But the very simple Frey was still sitting there obediently, like a good student.

And Ye Shenyue and the others also started a formal conversation.

"Are you number 99?"

Frey nodded.

"And I'm the 100th, your next opponent!"

Frey nodded again. "Because I can't beat you, I can only assassinate you before the night party!"

Well, tell others the reasons, this is not something that ordinary people can do.

Should I say she is magnanimous or should I say she is stupid?

Ye Shenyue's back continued to sweat, and then she looked at Ye Ye, "Look, people really came here with the intention of assassination, at present, Frey and I don't have such a relationship as you imagined. !"

"Then let's go all out to destroy that nasty fat... um... destroy this enemy completely!"

Ye Ye said fiercely.It just seems that he accidentally exposed his purpose at the beginning.

Sure enough, for her, the ultimate enemy is still her breasts.


Almost when Ye Ye's words completely fell, the big bad wolf Rabbi Frey was holding screamed and stared at Ye Ye with bulging eyes.It seems that this puppy can tell who is the enemy even if it has only the intelligence of a dog.

At least for now... a girl who is unhappy with her master is an enemy.


Frey quickly patted Rabbi's head to soothe it. "Let's do this today...but I won't give up."

Well, even for the sake of it, he directly rode the big wolf dog Rabbi and jumped out of the window.


It's an escape.

"Xiao Ye... Did you hear that? This woman is shamelessly preparing for a second attack... This is a big threat... Um... Could it be..."

Ye Ye's voice changed from anger to surprise, because Ye Shenyue suddenly hugged her.It seems to have entered the nightlife all at once.

into the night.

Because of Frey's affairs during the day, Ye Shenyue hurriedly comforted Ye Ye, who was jealous of his family.

It is almost impossible to keep Ye Ye from being jealous.

But I don't know if Ye Ye did it on purpose or not, but he actually pestered him for a long time, as if he was going to be drained and then he didn't have the energy to mess with flowers.

However, it seems that Ye Shenyue also has the same thoughts. If Ye 070 is too tired, then she will not have the energy to deal with Frey on purpose.


Ye Shenyue was still at a loss.

Ye Ye seemed to be too powerful, and she was still clinging to him in the middle of the night, and Rouran's body fell directly into his arms.

However, in the next second, the movements of Ye Shenyue's hands suddenly stopped.At the same time woke up.

Because...because... Ye Ye couldn't still be wearing fat!But now people are wearing it!

That is to say...now...well...the person he touched...not...not Ye Ye!

So now... well... the person in his arms will be...

Ye Shenyue, who woke up in a cold sweat, looked at her arms.His eyes are completely adapted to the night, so he can see clearly, but when he sees the girl with pearl-colored long hair who is groaning with some suppressed emotions in his arms, Ye Shenyue's back suddenly pops up. Sweat.

Because this girl... is Ms. Frey who tied up "play" by herself in the evening!

Chapter 0137 Sword Emperor Loki (Frey Special)

the next day.It seems to get brighter very quickly during the day.

And girls seem to wake up more easily than boys!

The petite Lolita stretched her waist in a disheveled manner. The sunlight slid down from the curtains seemed to be a bit loud, and the black-haired Lolita couldn't open her eyes.


After getting used to it for a while, Lolita Yefa was about to think about how to wake up her master, but when she wanted to smell the gentle breath of her man... she suddenly narrowed her eyes.

Then sat directly on the owner's stomach.The long hair that was still slipping smoothly on the back actually stood up without any warning, giving a very terrifying feeling.

"That... Ye Ye... It's very early this morning..."

Ye Shenyue said hello.Say hello as usual, his loli is so energetic every day.

He had just woken up and was still a little dazed.

However, what he returned to him was not the must-have cute greetings every morning and night, but an increasingly terrifying momentum, "Hurry up and take off your underwear~pants!"

"Underpants... huh?"

Ye Shenyue is a little confused, but his loli is not confused, her small hands have slipped to Ye Shenyue's waist, with the momentum of a thousand miles, with the momentum of winning the championship in one fell swoop, she pulled down fiercely.

While pulling, he said, "Aura... This is another woman's breath... This room is full of other women's breath!"

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