
Lisette also nodded, and Lisette may have said, "But..."

Xia Er's dull eyes suddenly turned to Amway, and his sister was very uncomfortable being looked at by her sister.

"Amway, why did that guy mention you too..."

"this and that……"

My sister's face turned red all of a sudden.

But Charles already knew.

"|Ye Shenyue...you beast!"

The elder sister yelled at a guy who had disappeared but had already harmed her younger sister!


The six defeated sisters looked at each other.

"Actually, there is not only Xiao Zi in it... but even my elder sister..."

Well, this loli doesn't seem to be crying because the owner disappears, but because the owner wants to get her sister.

In the end, it ends with the cry of the cutest automaton.

"That idiot!"

Lisette picked up her glasses and put them on again. She was the calmest person among the crowd.

The rest of life is simple, just wait.

After all someone said he would come back.

She had time anyway, Lisette was an automaton with a very long lifespan.

the other side.

The disappeared Ye Shenyue actually reappeared, reappearing from the beginning, then her face and finally her feet!

It's like appearing from wherever it disappears!

At this moment, Ye Shenyue was facing a fair face. She had long hair that belonged to Princess Ji, beautiful wine red eyes, and pure white skin.

This is...Miss Yuko.

"I am back."

Ye Shenyue moved her lips.


Miss Yuko's eyes drooped slightly, and Yashinyuki felt nervous for a while. After all, in the ingenious world, he thought that conquering Miss Whistle was to prepare for conquering Miss Yuko, but it was a pity that Miss Whistle was killed before she launched her offensive. pulled back.

Looking at Yuko-san in a beautiful and holy white kimono now, seeing her slender black hair slipping down on the kimono is somewhat unnatural.

Miss Yuko is beautiful, domineering, and has the temperament of a queen.

How did that sentence come about?

Her beauty is high-end and domineering!

The coquettish red lips moved gently, "Welcome back."

Then she grabbed Ye Shenyue's arm directly, and moved her hand slightly, Ye Shenyue felt a little dizzy, and then found herself in the courtyard.

This is Miss Yuko's shop!

He finally woke up, just now... the scenery just now was a vast expanse.That feeling... it seems to be in the tunnel of time and space.

Could it be that Miss Yuko went to pick him up?

Usually he just came back here in the blink of an eye, but this time he stayed a lot in time and space, this is not the power he can have now.

Could it be that……

Is this Yuko?

Yuko-san's power... I'm afraid she's become a god.

no wonder... no wonder...

Ye Shenyue felt that she was suddenly more holy and more noble, and her aura became even more compelling.

This is stress.

"Yuko, have you become a god?"

"Huh? What did you say?"

"Ah...nothing...just curious, how did you become a god so quickly...not that...not that..."

Isn't it said that Yuko will disappear according to the plot?

If you become a god... then you will disappear!

That is beyond all existence!

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