The only sound in my ears was the soft wind blowing slowly from the woods.There was no other voice, not the beating of the creature's heart, not even the sound of breathing.

Everything seems to be working fine.

Is it an illusion?

"Chairman? What happened?"

The subordinates were still very loyal, and when they saw Lisette suddenly stop, they thought there was still some task to explain.

"No... let's move on."

Miss Lisette's voice was still as cold and indifferent, but this was normal for everyone who was already familiar with it. This is Miss Lisette.

Is it really just an illusion?

Lisette frowned indistinctly, and then walked forward, her subordinates following.

But in the next second, or less than a second, Lisette's movements stopped again, and her face... seemed to have a very scary expression, it seemed... angry, as if it was absolutely impossible to do it. Tolerate things the same!

The men were trembling.

And the chairman continued to speak.

"I remembered that I still have some personal affairs, so you should complete the task first!"

It was still the same cold tone, but the subordinates did not dare to disobey, and left quickly. After all, this was the order of the chairman. They didn't want to make the chairman angry. After all, her six dolls were not good-looking. .

In particular, one of the dolls seems to be a little arrogant, wearing a beautiful light green dress and a small hat, but she always likes to stab people who are uncomfortable with her with a pair of scissors.There are already quite a few "disobedient" guys who have been "patronized" by the puppets and become all kinds of shameful hairstyles.

So the rest of the members really don't want to follow in the footsteps.Nod your head obediently and run faster than a rabbit!

And in situ.

Miss Lisette walked into the path, then took off her glasses, put them in her pocket, and... opened her eyes, and then, she seemed to be... trying very hard to take a defensive posture. .

The reason why she had to stop just now was not because of other things, but because... her breast... was squeezed hard! ~Although she is an automatic doll, but the automatic doll also has a sense of touch and feel!

This... This is no longer an ordinary bullying prank, but a naked sexual~harassment!

"Sexual harassment guy! Come out with dignity if you have the ability!"

Miss Lisette said angrily.

Looking very angry.

Of course it's anger, Lisette is very conservative and also pays great attention to the puppet of Zhen Shi, being treated like this by a certain man is already a complete humiliation, and now being bullied again... Really think she is easy to bully!


There was no sound around, no sound at all.


It seemed that she was just talking to the air, and she was the only one around.

"Is there no one?"

As soon as this idea came up, it was immediately rejected by her, which was impossible!

Some shady guy must have used some kind of invisible ability and did it!

Miss Lisette is a product of the Renaissance, and she is well-informed.


A minute has passed.

No one appeared, and then she wrapped her arms around her chest.

Just when she was on her side just now, she was pinched again!

The beauty is completely that the face of the beauty turns red all of a sudden, not from shame but from anger!

"Ye Shenyue! You big beast! Do you really want me to reveal all your deeds?"

Finally, Miss Lisette shouted angrily.There was no one around, so she dared to shout so loudly, but Ye Shenyue almost jumped up after shouting like that.

Did Lisette have found him?

Looking at Lisette's confident and angry face, Yagami hesitated.

To go out...or not to go out?

Ye Shenyue hesitated in her heart, hesitating, if she went out, she would prove that she was that "big beast"? Then she was scolded by Lisette?Lisette's vicious tongue is completely unforgiving!

But if she doesn't go out...if it really pushes her...then wouldn't her reputation really be ruined?If it is destroyed, it’s fine. According to Lisette’s poisonous tongue, it will definitely go to Ye Ye, and then Xiao Ye Ye will start to be jealous again!

It's hard to do!

Ye Shenyue was full of sweat and at the same time debating whether or not to go out, the time passed little by little.

One second, two seconds, three seconds... Ten seconds, he hasn't decided yet.

"Is it really not?"

However, Lisette, who had been waiting for a long time, frowned and muttered as if she was thinking about something.

The voice was very small, as if it was just lip language, but this voice was clearly heard by Ye Shenyue, who was on her left!

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