Ye Shenyue is about to sweat at the waterfall.

Ye Shenyue's eyes rolled, but a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "You can say it, but you also have to reward me... I don't ask much, I'll tell you a good thing, and then you can take it off. A piece of clothing...I promise to take it off for you without any about it?"

When Ye Shenyue said this, her face was just, but it wasn't just a fair suggestion.

No matter what, Miss Shire couldn't refuse.

Anyway, the clothes have to be taken off, and... if the other party takes it off, then... maybe the other party will hold the mat again and talk about it!

Bite his lip, Charles nodded. "I agree! Then...then let's compliment..."

Well, that's to add to the fun.

"Good-hearted, gentle and kind, empathetic...beautiful and generous..."

Ye Shenyue is just talking about it casually. Anyway, as long as it's a good word, she uses it, but this Ciel actually listens to it. Once she asks why this is an advantage, Ye Shenyue immediately moves out. Ye Ye and Lisette are examples of villains. Compared with this one who is crazy and has a vicious tongue, Miss Ciel really feels that... it seems... her advantages... seem to be really quite a lot.


The feeling of sitting and watching the eldest lady take off her clothes is really different. Ciel looks so free and easy, but he is actually very nervous, and he doesn't know where to put his small hands.

It's just that when she took off her most important mat, Ye Shenyue carried it on her back. Ye Shenyue only heard the sound of clattering gently to the ground, and there was another figure in her arms, along with the room. The lights were also dimmed.

God knows how Miss Shire did it so quickly in an instant.

However, this kind of expression... It seems that I still don't want to show the true face of Lushan with that small chest.

"Let's talk about it first... I... I definitely... definitely didn't mean to take advantage of you... In fact... I actually wanted to increase my magic power, you said... ah... don't jump right away. Come here...I...I'm not ready yet..."

Charles' heart was about to jump out.She fled nervously into Ye Shenyue's arms, but it was only because of the fragrant jade that Ye Shenyue could stop her!

Tonight is definitely a sleepless night for Miss Shire.

Chapter 0178 sisters (three more)

sleepless nights.

It was also a sleepless night for Sister Amway in the next room.

Very sleepless.

As early as 11 o'clock, she was already lying on the bed.It's just that this body turns around, but I can't fall asleep. As soon as my eyes are closed, a red-faced picture will appear.

My sister is waiting for someone, waiting for a man.

With a woman's intuition, according to Yashenyue's standards, Sister Amway is still just a girl.

It's not like my sister has been a sister for so many years, just like what she and Ye Shenyue said, she feels that she is not as good as her sister, no matter what. It got thinner.Also learned to watch words.

Her sister's apparent absent-mindedness and waiting for others could never be concealed from her.

She might be waiting for someone!

Otherwise, she would not deliberately wear pajamas after taking a shower, but wear her favorite short skirt.

So strange, it is definitely adultery!The sister immediately judged it.

I have to say that my sister's observation skills are still very strong.It's just that no matter how she observes, she never thinks that her sister is in the next room of this dormitory at the moment, and her skirts have long been taken off and ignored.

The effect of the skirt does not appear to be present.

However, the younger sister, who went back to the room and spent two hours waiting for someone like her older sister, did not fall asleep.

Her mind is very complicated.

There are so many things to think about.

My sister is waiting for someone, is it a girl?This has been denied. She doesn't think that the solitary and arrogant character of the elder sister will be such a caring friend. She needs to dress up at night and wait!

And... that nervous expression that would definitely blush if found out, there is definitely adultery!

My sister didn't know that there was another word in this world called les, so I immediately decided that the only person my sister was waiting for was men!


When it comes to men, my sister's face flushed red.

Up to now, she has not told her sister that she has been booked by a certain man.

another room.less than five meters apart.That's Charles' room.

(Here, Ye Shenyue and Xia Er were pushed to the scene, and they were harmonious.) Just as Ye Shenyue continued to work hard, there was a knock on the door.Then came the girl's voice.

"elder sister?"

This is Amway's voice!

The lady's body shuddered suddenly.

He almost let go of his hands, but when he recalled that Ye Shenyue was here, he immediately covered it...

"An... Anli!"

Ciel's voice was a little hurried, but it wasn't because his sister came over suddenly, did he find something?Could it be that... just now her cry penetrated the wall and reached her sister's ears?

This... such a shameful thing... Ciel's thin skin can't stand it.

"Ah...actually...actually, the light in the bathroom suddenly broke. I'm a little scared..."

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