at Miss Lisette, who was completely stunned. Lisette had to be stunned, because she was about to become an immobile puppet.

"How about it? Either become a doll that can't move... and then be made to do something like this... Or... obey me obediently? Don't worry... My magic power is stronger than that of your master Felix. More than twice as strong...you can get stronger...and you don't need to devour so many Eve's hearts..."

This time, and only this time, Yagami looked at Lisette seriously, while holding the button of the magic-absorbing device in his hand.

"As long as you turn your back on your master and obey me, then... you can... continue to live!"

Ye Shenyue said seductively.

Chapter 0125 When the rebellion is going on (on)

In the pitch-black forest, although Jigiao Academy is very rich, it seems that it is not rich enough to install street lights for the entire forest, so there is still a horror that girls dare not come casually in this forest!

However, there is one exception for a girl, and that is Miss Shire with the powerful Sigmund, a forbidden dragon-shaped doll.

He gently flipped the azure blue hat on his head that was as blue as the sea.Charles held his breath.

"We're going to catch it alive... Let's see who the magic eater is... Go on... Sigmund!"

Ciel was referring to the sneaky automaton that was about 50 meters ahead, running around at such a late hour, and walking in a strange way. Who is the magic eater?

Charles, who was still nervous, suddenly relaxed.

Then Sigismund, who was still flying in the air, fell to the ground instantly, and lowered his body like a puppy, but opened his mouth wide.

Miss Bilau's hands burst out with strong magic power, and the magic power was injected directly into Sigmund's body. Sigmund, who had been supplemented with magic power, burst out a powerful lightsaber, and directed it towards the dog-shaped automatic that found it wrong and wanted to escape. The puppets attacked.

Although the wolfdog had already discovered the attack, Sigmund was a powerful automatic doll after all, how could he let it escape? All the tails and limbs used lightsabers to immobilize the wolfdog and successfully captured it alive!

"Sigmund, let's go!"

Miss Shire ran to the wolfhound that was restrained in a happy mood.

At this time, Felix, who was lurking in the grass, couldn't help it.

"What the hell is that guy Lisette doing!"

Seeing that Miss Shire has already given the bait he deliberately released, but her automaton has not yet appeared, it is really abnormal.

Could it be that Lisette was delaying it on purpose?

Felix became more and more dissatisfied with the powerful automaton that the family handed him to him, although it was indeed powerful that she could devour Eve's heart from someone else's automaton and turn it into her own power.


However, there were actually ordinary members of the Ethics Committee that Felix wanted to use as "witnesses that Ciel is the magic eater" lying in ambush.

"Got it... let's go out!"

Felix gritted his teeth and ran out. As for Lisette, the account was recorded first.

The light, the dazzling light, all hit Ciel like a star on stage. The eldest lady of the Bilaw family was also tossed by the dazzling light, and quickly covered her eyes with her hands, and then saw a group of people.

Wear a black jacket and a hat.

These are the members of the Discipline Committee!

And standing at the forefront is Felix who has helped her a lot.

Sure enough... Felix regards her as a magic eater. If so, then the previous help is also fake?

She... was deceived? l deceived her like a fool?

There was an incomprehensible feeling in Miss Billao's heart that rolled in the silence.

That's... anger!

At this time, Felix didn't know what Ciel was thinking, so he could only continue to act according to the original script, "Charle... I really didn't expect you to be a magic eater!"

"You spit out blood!"

"Absolutely not... We have searched a lot of magic circuits in your room... As to whether they were stolen or not, I am not sure, but now... witnesses and evidence are gathered, and you still use Sigmund to attack this simple The wolf dog, that is to say... you are the magic eater! Go ahead and capture it!"

Felix said proudly, but it seemed a little strange.

Because, after being said that, Miss Ciel didn't get angry, but...the corners of her mouth twitched.Ironic smile.

Felix did exactly that!

"That's what you're talking about? Felix!"

"Could it be that……"

Felix suddenly had a bad feeling. According to the original plan, his automaton followed Yagami to find Ciel, and then Lisette brought Yagami to see this scene and let Yagami go. The one who came to defeat the Ciel, but now...everything is so weird!Why didn't Charles panic at all?Why does it look like it's self-sufficient!


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