Now there is no Aika to interfere, and there is no obstruction from President Shizuku, so Ye Shenyue can do whatever she wants.

However, looking at Xiao Hongyin at the moment, Ye Shenyue's heart actually had a feeling of reluctance to part.

This is a teenage girl who was terrified by his girlfriend, and the ultimate villain seems to be him.If it wasn't for him, then Xiao Hongyin wouldn't show such an expression and become so lost.

She is a timid girl, the kind of girl who will run away if she is startled, and now... she is actually developing towards a state of grief and anger.

Five ten in the evening.

Red Tone at a burger joint.

Ten in a row... oh no, twenty burgers!

This... almost turns grief and anger into strength.


Six ten.

I vented for another half an hour in KTV.

Then it was six forty.

Two full hours!

Hongyin actually wandered for two hours and vented for so long!And Ye Shenyue was even more bizarre, actually watching her vent, of course he had to do work, because Hongyin was venting about her brokenheartedness?But there are still some gangsters around, and they like to pick this kind of girl and prepare to take the opportunity to enter.It was just that they were killed by Ye Shenyue before they stretched out their claws.

at last.

Looking at the red sound has returned home.


Ye Shenyue was relieved, it seemed that Hongyin had finished venting.

Ye Shenyue is also helpless. He likes Hongyin in his heart, but he is not an overlord, and he doesn't like to restrain girls. Everything is up to the minds of girls.If this Hongyin is intimidated by Aihua, then he is helpless. After all, Aihua is also his person, and it is impossible for him to go to Aihua for Hongyin.

Moreover, if Hongyin is even afraid of Aihua, then she will definitely be defeated by her in a few words against Miss Yuko.Ye Shenyue has already thought about it. Maybe Aihua is scary. If there are girls in Danshui who are not afraid of Aihua and even dare to compete with them, then...the girls are making little noises, and he can have the heart to meet new girls. they are.

Ye Shenyue thought very irresponsibly.

Therefore, Ye Shenyue had been following her for so long, which also gave Hong Yin a chance.

Looking at her choice, will she choose to go into their upcoming romance, or will she choose to fade out?

However, what he didn't expect was that when he walked out from the door of Hongyin, a girl was opening the heavy curtain.

Then just saw his figure.

"That's... Yeshenyue...he...why is he here...could it be...could it be..."

The Librarian's face instantly turned red.

"Could it be that...he was afraid of me quitting, and then ran over to ask fact, he also likes me?"

I have to say that the girl's misunderstanding is very powerful, and she is still Miss Hongyin!

"How to do it?"

Another hour passed.Hongyin had already soaked her white tender body in the bathtub, her face still red.

"Although I was about to give up just now... but if Yagami Yue values ​​me so much... then..."


Let's face up to your feelings tomorrow!

Hide your head cutely in the water, Miss Hongyin thought silently.

However, she didn't know that Ye Shenyue would hurt her again tomorrow, because at this moment he was receiving a call from the president. "Go on a date tomorrow."

ps: The update of the next chapter will be at noon tomorrow.

Chapter 0202 date, president (on) a more

As soon as the phone was turned on, it was immediately the voice of the president.

"Let's go on a date tomorrow."

The president's voice was neither light nor heavy nor slow nor slow, and he spoke word by word in a sincere tone.On the other hand, Ye Shenyue here almost threw away the phone with one unsteady hand.

" did you say?"

Ye Shenyue wondered if he heard it wrong. Is this what the president should say?You must know that the president was given an important task by Aihua, supervising him and the task of dismantling him and the other girls. This...isn't this the legendary robbery?


Ye Shenyue still had a secret buried in her heart, a secret that she could never tell, and her heart was empty.

"I listen to me!"

The president seemed unhappy, sat on the bed and frowned slightly, as if he suddenly became serious, "Let's go on a date!"

"This is what you want..."

"Huh... ah?"

Ye Shenyue was surprised, when did he think about asking her out?It was too late for him to avoid her in a guilty conscience.

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