Sister Amway nodded when she saw that her sister also nodded and didn't understand. This gesture seemed to be emboldening her sister... Oh no, it was to show that my sister was thinking about whether or not to... um... Do you want to? Confess to her sister that she sold herself to her sister's boyfriend before?

Chapter 0175 Knock on the Girl's Window at Night (Chapter Three)

At night, on the tip of the moon.

The matter was resolved clearly. After Ye Shenyue reported Alice's information to the headmaster, Ciel was already excluded from the arrest list. As for how the headmaster would deal with his daughter with a bad mind, then he would have to deal with the headache. .

Things seem to have come to an end.

He really took this pillow for him!

No, Ye Shenyue is really hot with this little loli, and she always sleeps so restlessly.

Makes people want to climb on the bed again.


No way.

Because he is already dating someone.And you have made such complete preparations, you won't give up so easily!

He squeezed his fists, the brilliance of the magic circle in the room flashed, and the figure of Ye Shenyue disappeared, only a little loli who was still confused and mistook the pillow for her lover was left in the room.The beautiful black clothes were thrown on the ground.

Girls' dormitory.

This is a dormitory that only the top [-] girls can live in.There are elites in there.

It seems so.

In front of a certain open window, a girl with pearl-colored long hair was sitting in front of the window in pajamas, and there was a big head on the window railing, which almost pushed the girl out. It's the head of a big big greyhound!

It's a big greyhound!


The dog barked suddenly, but was stopped by the girl.

"Rabbi, don't call... everyone else is asleep."


The rabbi cried out in grievance, it found out that it was abnormal!

"What's wrong? Could it be someone?"

Frey's face became a little more serious. Could it be, "Could it be that some beasts came in to pick flowers? That's not OK... Let's close the window... I already have a family..."

Miss Frey is someone who already has a family.

Logically speaking, Ye Shenyue has already admitted her identity.

It's just that this family said, it doesn't seem to be the girl's side!

"and many more!"

However, a hand suddenly came out and grabbed the window rail of the window.Then a face appeared.

It's Night Moon.

Frey's dull eyes seemed to burst into brilliance all of a sudden.

"Kiss one!"

Ye Shenyue touched her face and kissed it gently.

The girl's face turned red so easily.


The rabbi actually had a big head, as if... also asking for a kiss?It seems that Huang Quan was saved by Ye Shenyue, so he wanted to show his intimacy?

Let him go!

Ye Shenyue couldn't grasp it firmly, and just fell down.

"Night God Moon!"

Frey exclaimed softly, and then looked down together with one dog and one dog, but what they saw was a person who was greeting them, and the figure disappeared quickly.

Could it be that...he came over on purpose and gave her a good night kiss?

Miss Frey's face suddenly turned rosy.

I have to say that little girl Frey is definitely misunderstood.

At this moment, Ye Shenyue disappeared to the other side in a blink of an eye. Frey was the 98th, so the house she lived in was on the far left, while Shire and the others were on the right.

The reason why Ye Shenyue came over to say hello was because he went in the wrong direction and went in the wrong direction, but it was not bad to kiss one more chick, but it was a bit of a loss if he was startled by the rabbi.

And now.

Ye Shenyue's figure quickly disappeared from under Frey's windowsill, but when he reappeared, it was on the other side, which was the dormitory of the top-ranked girls!

In the dormitory, on the second floor.

"Sister? Why are you feeling uneasy today?"

Sister Amway had already put on light blue loose pajamas and looked at Ciel and said something strange. "It's too late, do you still want to read a book?"

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