This is an extremely sharp line of sight.

Just being stared at by her, Ye Shenyue suddenly felt like being stared at by Miss Yuko.Could it be that Aika was possessed by Miss Yuko at this moment?

The flustered Ye Shenyue has not forgotten that he still has skills, he also has magic, and a teleportation magic circle erupted under his feet instantly. As for where he can spread it, he is not sure, but no matter what, it is better than standing here and being loved by Aihua. It's terrifying to stare at.

His speed is very fast, and the magic circle used to escape is even more proficient.

"Don't run away!"

The corners of Aihua's mouth moved slightly, and she pulled out with one hand, literally pulling Ye Shenyue out of the magic circle that was about to disappear.To know that his figure is about to disappear, Aihuajiang's pull is completely beyond the "grasping" of space and completely violates physics and science, although magic is indeed very harmful to physics.

But he wouldn't just be dragged out by her like this!

"You just wanted to run away when you saw me... Hehe... It seems that you really broke your promise with me... Sure enough, you fell in love with or found a lot of girls..."

Aihua's expression was still smiling, but somehow 123's eyes changed more and more terrifyingly.

Well, after listening to these words, Ye Shenyue is completely certain that Aihuajiang is the one he met in the stormy world of Jeopardy Garden!

There is sweat on Yagami's forehead, but Aika is only a little less terrifying than Miss Yuko. She is a guy with a super bad character, and she has the power to pull him out of the space. The power of this guy is definitely not something he can fight against.

However, after being stared at by Aihua with such an expression, Ye Shenyue knew that the other party must be angry.But no, in the world of Jueyuan, it seems that there is really only one girlfriend of her, which is considered to be single-minded, but now... she finds that her boyfriend is a guy who can't be bothered anymore.

The woman's anger exploded exponentially.


Ye Shenyue murmured, "Aihua, why are you here? I remember you didn't... commit suicide?"

Seeing that Aika was still smiling brightly, Ye Shenyue hurriedly turned her head to look at Migo Shizuku.They are all black and long straight, President Sanxiang, please help.

"Uh... President Sanxiang... What did you call Aihua just now? Is she your senior?"

ps: There is another update after 10 o'clock, and there is another update in the early morning.Happy Christmas Eve everyone.

Chapter 0190 under the chaotic life of love flower sauce (three more)


Ye Shenyue looked at Aika and President Shizuku Migo with a desperate attitude.

It's just that the two of them didn't speak. When he was about to burn his eyebrows, Aihua and the president finally spoke up, but it was unexpectedly unanimous.

"It's really too weak to change the subject at this time. Do you think we are stupid?"

Well, Aihuajiang not only has a bad personality but also has a delicate mind. Her favorite thing is to change the subject, so Yagami's attack is completely ineffective.As for the president of Migo Shizuku, the tall and well-built president doesn't need to be reminded by others, and her IQ is also quite high, so Ye Shenyue's thoughts were immediately penetrated.

"Uh... Absolutely nothing like that..."

Even if he thinks so in his heart, he can't say the same from the outside. He doesn't want to be divided by the two of them immediately, especially the president's hand is still holding an extremely sharp dagger, and in the hand of Aihuajiang On, that is a smooth palm, but she has the ability to create a terrifying huge machete at any time.This is also a tough character.

So Ye Shenyue has to be careful every step of the way!

This is called stepping on N boats, and you have to be careful.Otherwise, I don't know how to hang up.

"Forget it... I'll scare you..."

Ling Ran's expression abruptly withdrew, and then she slowly sat down. The place where Ye Shenyue appeared was a fountain, and it was possible to sit on the edge of the pool, so Aihua sat down directly.Grabbing Ye Shenyue's arm, she looked at the blue bracelet above, "This bracelet again... It seems like another battle... It's really boring..."

Well, at this time, it is still a girlfriend to rely on.Ye Shenyue was about to cry with joy, but in her heart, she complained about Miss Yuko half to death. These must be Miss Yuko's conspiracy. First, it made him panic that he would become a woman, and then he didn't become a woman, but summoned more than a woman. More scary love flowers!


At this time, the president also sat down, but he was sitting next to Aihua, with an intimate attitude.It seems that the relationship with Aihuajiang is very close.

The two talked as if they were going to ignore Ye Shenyue.But it's okay to be ignored, Ye Shenyue finally guessed something from their conversation.

For example, why did President Migo Shizuku call Aika a senior.

Feelings, this is how it happened. After committing suicide, Aihua-chan crossed into this world for no reason, and then became the senior sister of President Migo Shizuku, and she also had a red Kemp's ring on her hand. !In the end, it was eliminated by the white Kempfah.Therefore, the president will have a strong desire to revive Aihua, and then that desire will go to Miss Yuko's shop, and then he will be summoned.

That's why I'm so excited now, but the excitement seems to be too much. Could it be that... the sexual orientation of the president... I don't know when the deviation has occurred?

Of course, that's not the point!

The point is that Aihuajiang completely replaced the senior sister in the original book!

What a weird thing this is.

However, he also replaced the original protagonist, and it seems that he can't speak ill of Aihuajiang.

There must be someone who is playing tricks, Yashinyuki already has three candidates without guessing, one Gaia, one Alaya, and finally Miss Yuko, only these three are the strongest. .

He must have deliberately caught Aihua to play tricks on him!

Not really.

Ye Shenyue's side has maintained the attitude of a good boyfriend, watching Aihua and talking to the president.As long as they don't involve him.

But Aika didn't seem to want to stop him, "Shizuku, because I was summoned by Kempfer's bracelet, I didn't appear for a long time." "Then, if it is for me to keep What about Kempfah's posture?"

Shizuku said.This is a suggestion. Aihua appeared because of Ye Shenyue's transformation. Although he did not transform, he turned into Aihuajiang.And the reason why Ye Shenyue can transform is also because of her fighting stance.So Shizuku thought that if she kept Kempfa's attitude, maybe she could keep Aika.

"No... It's too reluctant to just summon the dead with Kempfa's bracelet."

Aihua shook her head, and at the same time she was very ladylike pulling the long strands of hair that fell on her face aside. Her body was still wet, but it was evaporated by the powerful magic in an instant, and she recovered. The state of a graceful lady.

Of course, you can't just look at people on the outside, but Ye Shenyue remembers how bad this guy's character is.

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