"how is this possible!"

Ciel hurriedly rejected it, she didn't do that kind of hidden beauty in a golden house... Oh no, it should be hiding a man's behavior.

But where did this... person... go?

Miss Birao's gaze moved down.Then his eyes widened, "Why did he go down all of a sudden... He actually met the Sword Emperor all of a sudden... Does he want to make an enemy now? Or... for that... um... woman's enemy?"

Sigmund who said this almost fell from the air.What is a woman's enemy?

Ciel's eyes were focused on Miss Frey's chest.Xia Er, please pay more attention to the key points. The key point is that Ye Shenyue actually caught the Sword Emperor's sword with her bare hands!

And Ye Shenyue, who had already concealed the night and appeared below, blocked with one hand the sword that Chi Angel was about to slash at the rabbi.In other words, this sword is Chi Angel.

Chi Angel's setting is that it can become Loki's sword itself!

Chichi is an automaton made entirely of metal and cannot sweat, and if it could sweat, it would be a waterfall at the moment.

Because the person in front of him who blocked its sword with one hand was not an automaton but a human.

If it's an automaton, that's fine, but this is a human, a human whose body doesn't seem worth mentioning!What a force and what a stubborn hand it is to catch its sword!

"Hey... Who are you! Sign up for your name!"

Loki's expression is not very good, cold, or it is his natural expression, and the things he has experienced since childhood have made him not use other expressions. "Although this uncle is tolerant and humble, he still cannot forgive three kinds of people. The first is the one who ordered me, the second is the one who resisted me, and the third is the one who suddenly intervened!"

Sure enough, it is the sword emperor, full of momentum.

It's just that he is secretly vigilant, because his Chi Angel's knife is a high-end product invented by D-work, and there is nothing that his sword can't cut!His sword is indestructible, so the final name is Sword Emperor!

But this is unarmed!

What is the concept of freehand!The sword that even an automaton would be divided into was intercepted by someone!

Really stopped.

However, only by intercepting it can it not be cut in half.

...Yes, his sword is indestructible, but it only counts when it is cut. Now the opponent stretched out the entire palm of his right hand and grabbed Chi Angel's sword, and he didn't let the sword advance half a step at all. Encountered so how to become invincible?

But it was still too strange that the wind at the moment of slashing left him unscathed.

Loki is not a fool, he carefully observed Yagami, and then frowned.

"I'm also very humble and tolerant, but I can't tolerate three kinds of people. The first is those who take action against my sister, the second is those who don't show their sincerity, and the third is those who make people look bad! Congratulations, boy , you stand on all three!"

Yagami said in Loki's tone.Looking at Frey at the same time, Frey's face turned red unnaturally.

Maybe she thought he was taking the initiative to help her?

Or maybe... Miss Frey thought about the LouDian incident last night?

"Hmph... I remember your name... Yeshenyue, right... Chi Angel... Kill this unpleasant kid for me!"

Sword Emperor obviously noticed the strange expression of his sister, or in addition to this, he also has the same virtue as Ye Shenyue, and they don't like each other!Therefore, the unceremonious order is extremely arrogant.

"I'm ready!"

Chi Angel shouted loudly, this is its catchphrase, it looks quite cute, but it didn't continue to work hard to cut the sword or its body to Yashenyue, because it has already felt the power of Yashenyue , the strength of holding its knife with one hand makes it unable to take a step forward, in that case.

Chi Angel's body burst out all kinds of ropes that can be attacked, and each rope has sharp horns in front of it, which looks very dangerous!

One of his hands blocked the sword, then it didn't matter, or better, so that he couldn't move, and once moved, the sword would slash, so he could only continue to hold Chichi's sword and then small The range but can't use too much force to avoid the attack of Chi Angel's rope!

And it is impossible to save in this posture!

Loki looked calm, as if everything was under control.

However this time.

Just when Yagami and Loki didn't like each other, Frey, who was supposed to be the weaker party, suddenly cried out.And it's called Loki.

"No Loki! Don't hurt him! You may be a family in the future!"

Possibly a family?

It could be a family!

The movements of Chichi, which was controlled by Sword Emperor Loki, stopped abruptly.Or suddenly stopped.

ps: Ahem, as for the bug of whether the Angel of Chi has become a sword and can launch a rope, just ignore it.That's it.

Chapter 0139 Invisible, Xiao Zi is now!On (Little Purple Session)

Loki is definitely not a fool. On the contrary, his emotional intelligence is outrageously high. Otherwise, he would not think that there is something wrong with Bronson's adoptive father than Frey.

Loki's mind is not like a boy, his mind is as dense as a girl.Almost instantly, she understood what Frey wanted to say.

It could be a family in the future!

Frey said so.

Having said that, maybe Yashenyue might be their long-lost elder brother or younger brother, but this is impossible, he only has one elder sister, Frey, and has no other relatives.

So this way is not feasible, but there is another way to become a family.

Then he is married to Ye Shenyue... bah bah bah... he's a man... and, no matter what, it's impossible.

Then... it can only be Frey, if Yagami Yue becomes his brother-in-law, then it will become a family.

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