That was Ye Shenyue's face.

It's just that at this time, Ye Shenyue still has three lolitas wrapped around her body.

Just now because of jealousy of Yashenyue's pro-Taeko, Yuuki and Yuu held Yashinyue's arm firmly, while Haruna directly pinched Yashenyue's waist with both legs, and clasped Yashinyue with both hands. , trying to pull Yagami away from Taeko's body.

It's just that this action is too ambiguous. In the eyes of outsiders, it is like hugging from left to right.

Sure enough... Bu is a lolicon?

Turning his head slightly, the body that finally straightened swayed, and Taeko-san seemed to faint again.


Ye Shenyue felt speechless, because the second sentence Taeko opened her eyes was that he was Lolicon again... Could it be that Lolicon was already ingrained in her heart?

It was because he seemed to see that he was a lolicon just now, so Taeko's psychology completely collapsed, and then he fainted and fell into the water.


Suddenly, Miaozi screamed, looking at Ye Shenyue's face that seemed to be close at hand, looking at Ye Shenyue's lips, Miaozi's face became more and more red.If she remembered correctly, the last scene in her memory was to see the other person's lips.

Thinking of this, Tiaozi couldn't help pursing her lips, and the peach cheeks were even more delicate, embarrassing... shy.

That... that... I'm sorry just now.Hiramatsu Taeko's face was a little red, and he turned slightly sideways and said in a low voice.

Is she apologizing for kissing her just now?Does she think that kissing her will also cause trouble to Ye Shenyue?

It's ok……

Ye Shenyue couldn't guess why Taeko apologized to herself, so she could only answer in a sullen voice.

These two...

Mihara rubbed his forehead, feeling helpless, their conversation was too weird!

Taeko, if you really like this guy, be brave and not blush after being kissed!And it's not your fault for kissing, it's that guy, why apologize to him?

Mihara, who is well aware of her friend's temperament, can only pass over the matter of Yashenyue's artificial respiration for Taeko. She originally wanted to give Taeko a little chance of winning and defeating these three loli, but, Taeko's The endurance doesn't seem to be that strong.

If she knew that Aikawa had given her artificial respiration, she might have blushed and fainted again.

That's all... Anyway, Aikawa knew what he did.The happy guy!

Thinking of this, Miyuan couldn't help but give Ye Shenyue a blank look.

oh oh...lovly Hui Luoluo...I love you!

"lovly Hui Luo Luo..."

At this moment, a loud shout came. It seemed to be very lively there. The girls couldn't help but look at the place where the sound came from. This sight made Mihara speechless.

Wasn't it Hui Luo Luo who performed on stage?her classmate.And the popularity of her performance is too strong!

Did you really wear the hairpin you gave?

Ye Shenyue looked at Silas who was shining on the stage, and suddenly, behind Silas stood Silas wearing a beautiful red cheongsam.

Why did Sierra go up too?

Could it be because he was dissatisfied with the fact that Silas was a secret blood-sucking ninja who actually appeared on stage as in the original book?

It's just that the cheongsam that Sera is wearing now doesn't seem to be unprepared!

Are things going in a direction you don't know about?

"Ah...the current Ye Zinu is so dazzling..."

At some point, Koharuna had come down from Yashinyuki's back, and stood on tiptoe looking at Sera, who was lit by the lights on the stage.His eyes were sparkling, and he seemed... um... he seemed to be envious.

" don't think..."

Ye Shenyue remembered the original plot, and it seemed that Haruna had also appeared on stage. Once on stage, she managed to squeeze Silas out with an extremely tangled bad song, making the concert hers.

"Bu... The current leaf girl is so dazzling... If Haruna-chan is so dazzling... Abu should focus all his eyes on me!"

As soon as the words were finished, the figure of Haruna-chan disappeared and appeared directly on the stage.


Silas was singing energetically. At this moment, in front of her suddenly appeared in front of her, who seemed to be wearing non-mainstream clothes. At this time, Haruna was also holding a microphone, her slightly closed eyes opened, and immediately , JiBao's song swept the audience.

"Yi Zi Nu... and Zi Zi Nu's boss, you mustn't make you so dazzling! Humph! Haruna should be dazzling too... At this step, all eyes are on Haruna... Let's explode... Let's explode!"

A steel wire suddenly appeared behind Xiao Chunnai, hoisted her small body up, and flew directly to the concentration of countless otakus, while a group of otakus in the audience cheered.Haruna's popularity surged upwards with an unscientific attitude.

"It's for such a reason...Very well, I will accept your challenge...I will never give up My Darling to you!"

Silas gave an order, and soon her singing voice came out.

"Producer... what should I do next? Which one should I help?"

The staff behind the scenes are going crazy, and there is music on both sides. Which side should you help?

"Let them PK... Stay neutral! Let's see who wins in the end! That child is a rough stone and will definitely shine!"

Suddenly throwing away the wig on his head, the producer was full of excitement.

Soon, as if verifying the words of the bald person in charge, the popularity in the field quickly fell to Haruna's side.

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