Very unfamiliar feeling.

"Well... Ye Ye, early!"

Ye Shenyue stretched her waist, her hands were habitually ready to push forward, but she suddenly pushed against the girl's bulging chest.

It's natural to say hello, without that embarrassed expression.It seems to be used to it.

"I'm not your Ye Ye! Not the kind of automaton who doesn't know what to do with shame!"

Very serious expression, or no expression at all!

On her expressionless face, 07 was fluctuating, as if she was restraining, restraining herself. The raging flames in her eyes seemed to fall on the other person accidentally.

"Ah... I'm so sorry... I got the wrong person... So it's Lisette..."

Ye Shenyue's voice sounded, and she rubbed her eyes cooperatively, as if she realized that it was the other party, "It's really strange... Usually it's my Ye Ye on the bed at this time, why did it suddenly change to yes? is you?"

Seeing that Lisette was thinking about something to say angrily, Yagami immediately covered her mouth with her hand. "I understand... Lisette, I just realized now that you were so dissatisfied with your desires that you actually tied me directly... tsk tsk tsk..."


Miss Lisette struggled hard. If her eyes were about to burst into flames just now, they are now completely on fire!

She finally knew what it meant to be shameless, and this was a shameless person!He was clearly the one who came in forcefully, yet he was wronged because she was dissatisfied with her desires?

No wonder!

Miss Lisette was still thinking about what happened last night.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the later Rao is something that she can hardly say.

Just last night, Ye Shenyue suddenly followed behind her, and when she couldn't help but slam the door directly, this guy actually pried her door with brute force. opened.Although she can do the same thing with her strength.

It's just that no matter how you look at the menacing aura, he was active and forced!

Miss Lisette feels wronged!be humiliated!

"Haha... just kidding... don't be mad... it's me who is lustful... our Lisette is not that kind of slutty woman..."

Ye Shenyue's face quickly showed an expression of apologetic smile, it would be interesting to tease this Lisette at any time.

He had to admit it, because although his hand was covering Lisette's little mouth, it was a little mouth painted with a light pink lipstick, and she was quite good at makeup, even if the prototype was an automaton Even is no exception.

It's just that the current chairman is not very hot. They all say that the cat is so anxious that he catches people, and this chairman will definitely bite his hand off when he catches fire.

Ye Shenyue has strength, but she can't resist the pain. If she uses brute force to shake her away, she is afraid of hurting her.

It's really hard to do.

Yes, the room he's in now belongs to Miss Lisette... um... It's also the room of Miss Eliza, the automatic doll of Felix, the former chairperson of the Ethics Committee.

This Lisette is really different from other girls. Other girls like the big soft bed and the feeling that their whole body sinks into it.But this Miss Lisette likes this kind of firm bed. Yagami is used to sleeping with girls, so she can feel it here.

She is indeed a proud and vicious woman.

It was the first time that Yagami had come to Lisette's room. It was different from knocking on Shire's window in the middle of the night. He was chasing after Lisette with the thought that he must be a man without regrets. Then he rushed into her room abruptly.Because his time is running out.

It's been 847 weeks since Alice's incident, and the night party is still going on, and the ranks of Yagami, Frey, and Loki are still advancing.But what is noticeable is that he has been so high-profile, but the plot has not appeared.

Not only the story of Shire getting smaller in the back, but also the story of Olga Saladin did not appear.

It's not like he knew.

In other words, if he stayed any longer, he would only delay the time to complete the task.

It must be time for him to leave.

He was still reluctant to just leave, because Iluli and Lisette, a poisonous tongue, had no strategy. Wouldn’t it be a pity if he just left, although according to Gaia’s loli’s words, he suspected that I can still return to this world, but why did I wait so long for nothing when I could get him just by hooking my little finger?

No one can stop his plan to cook cooked rice with raw rice.Lisette is by her side, of course, it is the first consideration, as for Iluli... Yagami frowned and decided to let Ye Ye sacrifice her sister to lure her sister out.

And now, Lisette is still there.

Chapter 0183 Lisette (two more)

Still in Miss Lisette's room.

This is a room only for the best girls, and Lisette's ranking is No. The difference between 13 and Ciel's No. 7 is not very big, plus the boys in the middle stage, so the real distance is only two or three people.

That's why Miss Lisette's room at the moment is very close to that of Ciel and the others.

It's very suitable for visiting or something. For example, you can play with Ciel at night, and then go to Amway's room to play with this soft girl who becomes obedient with just a little intimidation, and can break into Miss Lisette's room abruptly. Finally, you can go to meet Frey again.The girls' dormitory is indeed a good place.

Of course, the premise is to feed one of his jealous automatons first.

in the past week.Ye Shenyue's biggest gain is the two Ciel sisters. These sisters are really cute. They are so close to him, and they are struggling to tell their sister (sister), and the two sisters are really interesting. In order to keep Ye Shenyue from talking Coming out, it also made him a lot cheaper.

One was embarrassed to be seen by his sister, and the other was more interesting, because he thought he had robbed his sister's boyfriend, so he didn't dare to tell.

It's just that the paper can't wrap the fire, and it will come out one day. For this, Ye Shenyue hopes that day will come slower.

Throwing these aside for now, at this moment, Ye Shenyue's heart only thinks of this arrogant and poisonous Lisette.

He always felt that Lisette, apart from Sera's vicious tongue, was very similar to Mihara, who he liked, but Lisette, who possessed great abilities, was arrogant and more ruthless than Mihara and Sera.

Ye Shenyue's gaze fell on her left shoulder, where there was a row of sharp teeth marks. Of course, with his ability to this level, it could be easily cured by using Xiaoguangdu, but someone Staring at him with a vicious, firm tone and telling him, "I'll bite you off as soon as you recover!"

There is no line after "biting you", that is, the words "your XX" are omitted.

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